News – Yorkshire Post Today: News, Sport, Jobs, Property, Cars, Entertainments & More So there is a huge “eat healthy” movement in England in the school system but it’s being bypassed by — get this — the parents who are running a grey market operation to bring junk food into the schools. Astonishing.

Now the mothers are running daily deliveries of sandwiches, fish and chip lunches, pies, burgers and fizzy drinks.
Demand is so high – with deliveries of 50 to 60 meals a day – they now running a “meals on wheels service” using a supermarket trolley. Two other mothers help with the food runs.
However, their stance has prompted anger. Rotherham health food campaigner Jill Adams said: “What they are doing is absolutely shameful. I can’t believe they think they are doing the right thing by their kids.

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  1. mc Donalds employee #1148865 says:

    good, more buisness for fast foodies then

  2. greg says:

    I’m in the UK, got kids in school, and think these women should be made to drink a nice glass of congealing cholesterol scraped from the veins of a heart attack victim’s corpse.

    or am I being a bit harsh?

  3. Phil Bridges says:

    Now if they’d have done this in the 50’s & 60’s it would have easily solved the looming pension crisis here in the UK in a single stroke (pun not intended but ironically relevant)

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    With desserts like “Spotted Dick” it’s no wonder.

  5. Janky says:

    I don’t suppose the kids could carry sack lunches to school like we do in the US? If the concern is price, this is undoubtedly cheapest and almost certainly healthiest.

    If the other kids’ parents don’t want them eating fast food, then they could certainly tell them not to get it.

  6. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    When tofu has as much advertising visibility as McDonald’s puts into their sandwiches then maybe it will become popular. In the meantime, unfortunately, expect the kids to continue to demand all those foods they have been brainwashed to want.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    These kids will have a higher chance of becoming obese as grownups, with all the negatives it comes with… thanks to mommy. Now, mommy, why don’t you bring me some pot… after all, you don’t want me to have a boring time growing up, do you?

  8. Andrew Gray says:

    As a senior in high school I can tell you that our menu is as unhealthy as ever. (PDF)

    I also make unathorized runs to a nearby Taco Bell and Wendy’s for both students and teachers (at least the “cool” ones). I make about fifteen dollars whenever I do that.

    Elementary school’s menu was not much better.

    I think once you are in high school it should be your choice: pizza and nachos or salad and water.

    I almost cried when they disabled the soda machines during the day I have found a way to reset them so it is not a big deal.

  9. Tom says:

    I’m a big fan of the naked chef. ___

  10. joshua says:

    British school meals were and still are in many schools really bad. Oliver got the goverment to provide a huge amount of more funding to raise the standards and Oliver and other Chefs taught school cooks ways to make healthy and appealing meals with the funding they got.
    The schools have no problem with students sacking it, and don’t force them to sack special foods, but do recommend good choices. It’s up to parents what they send the kids to school with. But this bunch of parents are not sacking it, they are going through a graveyard to the school fence and taking orders for the kids, their own and any others for the junk food. Some schools have closed the campuses to discourage the kids from going off at lunchtime to buy junk food, and this is where this stuff is going on.
    This was a program that hoped to help kids get off to a good start on eating habits and to reduce waste by improving the school menu’s. The kids were even given special input into Olivers food plans so they would hopefully eat more of the healthy stuff.
    The schools also stopped selling crisps(potato chips), sodas and sugurary drinks, cookies with high sugar content.
    After about 6 months of this they found the kids who ate the new meals were more alert in the afternoon and studied better, because they weren’t going into sugar and fat overload.

    People are such fools and liars, they claimed they wanted better healthier food for their kids and when they got it, they do this. Kind of reminds you people here and their car buying habits dosen’t it?

  11. Floyd says:

    #6 Tofu may be healthy for you, but the stuff is nasty looking and tastes like nothing. How about providing food in school that tastes good, but is still healthy for you?

    On the original article: England is a country where the standard foods are fish and chips, bangers and mash, and other strange things, maybe even worse than American food. I think the album notes in the Who’s “Quadrophenia” mentioned jellied eels (not at all like smoked eel or unagi, I’m sure), and the “spotted dick” someone mentioned in anothe post, which probably requires penicillin shots. At least the Brits have gotten into curries and other Asian foods lately.

