Shout down — FYI. I’m not expecting to see much of this in the USA.

Mr Reid had just listed a number of terror attacks around the world when Izzadeen began his tirade and forced him to stop.”How dare you come to a Muslim area when over 1,000 Muslims have been arrested?” he said. “You are an enemy of Islam and Muslims, you are a tyrant.

“Shame on all of us for sitting down and listening to him. State terrorism by British police.”

But he had only just re-started his speech when a second protester, radical Anjem Choudary, said: “Muslims do not need British values. We believe Islam is superior, we believe Islam will be implemented one day.”

He, too, was ushered out.

found by Sergio Gasparrini

  1. Improbus says:

    They don’t seem like they want to be assimilated. If they are not citizen’s maybe they should be deported.

  2. John Urho Kemp says:

    Islam, like all the others, is a dead-end religion. Also, it seems that the radical factions of the religion will one day all kill themselves in suicide bombings…then where will they be(yeah, I know, there’s always more of them)? Idiotic non-sense.

    I’m waiting for humans to finally wake up and say enough of this bullshit and start treating anyone overly religious for what they are…mentally handicapped. If you honestly think there’s this invisible man that lives in the sky and watches everything you do, every second of every day, then you’re delusional and not a sane person.

    I’m not anything. I’m not an atheist…not a Christian nor Jew nor Muslim nor anything. I have no beliefs at all. What I used to be is tolerant of other’s beliefs and had the attitude of “live and let live”. But it seems others don’t want to adhere to that and want to force their beliefs upon me. I don’t need your weak-willed superstitions mucking up my life.

    These Islamic morons now want to impose their laws and views on the Brits now. “Islam will be implemented one day”. Please…

  3. Whaapp! says:

    #2 IMHO Well Said.

  4. Franco says:

    A country where people aren’t scared conformist sheep and talk back to their moron political functionaries. You bet your ass you’re “not expecting to see much of this in the USA.”

  5. Paul Carrier says:

    Welcome to the New Islamic World.
    Perhaps folks will start waking up to the threat

  6. gquaglia says:

    We believe Islam is superior, we believe Islam will be implemented one day

    This statement pretty much sums up the Muslim religion. All this crap about a religion of peace is all nonsense. The world needs to see this for what it is, a threat to the way of life of all non-Muslims. Europe, I fear, will be the first to suffer as their Muslim populations aren’t and will not assimilate into the culture of land.

  7. ZeOverMind says:

    #4: Bull! If that were true then Cindy Sheehan and quite a few people would have disappeared long ago.

  8. smith says:

    #2) How politically correct: don’t bother to confine your critism to the religion that refuses to conform, that refuses to acknowledge the rights of others, that uses terrorists as “missionaries.” On no, you have to attack ALL religions and place them ALL in the same category.

    Damn hard to solve a problem you refuse to recognize.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Looks like the Televangelists have already begun to influence the Muslims.

  10. Well it will eventually happen here, you already have muslim extremists getting across the wide open mexican border at a decent success rate.

    America has become a culture that has to appease other cultures instead of spreading its own culture naturally. Mainly because we apologize so much for existing among other things.

  11. Floyd says:

    8: #2 is right–the Christian fundies and the Muslim fundies have a lot in common. Both seem intent on forcing their religiousbeliefs on others. Both have hard core that is willing to do terrorist acts (Christian fundies bombing abortion clinics, for instance).

    I have never understood why I’m suposed to worship an ommipotent deity (actually, any of them) that is vain enough that he will supposedly change his mind about what he wants to do if you suck up to him enough.

  12. Mike Voice says:

    Don’t they have a “Free Speech Zone” [and associated riot police] setup outside the venue? 🙂

  13. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #2) How politically correct: don’t bother to confine your critism to the religion that refuses to conform, that refuses to acknowledge the rights of others, that uses terrorists as “missionaries.” On no, you have to attack ALL religions and place them ALL in the same category.
    Damn hard to solve a problem you refuse to recognize.
    Comment by smith — 9/21/2006 @ 1:24 pm

    And how is Pat Roberts and fellow Christian hate mongers different from the Muslims referenced in the article?

    Well, first off, their buddies already have the keys to the worlds most potent military, so no need for guerrilla warfare.

    And, the leaders of most major corporations in the world follow Christian beliefs.

    And how are the other world religions trying to conform? And conform to what? Your personal view?

    Smith, Wars are fought and people die because of bigotry like yours. John got it right, you got it wrong.

