DeVos backs intelligent design in class – 09/21/06 – The Detroit News Online — These jokers cannot even keep up with Kansas on this issue. I knew Michigan was backwards, but this backwards? No wonder our auto industry is in a shambles.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Dick DeVos says he supports giving local school districts the option of teaching the theory of intelligent design in science classes as an alternative to evolution.

Intelligent design, the belief that the complexity of life is evidence of an intelligent cause behind it, for years has been a source of debate in courtrooms and among some who say it deserves a place in science classrooms and those who contend that it’s thinly veiled creationism.

“I would like to see the ideas of intelligent design that many scientists are now suggesting is a very viable alternative theory,” DeVos told the Associated Press during a taped telephone interview on education. “That theory and others that would be considered credible would expose our students to more ideas, not less.”

Apparently the Michigan State School Board has also delayed approving the science curriculum until Creationism is included. Link here.

What’s this all about? You guessed it. Evolution, again. The delay was requested by the chairs of the House and Senate Education Committees to placate state Reps. Jack Hoogendyk, R-Portage, and John Moolenaar, R-Midland.

They want language jammed into the standards that would legitimize teaching creationism and so-called “intelligent design.”

DeVos Website here.

  1. John Brosnan says:

    As long as he teaches “all” the various intelligent design theories: ancient Greek and Roman mythology, our own Native American origin myths, the western cultures Adam and Eve origin story, etc.

  2. greg says:

    Once again, Americans amuse my morning.

  3. Max Bell says:

    The endless, hamhanded attempts to sneak creationism in through the back door remind me of those commercials where the guy is always chasing a woman around with a spoonful of glop she won’t try. In desparation, he waits for her to go home, then sneaks up and rings the door bell. When she opens the door and her mouth to say hello, he springs out of the bushes and shoves the spoon into her mouth, whereupon she (of course) is surprised to discover how tasty it is.

    “If I could just get it in your mouth, you’d really like it!”

    Probably isn’t a coincidence the guy’s name is Dick.

  4. Cognito says:

    So, is he saying that the universe is like a computer game? and everything in it was created just the way it is when it was loaded?
    and that the intelligent designer could have a ‘back door’ or ‘cheats’ that allow the rules to be broken in order to obtain a desired result?
    I’m sorry I don’t know where the quote is from but
    ‘..that’s not the god I don’t believe in’.

  5. Dougless says:

    “I would like to see the ideas of intelligent design that many scientists are now suggesting is a very viable alternative theory”

    LOL. And there are “scientist” that are now suggesting that the flat earth theory is once again a viable alternative theory. Let’s teach that too. But don’t expect to have orbital scientist graduates.

  6. Higghawker says:

    Kudos to DeVos!! Integrity at it’s best!

  7. Pfkad says:

    We poor Michiganders! We have a choice between DeVos, Amway heir, and Jenifer Granholm, Canadian born failed actress. A conservative nut job on one hand and a pleasant lady in way over her head on the other. Where are the quality candidates? The very act of voting is almost repulsive. Run two repulsive candidates and who cares who wins?

  8. David says:

    And how is this related to the auto industry in shambles?

    But a liberal simpleton is much more desirable than a soi-disant conservative with a view on evolution that doesn’t really matter one way or the other.

    I wish we weren’t so backwards as you suggest and emulated the far superior culture of Arnold’s spanish speaking progressives.

  9. Jason says:

    Why is everyone so afraid of teaching an alternative theory? If they are teaching both ID and Evolution.

    Oh, sorry I forgot you’re all for giving people a choice as long as you agree with the choice. Heaven forbid that we allow people to make up their own minds.

    I don’t think anyone has ever said to stop teaching evolution, but if you are going to teach a theory, then call it that and give your students an alternative theory to compare. Let them make up their own minds.

  10. god says:

    Jason, you poor ignorant git. You’re never going to get it, are you.

  11. xrayspex says:

    And how is this related to the auto industry in shambles?

    With idiots like this leading the state, the state doesn’t stand a chance. That’s how.

    But a liberal simpleton is much more desirable than a soi-disant conservative with a view on evolution that doesn’t really matter one way or the other.

    Soi-disant? Is that, like, French or something?

    How about “a liberal simpleton who isn’t trying to make everybody else a simpleton as well”?

    And I guess it’s arguable whether one’s view on evolution does or doesn’t matter. Yours unquestionably does not matter. But then, I’m presuming that you’re not in a position to force-feed your ignorance on others. Once you legitimize the concept that there is some supreme “intelligent” creator behind the mysteries of science, you’ve opened a pandora’s box of ignorance, and it would just be a matter of time before the zealots started trying to shoehorn it into every conceivable discipline.

    It matters.

    I wish we weren’t so backwards as you suggest and emulated the far superior culture of Arnold’s spanish speaking progressives.

  12. akaBigWurm says:

    Why cant they teach it at home?

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    He’s a big time right-wing nut job, from an incredibly wealthy family, way out there and faking like he really cares. If by some bizarre chance he gets elected, Michigan is in huge trouble.

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Jason, ID is not science.

    BTW, gravity is a theory, too. Do you disbelieve it?

  15. homelessDepot says:

    I read this in the Detroit Free Press this morning and laughed. I agree with Pfkad (comment #7)… neither candidate is very appealing, but I think this will prove to be his undoing.
    While the bible-belt west side of the state (where he is from) may go for this crap, any fence-sitting voters in southest michigan (where the majority of the population resides) will swing towards Granholm after this offensive, divisive, and pointless pandering. He was already on thin ice due to being the rich Amway barron, now this should be the nail in his coffin.

  16. DWright says:

    xrayspex, what in God’s name do you read do educate yourself?
    Google the word real quick, your a tech savvy guy right?
    Oops, I used God in my sentence! Um, what in the name of all that is human.

