This vid is floating around the net. You need the set-up for it. A kid is being taped as he opens the door of a moving car so he can knock over or scare some hapless bike rider. He falls out of the car instead and gets hit by another passing car. Cripes.

found by Chet Heath

  1. jerryg says:

    looks like the car he hit was parked by the side of the road?
    Wonder how badly he was hurt? They were moving quite fast
    Karma & dumb rolled into one

  2. joshua says:

    I hope it affected his ability to procreate.

  3. Rick says:

    wow. that one came on like one of those sports injury films…where you watch and then suddenly (and all at once) you’ve seen too much. How stupid, sure…but it was a dumb-ass kid (by the looks of it)…so I kinda feel bad for him…wonder what kind of video we’d have gotten had he managed to hit the other little kid on the bike? None of it is good…

  4. Chris says:

    That’s gonna leave a mark.

  5. Babaganoosh says:

    If the given setup is true, then the little bastard deserved it. Even if he was just hanging out of the car for the hell of it, it’s hard to feel bad for him. It’s not like he got pushed out.

  6. Andy says:

    You get what you deserve

  7. jnichols says:

    Maybe he ends up getting arrested, or at least a honary Darwin Award. Sounds like the whole car full of kids need to be sterilized.
    I’m for all sorts of crazy pranks, but most of the ones involving moving cars are just stupid.

  8. Improbus says:

    Karma is a bitch.

  9. 0113addiv says:

    That was excruciating to watch. No one deserves any kind of pain like that. However, a lesson can be learned from this. That hurts, though. Oh, my god, that hurts… watching that video.

  10. stalinvlad says:

    If it was a set-up, I would have had a bag of stage blood splat over the rear window and dubed up the twack-tonk sound a couple of db.

  11. Daniel says:

    >> Wonder how badly he was hurt?

    That looks more or less fatal.

  12. WTL says:

    That has got to hurt. And rightly so.

    He sure had it coming. Now what does karma have in mind for the other kids in the car. Hell, that is a good argument to raise the age you are allowed to drive at. Or at least ban then from owning/driving *any* motor vehicle for say.. oh, until they are 30.

  13. phiend says:

    Karma all the way, if you have kids you should show them what Karma can do. I did.

  14. Chris says:

    As a cyclist who spends many hours a week riding on the roads and occasionally puts up with dumb-asses like this, I am stoked that this kid got what was coming.

  15. MikeR says:

    I see compassion abounds in the States now, based on the comments here.

  16. Froggmann says:

    I think the punk did live through it but ended up with a broken neck. Oh and the brown car was parked.

    [ed: read posting guideline]

  17. MikeR says:


    I could reply with homilies such as “Judge not..”, etc. but what it boils down to is: Does this kid deserve to die for pulling a stupid and dangerous stunt? It seems the majority of this board would say “yes”. And I really don’t agree with that.

  18. Improbus says:

    Being young is temporary but stupid is forever.

  19. ECA says:

    so the guy Opened the door, to swing it at a cyclist, and THEN fell out the door…

    I wonder if the butterflies (in his head) are still alive.

  20. ejmcn says:

    cant see video can you find it on utube or in a different format?

  21. joshua says:

    I was wondering if he lived as well. He took a good whack to the head from that parked car. I don’t think anyone here hopes he died, just most of us feel he got what he deserved.

  22. Darwin says:

    … and the Darwin Award for Stupid Auto Passenger of the Year goes to…

  23. Daniel says:

    The impact was so brutal I don’t think even a cartoon character would have lived through that.

    If he didn’t have some type of severe head trauma, he had to have broken his neck.

    Stupid or not, no one deserves this.. that is unless he actually thought he was knowingly going to seriously injure or kill the biker… but again, I don’t believe any ‘thinking’ went into his actions.

  24. Rich says:

    A hard way to learn a lesson! I’m trying to dredge up a little sympathy, but I can’t manage it.

  25. Spooof says:

    When I was in high school a bunch of my friends were racing down a hill on our bikes. One guy turns his head to say something to another guy behind and turns back to abruptly SMACK into the tailgate of a parked pickup truck.

    Other than scrapes and a badly broken jaw he survived. This video does not seem that much worse but who knows… luck is a big factor whether you walk away from something like that.

  26. prophet says:

    Wow….it owuld be really interesting to read an update of this dumbasses condition. I totally agree that he needed some pain to learn a lesson, but that was too much. I didn’t even catch what happened until the slo-mo.

  27. Pete says:

    The proof that natural selection does exist.

  28. Don says:

    No matter how hard the dumbass antiDarwin idiots persist in their delusional rantings, natural selection exists.

    Do you need any clearer proof.

    The only sympathy I can dredge up for the uninteligent little B*****D is I hope his death was quick and relatively painless.

    Actually I hope he’s a quad that must now depend on the goodness of others to survive for the next 70 years or so.


  29. rjisinspired says:

    Talk about flashback. This video has been out for a while. According to another site I go to there was an update about this person and he was messed up to an extent but he is very much alive. He also knew the kid who was riding the bike.

  30. Hey rjisinspired does nobody any good to tell us this has been out for awhile and there is an update without actually giving people a link. What you have provided to the group is zilch.


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