An Italian thief accidentally turned himself in after losing his cellular phone while robbing an elderly lady, calling his own number to meet the finder — and unwittingly arranging a date with police.

The 77-year-old victim handed over the phone that the bag snatcher had dropped to police, who lured the thief to a meeting where he was arrested, news agency Agi reported Monday.

Agi said the man had been freed from prison recently under an Italian mass pardon meant to ease congestion in jails.

By the time police were waiting for him at the meeting point, the 35-year-old had already robbed another old lady and was riding a stolen scooter, Agi said.”

I know, I know. People don’t become career criminals because they’re bright!

  1. John Paradox says:

    See… using cellphones DOES cause brain damage…

    or have I reversed cause and effect?



  2. TJGeezer says:

    Reminds me of when me and my buddy… oops. Never mind.

  3. 0113addiv says:

    Italians are a funny bunch of people. My first memory of Italians was stepping off the train at the Rome station where I saw a long, long line with people huffing and puffing while the round Italian woman with the nice tan and a cigarette dangling from her mouth didn’t care a rat’s ass. Also, count your change in front of clerks at counters before you walk away. Theivery is in their blood.

  4. Marco says:

    Hey, Americans are funny too. My first memory of Americans was at a restaurant in New York where a fat businessman in a suit and tie threw a temper tantrum because he wasn’t given the best table. Watch out when you talk to an American. Believing everyone else is their personal slave is in their blood.


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