    No, belief in evolution or not doesn’t matter. It keeps going on and one side or the other gets their panties in a bunch continuously.

    And if you believe some titular head (look it up) is what makes for a total society , well I think I know where your head is usually vacationing.

    One final point. The evolution backers just keep thinking their opponents believe in God or alternate theories. Do you associate with anyone other than your own narrow viewing tribe? Plenty of athiests discount the theory for many reasons. They just don’t seem to need the belief in a higher power to justify it. I am not one of them, but I do respect their positions unlike some of the rabble constantly posting here.

  17. JimR says:

    Hey, DWright,,,
    “Plenty of athiests discount the theory for many reasons.”
    Hahaha, that was a good one.

    Here’s one for you…
    Plenty of baptists’t believe in gay marriage for many reasons.

    Funny, eh?

  18. Jim says:

    There is a new campaign slogan here:

    Dick DeVos before he dicks Michigan!

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Plenty of athiests discount the theory for many reasons.

    Would you mind naming a few whom we might have heard of? I know that many God-fearing folks ACCEPT the theory of evolution, as the evidence is overwhelming. I’ve never heard of any atheists (at least not any who are educated enough to know about evolution and theories) who “discount” it.

    Links or names, please?

  20. jim says:

    Jason #9 ID ISN’T A THEORY. It is a religous tautology. If the school wants to teach it in philospohy class or a comparative religion class that makes sense, but it ISN”T SCIENCE. There are no scientific papers in reputable scientific papers that support ID as a theory. The major scientific papers don’t even get papers on ID to referee. They don’t even get such papers submitted.

  21. JACK says:

    I like ID. It’s comforting to know that Batman could have created the universe.

  22. I don’t even think it belongs in a philosophy class. It’s not philosophy. It belongs in comparative religion class. And that’s all.

  23. AB CD says:

    Dick Devos understands business, and can lead Michigan out of its recession and reverse the trend of people leaving the state, and this is what people are focused on?

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – We have a choice between DeVos, Amway heir, and Jenifer Granholm, Canadian born failed actress…. ….Run two repulsive candidates and who cares who wins?

    Comment by Pfkad — 9/21/2006 @ 4:36 am

    I care because I am momentarily trapped in your backward cousin to the south… Indiana. And these freaks will be nothing short of inspired by a DeVos victory.

    Take the Canadian born failed actress. Sure, she might run your state into the ground (more than it already is) in the short run… But in the long run, future generations of Michigan natives have a fighting chance of avoiding state sponsered Xian indoctrination. And who knows… Maybe she failed as an actress because she spent too much time studying good government 🙂

  25. JimR says:

    dick: Noun
    1. dick – someone who is a detective
    Synonyms: gumshoe, hawkshaw
    2. dick – obscene terms for penis
    Synonyms: cock, pecker, peter, putz, prick, tool, shaft

    Just thinking out loud here, but why would Richard DeVos like to be called Dick? Hmmm? He could consider himself a detective… but according to him, he’s already found the truth behind of everything natural…. so the onther explanation woluld be…. God’s gift to women?

    Does Jennifer Granholm know what she’s up against?

    Does she know why Dick is leading in the polls?

  26. JimR says:

    Oops, Dick Devos ISN’T leading in the polls after all. What’s in that package Dick, a potato?

    Jennifer pulled ahead when she announced she would make herself more available in public office.

  27. TB says:

    Evolutionists howl when anyone suggests the “theory” is so full of holes it requires as much or more faith than the intelligent design theories. Talk about a “religious tautology”– the evolution tautology is more intolerant of conversation than the intelligent design one. Evolutionists shout down any alternatives with the same derision and ridicule that you accuse Ann Coulter of. The shouting prevents real learning– about things like: how did the complex systems of organs come about? Why does it seem like most of the major jumps in evolution happened in a relatively short time period? The answers are usually something like, “scientists aren’t sure yet, but evolution is still true.” This is the same kind of answer the so-called believers give. Evolutionists need to set their fear of somebody believing in God aside long enough to answer some questions about the missing links in their own “tautology.”

  28. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Business leaders can be good legislators, but by no means is that automatic. Just ask George B.

    DeVos as governor would be a disaster for a dozen reasons. Granholm isn’t perfect, but she’s not going to destroy the state, it’s budget, economy and education system in a God-guided mission to remake the entire state government.

    BTW, the problem in MI government is term limits…they’re too short. The problem with the MI economy is the myopic auto industry. Outside of that, the state is in great shape.

    24: sorry to hear about the Indy thing…at least they joined the 20th century and fixed their time zone madness. 😉

  29. JimR says:

    TB, the difference between “evolution” and “intelligent design” …

    Evolution is like Swiss cheese… it’s full of holes but any 2 year old knows it’s cheese and common sense tells us that the holes formed while the cheese formed. Eventually scientific investigation would show us how.

    Creative design is like the holes in the Swiss cheese. You ignore the overwhelming evidence of what’s around you and profess that the holes made the cheese my some miraculous process.

  30. jim says:

    FUD TB (#28), pure ignorant FUD. There are excellent scolarly works done on those questions, but you actually have to READ them instead of saying they don’t exist. Something written for the sophisticated layman would be Richard Dawkins “The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution”. He does cite first sources etc. so you can actually read the underlying scientif articles that he is referring to. He does point out places where there is disagreement about specific fine details. He does discuss the evidence. It is a very complete work and goes into great detail about how things probably occured and what evidence there is. (quite a bit actually)

    Per usual the ID’s are just like Holocost deniers. “I didn’t see those 6 million Jews get roasted or gassed so it must not have happened.


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