Goes hand in hand with a society that allows government officials to lie, cheat and steal. The younguns are just emulating their elders.

Business grad students most likely to cheat

Graduate business students in the United States and Canada are more likely to cheat on their work than their counterparts in other academic fields, the author of a research paper said on Wednesday.

The study of 5,300 graduate students in the United States and Canada found that 56 percent of graduate business students admitted to cheating in the past year, with many saying they cheated because they believed it was an accepted practice in business.

Following business students, 54 percent of graduate engineering students admitted to cheating, as did 50 percent of physical science students, 49 percent of medical and health-care students, 45 percent of law students, 43 percent of liberal arts students and 39 percent of social science and humanities students.

“Students have reached the point where they’re making their own rules,” said lead author Donald McCabe, professor of management and global business at New Jersey’s Rutgers University. “They’ll challenge rules that professors have made, because they think they’re stupid, basically, or inappropriate.”

McCabe said it’s likely that more students cheat than admit to it.

The study, published in the September issue of the Academy of Management Learning and Education, defined cheating as including copying the work of other students, plagiarizing and bringing prohibited notes into exams.

McCabe said that in their survey comments, business school students described cheating as a necessary measure and the sort of practice they’d likely need to succeed in the professional world.

“The typical comment is that what’s important is getting the job done. How you get it done is less important,” McCabe said. “You’ll have business students saying all I’m doing is emulating the behavior I’ll need when I get out in the real world.”

  1. Higghawker says:

    Perfect comment!
    “Goes hand in hand with a society that allows government officials to lie, cheat and steal. The younguns are just emulating their elders.”

    I guess you could say ” You reap what you sow”?

  2. 0113addiv says:

    The blog entry’s first two words, “Cheater, cheater…” is so redolent of women’s ignorance that I couldn’t respond any other way. As soon as a female uses the word “cheater” I know she is a child and not worth having a meaningful relationship with. This includes 98% of American females. This is my greatest problem: finding the 2% of WOMEN (not girls) that are single. I was thinking the other day that if I had a dollar for every time a former girlfriend has told me, or her friends, that she hates me, I’d be very rich.

  3. nilidsid says:

    On the other hand, honesty and integerity are punished.

    Keep in mind that hypocrisy is a matter of appearances. Anything that is done for the sake of appearances or for show is suspect.

    That’s why a certain great teacher had something to say about prayer in the closet. But, notice how many are taken in by those who would put on a display of prayer.

    That’s why integrity doesn’t matter; on the appearance of integrity matters. It isn’t cheating unless you get caught. Or, at least that’s what you get in a culture that is preocuppied with appearances.

    I met a number of professors that say that we should get rid of grades. They know who is there to learn, and who is just there to occupy a seat until they get their sheepskin. Grades only contribute to the hypocrisy.

    As long as we have a culture that is taken in by statistics and hypocrisy, there will be a lifte-long advantage for cheaters.

    The answer:
    Stop being concerned with appearances.
    Stop being concerned with grades.
    Stop being concerned with that sheepskin.
    Happiness != Social Status.

  4. cts says:

    Those that cheat in University and get away with it will simply end up paying for it later. Take for example a buisness student who only passes by cheating. After graduation, he ends up in the real world and is told by his boss to write a buisiness proposal of some sort. And suddenly, he can’t just copy the work of a peer. He writes a crappy proposal and promptly gets fired and is stuck without any references. He ends up with a bachelors degree just so he can work a deep fryer.

  5. Milo says:

    cts thinks that you can’t steal someone else’s work and get credit for it in the corporate wold, how quaint!

  6. Pfkad says:

    Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, Abramoff and on and on. True, a handfull of folks went to jail for the scams mentioned, but a hell of a lot didn’t. And the money being pocketed was euphorically abundant. The most worthwhile lesson learned here is that ethics are for suckers.

  7. J says:


    Uh! You have some issues.

  8. 0113addiv says:


    J, that’s what I used to think too, but I realize now it’s the other way around. Trust me, I’m the only sane person besides Dvorak and a handful of others.

  9. James Hill says:

    The biggest cheater? Word around campus is your girlfriend…

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #1 – Perfect comment!
    “Goes hand in hand with a society that allows government officials to lie, cheat and steal. The younguns are just emulating their elders.”

    I guess you could say ” You reap what you sow”?

    Comment by Higghawker — 9/21/2006 @ 4:44 am

    I wholeheartedly agree with your post and the sentiment.

    Let the record show that on this day, the 21st of September, in the year of our lord 2006, that a miracle did occur. I agreed with Higghawker.

    #4Those that cheat in University and get away with it will simply end up paying for it later. Take for example a buisness student who only passes by cheating. After graduation, he ends up in the real world and is told by his boss to write a buisiness proposal of some sort. And suddenly, he can’t just copy the work of a peer. He writes a crappy proposal and promptly gets fired and is stuck without any references. He ends up with a bachelors degree just so he can work a deep fryer.

    Comment by cts — 9/21/2006 @ 5:37 am

    I work with and get paid far less than several nepotistic bastards with half my talent. Merit and ability have very little to do with success in many organizations…

    But honestly, do you think 56% of business students cheated thier way through school? Or could it be what the article says… that 56% of business students admitted to having cheated at some point. The number of students who cheated on a regular basis is likely much lower.

    When I was 18 and a freshman in college I bit off far more than I could chew one quarter and was drowning. I was just starting to learn that college wasn’t just more high school. So I had to write a paper for a poly sci class, and it was one of many, and I just flat out had no time. So I borrowed a paper from a friend who attended a different school and turned it in as my own.

    I didn’t get caught. Even worse, I got an offer to join the model UN based on that paper. I turned it down. In fact, I felt positively sick about it. That was the first and last time I cheated in an acedemic environment.

