Should the President have to abide by the laws of the land? Should he be treated the way Clinton was for breaking the law? The way Nixon was for breaking the law? Or should he be allowed to do as he pleases because he is the President in a time of tumoil (ie, the ends justifies the means)?

If you were a Senator and had to cast your vote, what would it be?

The Senate must not pardon President Bush for breaking the law

This week, the Senate is planning to quietly hold a vote that would pardon President Bush for breaking the law by illegally wiretapping innocent Americans. So far, Democrats and some Republicans are holding strong against the bill, and there are good chances to stop it if enough of us speak up.

By the way, why haven’t we heard about this on the mainstream news? This is about all I can find on the issue.

  1. James says:

    Impeachment is LONG overdue

  2. James Hill says:

    I think Bush pardoning himself would be more entertaining.

    …you liberal hack.

  3. Eric says:

    How come none of these links include the Senate Bill number so that I can look all this up on my own?

  4. Sounds The Alarm says:

    James – Which liberal hack?

    …You big beautiful neocon fascist

  5. Sounds The Alarm says:

    re 33.

    There may be a censure bill, but the Senate can’t pardon anyone as others have pointed out.

    They CAN convict on a House move to impeach however.

  6. Daniel says:

    Hell no!

  7. Ryan dack says:

    The whole point of the founding of the united states was for a fair government, and to pardon Bush for his illigal activity would mean that that fundamental belief would not hold true.

    I say convict his ass. No one is above the law, even the godamn president!

  8. skipjack says:

    no one is above the law

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    His family has too many ties, he will get away with murder just like always.

  10. 0113addiv says:

    39. That is why Bush has been LOWERING the law. First with the Patriot Act and then the rest of his baloney. He waves feardom to the American masses and they respond by waving the American flag. He gets what he wants because the masses GIVE HIM what he wants in return for “protection”. Gotti is in Heaven looking down and admiring Bushotti for his genius (actually, Karl Rove’s but symbol loving people can’t know the difference).

  11. spsffan says:

    Oh, you know what I say….impeach Bush, impeach Clinton, impreach Bush (got a good deal on that bumper sticker!), impeach Reagan, impeach Carter, impeach Ford, impeach Nixon. I was too young to get excited about Johnson.


  12. damontsar says:

    Hell NO
    no one is above the law

  13. Jim says:

    I think war crimes after Filuja is the proper point here. The Commander in Cheif is responsable for the crimes of the military.

  14. Rob says:

    If the NeoLibs and some on this board believe that a law has been broken, why not take it before the FISA court? After all that is what it’s their for, and might I add what the White House wants, and has requested.

    The reason is actually very simple. The NeoLibs are scared that if this comes before the FISA court it will be shown for what it is, and that’s perfectly legal. If that happens, the house of cards that the Dems have based their entire campaign on will come crashing down. Mark my word, this will be held out of the FISA courts until after the mid-term elections, then afterwards it will be shown to be perfectly legal.

    It never ceases to amaze me, how the NeoLibs can hate someone so much they start making up crimes, then worse of all they begin to believe those lies.

  15. Walter says:

    If Clinton was impeached for just taking “liberties” with an intern, don’t you think supporting the violation of the Constitution of the United States is a worthy reason to impeach?

  16. ChrisMac says:

    Wasn’t he impeached for “lying” about it?

    millions of peaches, peaches for me..

  17. Greg Allen says:

    The Senate can issue pardons? Man, I sure don’t remember that from civics class!

    But they can forsake all their oversight responsibilities…. which is exactly what they’ve done.

    Bush could be selling crack wrapped in kiddie porn out the back door of the Whitehouse and this GOP congress would not even even be curious about it.

    And Fox would declare Bush’s kiddie porn crack initiative essential for national security.

  18. Oh geessse here we go again!
    First off clinton did nothing wronge!
    He fooled around with an intern. big deal

    Bush didn’t break the law either governemnet always had to right to monitor what is communicated.
    He actually saved some lives.

    Nixons wiretaps where for nixons benefit and justice was served.

