Should the President have to abide by the laws of the land? Should he be treated the way Clinton was for breaking the law? The way Nixon was for breaking the law? Or should he be allowed to do as he pleases because he is the President in a time of tumoil (ie, the ends justifies the means)?
If you were a Senator and had to cast your vote, what would it be?
The Senate must not pardon President Bush for breaking the law
This week, the Senate is planning to quietly hold a vote that would pardon President Bush for breaking the law by illegally wiretapping innocent Americans. So far, Democrats and some Republicans are holding strong against the bill, and there are good chances to stop it if enough of us speak up.
By the way, why haven’t we heard about this on the mainstream news? This is about all I can find on the issue.
64. Good Point, scary thought, (covers going over my head.) Help.
#63 Mark –
Your link goes to a US Department of Commerce page that has nothing to do with the Partnership.
How did you come to the conclusion that the Partnership means “open borders, amnesty for everyone”?
“Your link goes to a US Department of Commerce page that has nothing to do with the Partnership.”
At, in the top left hand corner , just under SPP.GOV it says :A North American Partnership”. I beleive this paves the way to open the boarders, Including the NAFTA superhighway they are currently building through the heart of America to Canada. They will be using recently passed Immenent Domain Legislation to seize property to accomplish this. A Mexican port of entry (as I have understood) is being built in Kansas City, and turned over to the Mexican Government. You wont find all of this on the web site, but it is occuring. Bush has no intention of enforcing the boarders, this deal has been in the works for years. Yes, I do believe the Bush family has been pushing the “New World Order/ One world govt” concept and we need to have a say in it. If the American People support it, so be it. I dont believe they do. But, dont we have a say in it?
68. Mark Please see also this conservative website about the Superhighway.
Too bad you didn’t check out the Myths & Facts page on that website.
Sorry about that, John, I didn’t realize that post would run so long. Feel free to edit or delete as you see fit.
SPP Myths And Facts
Wow, because its written in black and white, it must be true then.
So why should I believe your “black and white words” any more than I should believe theirs?
Mark, all you did was cut and paste the propaganda into your post. Do you think for yourself. What about the conservatives who think this is true, are they crazy too? This isnt Conspiracy. Its bi partisan. I am neither Dem or Rep. I look at issues and this concerns me greatly. If you can get by the Ann Coulter ads, you should read what Republicans are saying about it.
Could the two Marks in here please distinguish their screennames somehow so it doesn’t sound like it’s just one person talking to himself?
Frank IBC,
I don’t want to see Cheney, or ANY OTHER member of the Bush Crime Syndicate become president. They *ALL* should be locked up as far as I’m concerned.
I for one, would be much happier if the USA had “no confidence” votes and early elections, than the current impeachment system.
Going all the way back to post #50:
46. What in the hell are you talking about?
“If the NeoLibs and some on this board believe that a law has been broken, why not take it before the FISA court? After all that is what it’s their for, and might I add what the White House wants, and has requested.”
That makes no sense whatsoever, and is wrong at every level.
Here’s a Wiki primer on the FISA court. Please read up on it, understand what you’re talking about, then make your partisan remarks.
True. The guy seems clueless… And he likely has no working undestanding of the English language, or why would he invent the word “neolib”?
On the other hand, NeoLib is kinda cute. I kinda like it. I am, after all, not my father’s liberal. 🙂
I think he’s parodying the constant (and tiring) use of the term “neocon” on this blog, OFTLO.
On the other hand, NeoLib is kinda cute. I kinda like it. I am, after all, not my father’s liberal.
Comment by OhForTheLoveOf — 9/20/2006 @ 12:51 pm
You do have a point there, OFTLO. But as my wife always tells me, if you comb your hair a little differently, no one will notice your point. But, joking aside, wouldn’t coming up with a definition for neo-lib take up an entire topic post?
How about it Editor? How about a whole topic on the definition of a neo-lib. Then how do you spell it? One word, hyphenated, capitalized L, or whatever.
I’m a NEOLIB. I am a member of the 66% of Americans that believe President Bush and Vice President Cheney should be impeached and charged with Crimes against Humanity.
I am a NEOLIB. And I am proud.
I am a NEOLIB and I stand tall.
I am a NEOLIB and I love America and the Constitution.
/Rant on
/LOL on
Line 10 Go to coment
Canada’s pop is more like
you left off a bunch of ,000’s
Line 20 Type “have a nice Day”
Line 30 Print
Line 40 Goto line 10
Actually, the term “neoliberal” is commonly used outside of the United States (listen to speeches by Bolivian president Evo Morales, for example.) Per Wikipedia, “Neoliberalism refers to a political-economic philosophy that de-emphasizes or rejects government intervention in the domestic economy. It focuses on free-market methods, fewer restrictions on business operations, and property rights. In foreign policy, neoliberalism favors the opening of foreign markets by political means”.
In other words, “capitalist”.
#55, #82 –
Yes, as a matter of fact, I did accidentally leave off 3 zeros when I typed the current population of Canada. It is 32 million. Which as I said in my previous post, would very quickly get swallowed up by the USA’s 300 million.
Clinton lied.
No one died.
What about the people Clinton bombed in Iraq the day his impeachment vote was scheduled? Was Clinton lying that day, or was Saddam a WMD threat?
I know this is an old thread but, I have become so very tired of all the carefully formulated garbage everyone, on both sides of this issue, continues to spew forth..c’mon, do something ! Call or write the jerks who represent each of you and let them know you exsist ! Let them know you aren’t part of the boob tube addictted swill eaters who can’t construct a coherent sentence without help. Either that or learn to continue to ‘march with the morons”,to paraphrase badly.