This vid is floating around the net. You need the set-up for it. A kid is being taped as he opens the door of a moving car so he can knock over or scare some hapless bike rider. He falls out of the car instead and gets hit by another passing car. Cripes.

found by Chet Heath

  1. Max says:

    Kids are stupid.

  2. Tom says:

    That hurts just looking at it.

  3. Ballenger says:

    Someone falling out of a moving car and smacking their head on a parked car is not a laughing matter. Given the original intent of “fender face”, it’s more of a chuckle to yourself “what a d%6k” situation. This story also adds more support to the argument that giving video cameras to morally challenged teenagers is a bad idea. The cameras isn’t going to make kids like these straighten out, fly right and latter become the next Steven Spielberg. Although it might give them an edge in an interview for a videographer position with Jackass.

  4. MAgnus says:

    Thats natural selection at work.

  5. Miguel Correia says:

    I was happy for the kid in the bike. Thinking about the falling kid… well that’s deserved and even if he’d died, it would have been something he had brought upon himself. This makes the “too harsh punishment” a sterile discussion.

    Since the biker was totally unharmed, what really concerns me is the car owner… does anyone out there know if the stupid kid or his parent’s paid for the damage in his bumper?

  6. cheapdaddy says:

    Twenty years ago my cousin climbed on top of a moving car to moon someone. He hit his head on an overhead sign and got knocked off the car. The car driver backed up to see if he was ok and ran him over. He was 19. My aunt and uncle got a bill from the town to replace the sign. Needless to say, there’s not much sympathy here.

  7. Bill R. says:

    Did he atleast qualify for a Darwin Award???

  8. Craig C says:

    No Dawin Award because he didn’t die.

    There used to be a message (the link is now dead) from the kid who was injured talking about his injuries and saying how stupid he was. If I recall he was in the hospital for several months.


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