Should the President have to abide by the laws of the land? Should he be treated the way Clinton was for breaking the law? The way Nixon was for breaking the law? Or should he be allowed to do as he pleases because he is the President in a time of tumoil (ie, the ends justifies the means)?

If you were a Senator and had to cast your vote, what would it be?

The Senate must not pardon President Bush for breaking the law

This week, the Senate is planning to quietly hold a vote that would pardon President Bush for breaking the law by illegally wiretapping innocent Americans. So far, Democrats and some Republicans are holding strong against the bill, and there are good chances to stop it if enough of us speak up.

By the way, why haven’t we heard about this on the mainstream news? This is about all I can find on the issue.

  1. John Urho Kemp says:

    I would vote not to pardon…simply to show that NO one should be above the law.

    Not that anything will come of this…

  2. stain on blue dress says:


  3. Mike says:

    I was not aware that the Senate had the power to pardon anybody.

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    No. He should be impeached and imprisoned then Cheney should be impeached and improsoned then everyone else who was ever on that team should be stripped naked, stacked in a pyramid, made to watch as we flush Bibles down the toilet, then intimidated with dogs.

    I could go on.

  5. Matthew says:

    Please, go on….

  6. Matthew says:

    Maybe this would be a good time for me to point out that: With enough technology no one is above the law.

  7. Joe says:


    what the hell ever happened to

    “The Buck Stop’s Here”

  8. Matt says:

    First he would have had to break the law. Since he has not wiretapped American citizens, there is no crime and no problem. If you are referring to the NSA intercept program, that was monitoring suspected terrorists overseas only.

  9. Mac says:

    First, just give up on mainstream media, they are worthless. When the public gets all their news from alternative media, they will panic and MAYBE start doing their job.

    Second, the president has to be the one who sets an example. Penalties should be MORE severe for him because of this. Like a pedophile priest, the damage is more extreme. We need leadership we can trust. He took an oath, he broke it. He has to be impeached as an example to future “leaders”. He will never be imprisoned, but I certainly believe he should be, he will unfortunately be “pardoned” down the road at some point.

    Lastly, I hope its not too late to slow the damage this president has done to the Constitution, our individual rights, our environment, our economy, our ……………….. and on and on.

    Obviously I vote for impeachment, as soon as possible.

  10. joshua says:

    This has been in the news……but not phrased as a pardon for Bush. The bill aims to make ANYONE involved in the wiretapping stuff safe from prosocution, if the law is later changed or over turned by the courts. It’s not a pardon in the usual sense, just a bill making it impossable to go after those folks. Just so happens Bush is one of those that could be *pardoned*.

  11. Mac says:

    Matt, if you believe American citizens havent been illegaly tapped, then you are just living in Wonderland.

  12. rob says:

    “Second, the president has to be the one who sets an example. Penalties should be MORE severe for him because of this.”

    Just like Clinton right……what an example….”I did not have sexual relations with that woman” HA but according you lefties he was one of the best presidents of all time……

  13. V says:

    If we were smart, we would start a very large petition stating that we have no intention to vote back into ANY office anyone who votes to pardon the prick. I could care less if he’s pardoned after the fact, when he’s out of office, the way Nixon was, but to pardon him now would tell him that the laws will adjust to his liking.

  14. AB CD says:

    This hasn’t been in the news much because Democrats don’t want to talk about it. As soon as they decide it should be an issue, it’ll be front page news.

  15. mac says:


    Hate to burst your bubble idiot, but I believe Clinton should have been held to the same standard. Quit assuming someone is a “liberal” because he disagrees with the president. How juvenile.

  16. Jeff says:

    The “liberal” media is a lie. Plain and simple.

  17. David Kerman says:

    @8: Actually the NSA wiretapping program was intercepting calls between people in the united states and people overseas. That’s the whole reason it is controversial. They already don’t need permission from FISA to wiretap people overseas. Try doing some actual research about issues before you talk out of your ass.

    @12: Yes, because clinton claiming he didn’t sleep with someone is somehow equivilent to illegally wiretapping american citizens.

    Also the crime wasn’t even him saying he didn’t sleep with her, it was about lying under oath when he was talking about whether or not he gave her a gift.

    Are you being intellectually dishonest or are you just an idiot?

  18. ly.Chand says:

    The impeachment of Clinton and the possible impeachment of Bush are two separate situations.

    Clinton lied to protect his family and personal life from something that should never have gone public to begin with. Impeachment was a risk Clinton had to take to attempt this protection.

    Bush wiretapped innocent Americans, endangering the very roots of the constitution.

    Granted, lying to America and threaten America’s rights are both calls for impeachment and it was only fair that the law was upheld in the Clinton trial.

    But, If they can impeach Clinton over something as non-threatening as lying about his personal life, then they sure as hell better impeach Bush for something as threatening as wiretapping the innocent!!

  19. Gig says:

    This entire story is bull-crap. There is no bill to pardon the President for anything they he may or may not have done. There is a bill that would codify some of the things people are upset about but the only people who say anything about a pardon is A group that I may add should take their on advice and move the fuck on. They certainly didn’t do so after they failed to stop Bush’s reelection.

    It’s bloging with headlines like this one that kills the credibility of political blogers. Like they had any to begin with. And who the hell is

  20. Sounds The Alarm says:

    AB CD – Why do you hate America so much?

  21. sh says:

    He deserves a metal

  22. J says:

    AB CD & Matt

    Why do you both hate the constitution so much?

  23. 0113addiv says:

    The minimum justice for Bush is capital punishment by firing squad. Karma would finally catch up to him. Oh, and it should be televised around the world for all politicians to see that lying is no longer acceptable.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    21 – He deserves a metal

    Comment by sh — 9/19/2006 @ 12:05 pm

    I agree.

    What is the best metal for handcuffs?

  25. Mark says:

    Why waste good metal, we’ll just use those plastic ones like they use on us.

  26. Danielle Winters says:

    Uh, no.

  27. PureDoxyk says:

    Absolutely no pardon. He broke a substantive law that endangered America and its people, and he should be charged and punished for it.

    He should also be held accountable for perpetuating lies to the American people, and for starting an illegal war.

    Our whole justice system depends on at least the appearance of equal application. Letting a politician get away with endangering the country is not an option.


  28. Adam says:

    The real issue the modifying the war powers act. The White House is advocating changing the war powers act to exempt anyone that might be found to be responsible for detainee abuse or anyone that might have ordered it. The problem is changing War Powers Act does not change the Geneva Convention and the Supreme Court has said that Congress can not unilaterally change a treaty so anyone that orders torture is liable for a war crime. This is a prime example of why we need a real international court of justice that has some real power, and a prime example of why the US has resisted the International Court of Justice since it was conceived. I personally believe that this is a much more serious case than illegal wiretapping.

  29. Josh P says:

    I personally believe that the system has gotten so screwed up that people with enough money can change anything they want. I believe that they can even change the number of votes for something as big as the president. Money = power in this day and age and most of it comes from oil.

  30. BuddyX says:

    Does any one know why AB CD hates the constitution too?


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