  14. tkane says:

    I would like to think this kind of stuff won’t happen in the USA, not because we’re hypocritical tyrants or because we’re too sheepish to speak out against the government, but because the crowds would rally together and bitchslap such “protesters” as a result of recognizing what these guys are doing; exploiting the open nature of Western culture. I’m not too worried about these idiots because I know what kind of culture they’re advocating, and being an average guy I suspect most other people do, too.

    And to the nihilists in the post, I blow you a wet raspberry. I am a Christian who believes there is a silent majority of Muslims who probably wish the extremists would just shut up and go away. Let’s not harangue a long standing and respected religious system just because some of you haven’t been touched by God yet. Open your minds a little.

  15. BuddyX says:

    Islam is a trash religion. Now that I’ve said that, go a head Islam is start rioting and acting like assholes, then make excuses to the world about how peaceful you really are.

    BTW – I hold Christians in the same light.

  16. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    …Let’s not harangue a long standing and respected religious system just because some of you haven’t been touched by God yet. Open your minds a little.
    Comment by tkane — 9/21/2006 @ 2:33 pm

    Let’s hope that I never get “touched” by your’s or anyone else’s god. When everyone finally realizes that “god” is a myth made up to scare away the unexplained and keep people in line, then the better off everyone will be.

  17. moss says:

    Chuckle — apart from the few dolts whose knowledge of American civics appears to have been learned at an American Legion bar in Dixie — there is a funny side to this which everyone seems to have skipped over.

    Reid — who’s roughly on a par with Dick Cheney — drew a crowd of 30 to his public meeting. Like, who gives a shit what he or Blair have to say about anything? You would expect mostly folks who have nothing but contempt for the government to show up.

    That’s why you need hall passes to attend a Bush-League meeting.

  18. Smith says:

    #13) Fusion, I’m not the bigot here. Unlike you, I don’t condemn any religion — I believe in none, but I grant those that do the right to practice their religion without ridicule. But when I look around the world, I don’t see Catholics or Baptists or Jews threatening me with death if I don’t convert to their religion. Pat Roberts isn’t putting a gun to someone’s head and telling them to join or else.

    There is only one religion doing that today: Islam. So get off your pious soapbox and take a damn hard look at the real world — and flush that phony liberal “it’s all religion’s fault” bullshit down the nearest toilet.

  19. RTaylor says:

    Walk away from radicals, there’s no reason left there. You have to work through moderates. Only the Ahl ul-Sunna has any hope in pacifying the extremist. Quite frankly most of them are frightened of many of the splinter groups. The West has no more hope in working with these groups than Israel.

  20. Smith says:

    #11) By what distorted sense of logic do you equate the illigal bombing of a single abortion clinic by some nut — which, by the way, was condemned by Christians — with the thousands killed by suicide bombers, hijackers, and car bombers? Whose actions are ENDORSED and PRAISED by many Islamic leaders. And although there are many Muslims who don’t condone those actions, they fear repriasals if they speak out.

    Damn, it’s hard to believe people can be so goddamn stupid.

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – #2) How politically correct: don’t bother to confine your critism to the religion that refuses to conform, that refuses to acknowledge the rights of others, that uses terrorists as “missionaries.” On no, you have to attack ALL religions and place them ALL in the same category.

    Damn hard to solve a problem you refuse to recognize.

    Comment by smith — 9/21/2006 @ 1:24 pm

    Right. The Muslims should learn from Xians. Don’t blow up your enemy. Infiltrate them through legal back doors. Force creationism on school science programs. Deny equal protection under the law to gays. Force your morality on others through legislation.

    And since the Bush adventure into Iraq cannot be explained in any rational way, I have to assume it is a crusade. Brave and loyal American men and women are being used as pawns in a Holy War against a bogeyman… which is a real shame since there is a real enemy in Afganistan we don’t seem to want to commit to.

    There really isn’t all that much difference between Islamic extremists and Christian extremists. The good news is that there isn’t that much difference between moderate and progressive Islam and Christianity either, and that is what gives me hope.

    #2 I’m not anything. I’m not an atheist…not a Christian nor Jew nor Muslim nor anything. I have no beliefs at all.

    Comment by John Urho Kemp — 9/21/2006 @ 12:21 pm

    Oh for the love of whatever… Pick a damn side. You are an athiest. You have no belief? You are an athiest by definition. Are you short on cash? I’ll float you the membership dues. Your car in the shop? I’ll give you a life to the meeting.

