Shout down — FYI. I’m not expecting to see much of this in the USA.

Mr Reid had just listed a number of terror attacks around the world when Izzadeen began his tirade and forced him to stop.”How dare you come to a Muslim area when over 1,000 Muslims have been arrested?” he said. “You are an enemy of Islam and Muslims, you are a tyrant.

“Shame on all of us for sitting down and listening to him. State terrorism by British police.”

But he had only just re-started his speech when a second protester, radical Anjem Choudary, said: “Muslims do not need British values. We believe Islam is superior, we believe Islam will be implemented one day.”

He, too, was ushered out.

found by Sergio Gasparrini

  1. AB CD says:

    >would have just been a failed one-termer had he not been “lucky”

    What difference would that make? If the Dems had endorsed his policies, then all his other failures should have thrown him out of office. They even knocked out Churchill. Bush was lucky to have stupid opponents that seize defeat from victory: Let’s whine about creating a homeland security department, then block the actual vote over union squabbles, let’s insist that tax cuts expire, let’s demand a vote on the war before the election, etc.

  2. AB CD says:

    I wasn’t bashing HIllary. Try reading the post. Sorry if I don’t remember the names, but I remember the clips,” Hear that Bill Clinton, we are all supporters of Hamas here. And I am a supporter of Hezbollah, too.”

    Looking that up, it wasn’t said at a fundraiser, but by a fundraiser. Him and his group had given money to HIllary and Bush.

  3. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    There is only one religion doing that today: Islam. So get off your pious soapbox and take a damn hard look at the real world — and flush that phony liberal “it’s all religion’s fault” bullshit down the nearest toilet.
    Comment by Smith — 9/21/2006 @ 3:37 pm

    Just fresh in, Christians in Indonesia are rioting against the Muslims.

    And they ain’t rioting because of eye color. Religion. Pure religious strife.

  4. OmarTheAlien says:

    The Muslims may have a point; the suit is attempting to address a group known for their volubility without a loudspeaker. Any rabble rouser worth his/her salt would have at least one, with a spare. And their timing was exquisite; the second heckler waited until the first was carted away and the speaker attempted to resume his spiel before going into his routine.

  5. joshua says:

    #34….Neo…..those Christians happen to be protesting because some of their buddies got sentenced to hang for being terrorists, but the Muslims who killed Christians were never tried. Seems they killed some Muslims a few years ago. Not to excuse them…but Muslims are 81% of the population in the Island this happened on and have been oppressing the Christians for decades……seems someone had enough.
    You might want to look at Darfur. The Muslim *rebels* have been slowly eradicating Christian familes in the southern Sudan for 20 years, raping and selling into slavery the women and children. Killing the male members of the fa,ilies….were is the outrage?
    Now the same militias, backed by the goverment have been killing, raping and selling into slavery the BLACK Muslims of Darfur, just because they are black. Yep…this Muslim bunch sounds like the kind of people we want to succeed in this world.

    The Reid speech. The 2 Muslim protestors turned out to be Muslim Imams who were recently put under investigation by the British goverment….Izzadeen was cited for using hate speech to incite his followers to kill Tony Blair. And the other one was cited for preaching to his Mosque to rise up against the British and kill them. They both can and probablt will be charged and deported for their crimes……so I would say they have a grudge to bear.

    Britain has the worst record in Europe for arresting and deporting these guys preaching hatred and vilolence (London is known as Londonstan in the rest of Europe)…..even France won’t put up with it. But they finally deported one Imam last year and the goverment seems serious about deporting the others.

  6. UKmate says:

    #36 “Britain has the worst record in Europe for arresting and deporting these guys preaching hatred and violence ”

    By that do you mean worst/poorest – ie they have not done much in the way of deporting? Or worst/strongest – that the law is stricter?

    Seems to me that the biggest problem is too many factions within the Muslim world so there is no single leader. Religion is a cause of major strife (and has been for centuries), unfortunately, and the Pope and others have touched on raw nerves – or the other side is over-defensive.

    Anyway, I object to anyone trying to ram religion down my throat, or taking away my liberties, and for anyone unhappy with staying in Britain, they can go anywhere else in the world, I certainly don’t want to prevent them from leaving.

    (I’m anti-racism, so anyone making an area a ‘ghetto’ is going in the wrong direction – we need to get on with one another, whatever colour, religion or origin, else we may as well have a nuclear war and say goodbye forever!)

  7. joshua says:

    #37….ukmate…..the poorest. Strangly enough they have one of the strongest laws on the books in Europe about hate speech and incitement to violence. But except for Hamza last year, they have not used it. Even when they had the guys who held up the signs during the cartoon riots earlier this year, saying death to christians and behead the press etc., etc……they didn’t charge them, because they didn’t want the Muslims to be upset. You can’t regulate thought, but when you put those thoughts into words and preach them to large gatherings, then you have hate speech and it should be prosocuted.
    When France of all places is expelling Imams left and right for inciteing violence in their sermons, the Brits need to re-evaluate their stance. The Germans, Danish and Italians are also deporting these people…..only the British keep making excuses for them.


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