  12. Andy Cactus says:

    With a budget of UKP 0.37 (less than 70 cents US) per child meal it was no wonder the meals were bad. UK school meal stories are legendary. My kids never tire of hearing my horror stories of the early 70’s a time when your were FORCED to clear your plate whatever was slapped on it. I performed many a Great Escape stunts from the dinner room. Over subsequent years the funding, kitchens and ‘cooks’ time has been eroded to the point where no real on-site food preparation is done, just reheat frozen, factory extruded mush in a steam oven. So we are effectively having to start again from scratch. Retraining staff, re-equipping kitchens and hardest of all introducing to kids ‘real’ food they have never seen even at home. I once had a friend of my son stay over and he asked ” what are these green stick things on my plate?” “Beans mate. You eat them.”

  13. meetsy says:

    tofu is NOT GOOD FOR YOU…
    The chef in the UK is talking about fresh greens, salads, vegetables, stuff without oodles of crappy hydrogenated fat in it, stuff WITHOUT high fructose corn syrup….you know, real food.
    Get a clue, folks…they’re talking about food that’s edible.
    TOFU is crap. It’s used in Asian cooking as an addition…like parsley…it’s not a main food meal! Soy isn’t that great for you….not in quantity. Soy acts like an estrogen…so boys, if you want man titties…..but otherwise…it shouldn’t be everything as a cheap filler! (It’s in almost everything pre-prepared..from bread, to fish sticks, to cereals, to things which say “healthy” and “organic” on the outside.) When did soy get in all our food? How in the hell have so many people been brainwashed to eat soy and think tofu is some sort of magic food? Start thinking, people!!!!
    Try reading: may be the ugliest website on the web..but the articles are interesting and different. Do some searching….find out about what high fructose corn syrup is all about…it’s has more steps to make it than the gasoline you use in your 91 Buick. I don’t know about YOU but having my kid tanked up on a refinery chemical concotion just isn’t going to happen!!
    Lets look at cause/effect… the early 1980’s soda had SUGAR….then they said “oh, we’re retiring the old coke recipe” and everyone was all upset, so they brought out the “same recipe” only it wasn’t…it was HFCS…instead of sugar (psst, it’s cheaper). Suddenly since the 80’s…our kids are getting FAT, they’re blowing up like the Michelin Man….. everyone says “oh lack of exercise”. I don’t think so….. when I was a kid there were a lot of kids who sat around reading all the time (eggheads)….and none of them were fat. In fact, a nerd then was as skinny as a rail..not some big “comic book guy” like on the Simsons. In fact, I can’t remember fat kids. Oh wait, one. The ONLY FAT KID (and not fat by todays standards, more just chubby). And, she really did have a “gland problem”. (Later in life she was treated for it.) This was out of the 22 kids in my class — including one with braces from polio (he didn’t get ANY EXERCISE and ate all the time). Even the kids that had packed lunches filled with junk…like candy and cookies…weren’t fat. Heck, the one kid who was always asthmatic (so never ran around) ate two sandwiches at lunch….and he wasn’t thin but he wasn’t FAT.. Now, today….I look around and all the kids are fat, except maybe one (and that kid probably also has a gland problem). As kids we drank sodas, we drank KOOLAIDE by the gallons. We only ate sugared cereals. I always had Twinkies!! (They were my favorite thing and every day I’d have one.). We drank fizzies, we chewed so much bubble gum that our jaws ached…we could WALK to the corner store (that was packed with candy) and we bought something every damn day! Heck, we ate all the time….and then more. I know that we had lunch and two snack times where the school provided a pretty decent “snack” (usually graham crackers and more koolaide). When we arrived home we had cookies and milk (and anything else we could cram in our mouths to ruin dinner). I’m just not seeing that the diet is that different. I was a latchkey kid, so I didn’t exactly go out to play until after my parents came home….so, I didn’t get a whole lot of exercise during the week.
    …..but meanwhile, all the kids TODAY are fat. Hmmmm. Maybe it’s what is being put INTO THE FOOD…like high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils and soy protein filler?

  14. joshua says:

    They even tried to ban Haggis for cripes sake!!!!!! Then when all of Scotland howled, they changed their minds and said for youngsters it shouldn’t be over 1 serving a week. But the schools quit serving it.

    Jamie Oliver was the point man for the changes, mainly he tried to show the goverment that for only a few pennies more a day they could serve real food, prepared on premisis, that was good and healthy.

    God, how I would love to see this start here. Maybe there wouldn’t be so many 16 y/o’s having heart attacks on the playground and 12 y/o’s with high blood pressure and high chloresterol.

  15. Jennifer Emick says:

    ” It will change over time, perhaps not least on account of the very clear behavioural improvements which have been identified in children who switched to healthier diets. ”

    Yes…can’t recall the name of the US school (one of many) that banned junk, (Kansas?) but they reported a tremendous decrease in discipline problems.

    “But the schools quit serving it.”

    Thank heavens…yechhh.


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