    You don’t to not be something that you are just by claiming you aren’t. From the Latin… “A” means without, and thiest means God or religion but is read in context as belief and the English definition is “one without a belief in God or religion” – It’s so passive that you don’t even have to lift a finger… Perfect for slackers, but everyone is welcome. 🙂

  22. Smith says:

    21) You know, if you’re standing far enough away, a blow snake looks a lot like a rattlesnake. And they are, after all, both snakes. But if you get up close and personal, the difference becomes obvious . . . and very important.

    Tell me, do you (and others posting) have trouble differentiating between a house cat and a Bengal tiger, a rainbow trout and a great white shark, a Pat Roberts and an Osama Bin Laden? Do you need glasses or a reality check?

  23. AB CD says:

    You don’t expect to see this here? You endorsed this a few years backwhen it happened! If you’re referring specifically to Islamics, even that happens. There was a big public rally for Hamas and Hezbollah, that I think was a Hillary Clinton fundraiser. The only reason it wasn’t made into a big deal is that the same guy had raised money for George Bush. In smaller campus settings this sort of thing happens more often. The more obvious example is the newspapers here refused to publish those cartoons of Mohammed because they were scared of Muslims attacking them.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Lets see… Pat Robertson is the hateful, right-wing extremist, fake Jesus freak with the infomercial that masquarades as a Christian broadcast and steals money from old ladies and invalids who are terrified of missing the buffet table at the Pearly gates..

    Osama Bin Laden is the hateful, Islamofascist, fake Allah freak who despite living in a network of caves and dragging a dialysis machine and a portable generator everywhere he scurries, has managed to evade the token military force we deployed to find him…

    I can also tell the difference between a patriot and a jingoist, a leader and a fearmonger, and even truth from a lie.

    Yes… a handful of terrorists lead by Bin Laden hijacked four planes and killed over 3000 Americans. If that happened on an annual basis, air travel would still be safer than swimming and I would still value liberty over the theocratic police state that is slowly forming around me.

    I have to assume that if Bin Laden were dangerous, the President would instruct the military to find him. That isn’t what happened. Instead what happened is that the right is exploiting fear to strip civil liberties, and they work in concert with fundamentalists to replace democracy with theocracy…

    And you have the gall to swipe every Muslim with the terrorist profile because they are angry with us… And why shouldn’t they be? We had a moment in the sun to gather the goodwill the world had offered and rid the planet of one deadly terrorist operation… but we wasted it and instead destabilized the Middle East.

    Your boy screwed up in every last desicion he made from day one, and ironically would have just been a failed one-termer had he not been “lucky” enough to be on watch when four planes were used as missiles against the US. And it is a testament to the enduring ability of some Americans to be hateful, bullheaded, stupid, and willfully wrong when you look at the 30% of us who still stand by the President.

  25. John Urho Kemp says:

    It’s very simple, if you believe there’s this invisible man that lives in the sky, you’re not playing with a full deck. You’re delusional. I have no respect for people that are like this, but they have my pity as with any mental disorder, it’s not really their fault. Respect doesn’t enter into the picture. If a guy has a brain tumor, he neither gets nor is denied my respect because I don’t even know him….but I do know he has a brain tumor and I am sorry for that, but what does respect have anything to do with it? Same goes for people that worship some invisible thing in the sky.

    Sorry, you all had your chance to keep your beliefs to yourselves and “live and let live”…but you weren’t happy with that so now you start pushing your way into MY life and expect me to just go along with it? How are they pushing their way into my life you ask? Well, for one I live in Michigan and they’re trying to push this non-sense intelligent design into the schools. It’s made up crap that has no basis in anything. It’s crazy. It’s delusional and they’re trying to push their delusions on other people. It’s time we put an end to this bullshit. Enough is enough. Grow up and stop with this nonsense.

  26. Sounds The Alarm says:

    AB CD.

    Theres enough reason to not like Hillary, lying isn’t necessary.

    Your consistant lies are really amusing – they show you for the fool you are.

  27. Max says:

    This story offered without comments, where other anti-Bush stories are not. Having your cake and eating it too, JCD?

  28. Greymoon says:

    Just goes to show… DONT PISS OFF THE SPINACH, you would think the brit polititons would know this. /doh

  29. Tom says:

    Well number 26, I’m glad you missed the point of the news article, because im about to do the same, casey leads santorum by 10 in the polls whahoooo.

  30. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    AB CD.
    Theres enough reason to not like Hillary, lying isn’t necessary.
    Your consistant lies are really amusing – they show you for the fool you are.
    Comment by Sounds The Alarm — 9/21/2006 @ 9:39 pm

    Sounds, AB CD is in contention for the “Some Village is Missing Their Idiot Award”. Won’t you help by giving him your vote.


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