Scientists shocked as Arctic polar route emerges

European scientists voiced shock as they showed pictures which showed Arctic ice cover had disappeared so much last month that a ship could sail unhindered from Europe’s most northerly outpost to the North Pole itself.
Perennial sea ice — thick ice that is normally present year-round and is not affected by the Arctic summer — had disappeared over an area bigger than the British Isles, ESA said.

Regular satellite monitoring over the last 25 years shows that the northern polar ice cover has shrunk and thinned as global temperatures have risen.

But this year’s images are unprecedented, and fierce storms that fragmented and scattered already thin pack ice may be to blame, the scientists believe.

  1. AB CD says:

    I don’t know if SUVs are safer than Prius’, but in general larger heavier cars are safer than smaller lighter ones. That’s why the government has estimated that the fuel economy requirements kill thousands of people per year(search for CAFE kills)

  2. AB CD says:

    Are you trying to say the ice just takes a different shape? I can’t believe your persisting in this.

    >is warming, and the ice is melting, the opposite is happening in the >Southern Hemisphere

    Now, when ice melts you end up with less ice. The opposite of less ice is more ice. Thus, you said more ice in the South, which is also a valid definition of ‘ice is forming,’ and what every rational person would conclude from your paragraph.

  3. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    Now, when ice melts you end up with less ice. The opposite of less ice is more ice. Thus, you said more ice in the South, which is also a valid definition of ‘ice is forming,’ and what every rational person would conclude from your paragraph.
    Comment by AB CD — 9/22/2006 @ 4:01 pm

    BINGO And the winner is…

    AB CD, our new Some Village is Missing Their Idiot Award winner. Big cheer for AB CD everyone.

    I never said MORE ice, you did. Why?, only another idiot could explain. I said the opposite was happening, ice was forming. I purposely did not use the word freezing as the ice forms from several different methods, including freezing. Most of the large surface ice originated on land and passed out onto the water in ice sheets. The thawing and reforming between the Arctic and Antarctic are done in rhythm or equilibrium. It is when more ice melts then is formed that the seas will rise.

    PS, you misspelled rational. Your usage should be spelled IRRATIONAL.

  4. Mark Derail says:

    SUV’s are death traps. Only the recent Mercedez-Benz model was changed recently to include a roll-over bar, like the gold old Ford Bronco.

    The Toyota Prius has 4 airbags plus 2x air-bag curtains.
    This car is not an Echo, it’s basically much closer to a Camry.

    A Camry is a sedan, and sedans are the safest vehicles to be in, bar none. Lots of statistics that prove this, just google for, No More SUV.

    In this golden age of easy access to information, the global village is more akin to Global Dis-Information.

    Gas all time low here in Montreal, saw 87c/litre. So I assume Maine and NY State must be getting below the 2$ at the pumps. Tank owners will sleep easier at night.
    If it’s cheap it can’t be harmful.

  5. etnin says:

    Thank god you’re bringing up global warming again, and again, and again, and again…..any coffee with your sugar?

  6. joshua says:

    I watched the movie *Soylant Green* Weds. evening. It was made in 1973 about the world in 2022. I remember the first time I ever saw it, I was maybe 12 or 13 and I thought, *that can never happen*, well….I sure was wrong, and even the year might be prophectic.

    Man is sure as hell doing it’s best to make it a reality.

  7. ECA says:

    There are many that see WHAT CAN happen…Just not the dates to well..
    They also show alternatives, IF we look hard enough.
    Probalems come when we SEE no alternatives. china has been Trying to drop their population for many years, they saw what was happening 30+ years ago..
    Iv been preaching the Solent green comments for about 2+ years.
    ALSO there is another idea, many dont see. If you dont catch the little bug/flu/diesease9sp) then the BIg ones come along and wipe you out.
    If you look into the past, what happens to large cities as MORe and more persons group together…Pestilence, desease, and Hate, as well as being a GREAt big target. New york and Chicago are haveing alot of problems lately.. They are fighting it, but what ever they do, Nature will adapt.
    WE have a problem. It it isnt written above. Its that WE/mankind are supposed to ADAPT, and we arent. We are as domesticated as our animals, and getting WORSE, mostly its from ignorance, of the idea that WE ARE ANIMALS, and NEED to adapt, as well as our foods…

    I dont need to go on, Im abit radical on this subject.. YOU think about it, asn wonder as long as I have, Watch what is happening, and see it.

  8. AB CD says:

    You never said more ice, just the opposite of ice melting.

  9. AB CD says:

    I think I understand your confusion now. You said less ice in the north and more ice in the south so in total, the amount of ice is the same, right? That’s what I understood from the beginning.

    The reason I said a sea level drop is because that would be the effect of more ice in the South, at least if it’s over land. The less ice in the North that balances that would not cause sea level to rise, as explained by others. So on balance, you have the same amount of ice, and a drop in sea level, because you’ve moved the ice from over water to over land.


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