I kid! I kid!

Political error or calculated move? – — This essay brings up some interesting points that need discussing. Is the Pope actually trying to start a fight? Is all this a calculated scheme? I wonder myself because for the most part I cannot see why the Pope cares what people think. He’s the Pope for cripessake. None of the Catholics are too concerned about his comments. Why are the Muslims so thin-skinned? If you look at the historical relationship of the ummah (worldwide Muslim unity) to the dhimmi (non-believers), the dhimmi cannot say anything about anything without permission and they have no rights whatsoever. The fact that the Muslims react like this to every perceived affront actually might mean that they think that they own the place and the Pope (a dhimmi) has to apologize and bow down to them. The fact that every time something like this happens a slew of dhimmis get killed in Muslim countries with no attempt to do anything about it by the local authorities. That’s because in a traditional 10th century Muslim state a Muslim can legally kill a dhimmi when they feel like it for any reason they want. Hence nuns are killed over the Pope and lots of dhimmis were killed because of the cartoon fiasco. Nobody did jack about it.

All this, of course, is exacerbated and encouraged by allowing Shar’ia law to be used as a second layer of laws in countries like Canada. Thus you end up with weird and sick “honor killings” within Western countries and the perpetrators somewhat baffled by the fuss.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel attempted to quell the storm, saying the pope’s remarks were misunderstood, but a reading of the speech in its entirety produces the opposite impression: Not only does the pope believe Islam is a violent religion spread by force, he also believes there is no room for reason within Islam, in complete contradiction to Christianity, which is based on reason. This does not look like a misunderstanding or slip of the tongue – this is apparently what the pope believes.

Now, here’s an interesting situation for you market watchers. What happens if the Pope goes to Turkey, as he plans to, and gets killed by Islamist radicals?

  1. Nirendra Maharaj says:

    59: Formal education means nothing. Some of the greatest thinkers and philosophers on the planet had no formal education.

    Also, whose truth are you going to teach them? Yours?

    And taking the animal out of man… that’s a fantastically difficult process. People have struggled their whole lives, and only a few have ever succeeded.

    All that’s required is an open mind and willingness to learn. Truth will be discovered in due time. Place any more restrictions and you are doomed to eventual failure.

  2. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    The bosnian genocide was not motivated by Christianity – and that’s where all of your feeble arguments fall apart. There were no Christian leaders inciting riots and violence… calling for death. There hasn’t been anything like that for hundreds of years.
    Today, millions are dieing in the name of Islam. There are powerful muslim leaders all over the globe inciting violence…. There simply is Christian allegory.
    Comment by KenBen — 9/19/2006 @ 11:26 am

    Sorry Ken, but in Bosnia and Kosovo, the Muslims were killed by the Christian Serbs and Croats. In Bosnia, the Serbian leaders are wanted men and in Kosovo, Slovadan Milosovich was tried in the International Court of Justice before he succumbed to a heart attack. While this may not have been a Christian Crusade, there is little doubt that it was ethnic cleansing.

    I have no idea what you meant by:
    There simply is Christian allegory.

  3. estacado says:

    “That’s because in a traditional 10th century Muslim state a Muslim can legally kill a dhimmi when they feel like it for any reason they want.”

    Can you a source for that statement Johnny?

  4. AB CD says:

    Supposedly another pope was on Hitler’s side, and now people want this pope to be on the side of killing Jews too.


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