    I do, however, routinely cheat at monopoly. 🙂

    Point is, we are all human, and thus flawed, and I’m not passing judgement on the average kid who makes a mistake. I’m only willing to turn my furrowed brow upon those who consistantly make the same mistake over and over without understanding or caring that they are cheating. I think I’d take this attitude even if I myself were not flawed on this topic too.

  11. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I was thinking the other day that if I had a dollar for every time a former girlfriend has told me, or her friends, that she hates me, I’d be very rich.
    Comment by 0113addiv — 9/21/2006 @ 4:59 am

    I wonder why that is? If so many feel that way about you, maybe there is something to it.

  12. 0113addiv says:


    There IS positively something to it Mr. H. Fusion. Women cannot get THEIR way with me (aka COMMITMENT). You pansies submit to your girlfriends. No wonder they don’t think of you when they’re screaming “I’m coming, I’m coming”.

  13. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    A few years ago, I lost my job to a co worker who stole my work. It wasn’t a good feeling at the time and I still have issues today.

    But there is a lot of difference between being overwhelmed by a course workload and deliberately taking credit for another’s work. The one thing I have learned is that there isn’t any shame in asking for help. Just give credit when help is given.

  14. Ballenger says:

    13, commitment isn’t a bad thing. And if it facilitates those screams, I think I can speak for the “old guy” contention in saying, if that is the end result, we will drag out the ladder and help put their Sean Connery posters on the ceiling. Whipped? Maybe. Less trouble? Definitely.

  15. J says:

    #13 0113addiv

    How can you bitch about women when you yourself won’t commit? That is a tad bit hypocritical. No wonder they cheat on you.

    You get bad women because that is what you look for. The same goes for women who pick men that beat them. They don’t pick them so they can get beat but something in that personality is attractive to them. It is subconscious. Maybe you should talk to your parents about this because that is usually where it starts.

    Anyway, this article is about kids cheating in school not people with sex issues.

  16. sirfelix says:

    When my fellow college students applied and received a government loan we were required to attend a seminar about how to pay that loan back. Some statistics at that meeting:

    Grads that paid back their student loans: Engineering (98% paid)
    Grads that DID NOT pay back their student loans: Business (50% unpaid)

    You have to wonder about the integrity of the person that enters that field of study.

  17. 0113addiv says:


    J, women never cheat on me because I give them the freedom to do whatever they wish. If a girlfriend tells me that she had sex with another guy, I thank her for generating more love in the world. Makes no difference to me. I lived with a prostitute for three years. She was the most honest, sweetest and cleanest woman I ever was involved with. It didn’t bother me what she did professionally because she was helping men with their problems.

    I got bad women because, like I said, they constitute the vast majority in new york city. My parents have nothing to do with my sexual life. Both of them grew up on farms high in the mountains with almost no contact with the outside world (no TV, electricity, phones, and barely any food). My parents left me to myself growing up which is why I can think for myself.

    Don’t be mistakened. Everything is about sex. Students cheat in school so they can get ahead in the outside world so they can attract the right mate. It always boils down to sex.

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #17 – Grads that paid back their student loans: Engineering (98% paid)
    Grads that DID NOT pay back their student loans: Business (50% unpaid)

    You have to wonder about the integrity of the person that enters that field of study.

    Comment by sirfelix — 9/21/2006 @ 11:32 am

    You might have a point. Frankly, I don’t trust MBAs. There is nothing so complicated about business that you need much more than a 2 year degree to be exceptional.

    You can see how MBAs have all but ruined some industries. Film and television come to mind.

    But another point to be made is that engineers are more likely to find gainful and fulfilling work at a good salary faster than a generic business grad, meaning that engineers have a better chance of being able to pay back the loan.

    And let me tell ya… barring death, EVERYONE pays back their student loans eventually because you cannot be absolved of them through bankruptcy.

    I paid mine back, in full, but in the early years I struggled, defaulted, and despite never having carried excessive credit card debt, got my credit ruined for a few years. But I paid them back.

    I’ve said for years, the government is mismanaging higher education, the costs, and everything associated to it… and it just costs too damn much.

  19. J says:


    You are tremendously ill informed and in denial.

  20. joshua says:

    Damn Mr. Fusion……dosen’t 0113addiv sound an awful lot like that David guy who used to post a lot and always went off on sexual tangents? How woman couldn’t control him, blah, blah, blah.
    Me thinks he’s back under a new tag.

    Last year I went to a study group that brought up student loan repayment……Doctors were the most likely to not repay. The rate was someting like 56% of them never paid back a dime. Medical students can borrow serious money….up to 50,000.00 dollars a year for 4 years.

    As to the cheating…..I feel like Clockwork does…..it scares me that that that many Medical students and Engineers are cheating or have cheated. Anyone want coronary surgury from one of the cheaters, or have to work in a building that was done by one of the cheaters?
    Makes you wonder if any of them were involved in the BIG DIG fiasco.

  21. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    21, Joshua, ha ha ha, almost.

    Maybe I’m too old to allow this to scare me. Once you get into the workforce you will understand that 90% of what you learned in school is useless and another 5% will have changed withing the first five years.

    The Med Student who cheated? Well, he still has to pass his boards. The same with Lawyers, Dentists, Accountants, Architects, and any other professional group. That is where cheating is just not tolerated. Also, to the best of my knowledge, every profession also uses an internship / apprentice program before they are granted a final license.

    It is an imperfect system, but it seems to work fairly well. And there is a big difference between cheating on a paper and cheating on a test.

  22. Greymoon says:

    If your SPINACH cheats can we get some Ranch Dressing?


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