  19. Max says:

    What law was broken? Was Bush indicted while I was in the shower? What court has convicted Bush? Anybody on this board wiretapped?

  20. Frank IBC says:

    #39: That is why Bush has been LOWERING the law. First with the Patriot Act and then the rest of his baloney. He waves feardom to the American masses and they respond by waving the American flag.

    #51: Oh geessse here we go again!
    First off clinton did nothing wronge!
    He fooled around with an intern. big deal

    Bush didn’t break the law either governemnet always had to right to monitor what is communicated.
    He actually saved some lives.

    Nixons wiretaps where for nixons benefit and justice was served

    Can we please have a requirement that posters be able to write a coherent paragraph in the English language?


    /rant off

  21. jbellies says:

    A little OT, but since we’re talking impeachment, and that’s almost treason, how about this obscure news story: a behind-closed-doors conference to set up a North American Union? I don’t mean the Teamsters, or the Wobblies, but a single country composed of USA, Canada, Mexico.

  22. Frank IBC says:

    Not sure how it’s related to “impeachment”, jbellies.

    Seems to be the usual xenophobic “moving to one-world government” conspiracy theory to me, but it’s the Canadians in this case who fear losing their national identity, not the Americans. (And it’s not clear where the author gets his notion that there will soon be a joint currency called the “Amero”.)

    The USA has 300,000,000 people.

    Canada has 32,000 people. It would be absorbed and digested before it knew what hit it.

    Mexico has 100,000,000 people. This presents more of a challenge. If the border disappeared, obviously the wave of now-internal migration would become even greater than the present wave. But with Mexico under US control, we might get some genuine reform of the corrupt Mexican governments, and real change that would cut down on the need for migration.

    Plus, Mexico has OIL. 🙂

  23. AB CD says:

    >The “liberal” media is a lie. Plain and simple.

    Here’s David Frum on the same subject

    It really is outrageous that people would suggest that George Allen has been the victim of media bias. Of course they would behave in an exactly similar way to a similarly situated Democrat. Remember how the press fiercely grilled Sen. John Forbes Kerry about his ancestry and background – how they demanded to know why he had presented himself as Irish all these years when in fact his paternal grandparents were Jews from Vienna who had changed their name from the original Kohn – and how the reporters insinuated that Kerry was either ashamed of himself or else secretly antisemitic when he implausibly denied that he had ever had any idea of his background until jourrnalists discovered it for him. Remember? Anybody?

  24. Frank IBC says:

    Er, actually, Canada is the #1 supplier, now that you mention it. But integrating Canada would be easier than integrating Mexico.

  25. Zoredache says:

    > The USA has 300,000,000 people.

    > Canada has 32,000 people. It would be
    > absorbed and digested before it knew
    > what hit it.

    Wikipedia indicates that it is closer to 32,547,200.

    I am not sure where you got your number, but I am certain that nowhere near reality.

  26. Rocco says:

    Heck, I wouldn’t pardon him, and if either of my senators or congressman votes to, I’d see to it that they are thrown out along with the Prez, and co.

    Personally, I think that the Bush Crime Syndicate should be brought up on RICO charges, tried, and convicted to the maximum amount allowed by law. They have worked like an organized crime family, they should be treated as such.

    No pardon — Trial and *MAXIMUM* imprisonment!

  27. Michele says:


  28. Mark says:

    “Seems to be the usual xenophobic “moving to one-world government” conspiracy theory to me, but it’s the Canadians in this case who fear losing their national identity, not the Americans. (And it’s not clear where the author gets his notion that there will soon be a joint currency called the “Amero”.)”

    No, #54 jbellies is correct. Its a done deal at this point under the already signed Secrity and Prosperity Partnersip Signed by the three countries and we werent invited. Isnt that special! Of course Bush Supporters will claim this is a good thing. Anybody who supports this is a trator. You people dont even have a clue how this asshole is killing this country. Open the borders, amnesty for everyone Yippee!!!!!

  29. Frank IBC says:

    I’m still at a loss to understand why so many in here want to see Dick Cheney become President.

  30. BuddyX says:

    #64. Frank – we’re hoping the stress will kill him.


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