Tough guy. Psycho. A-hole.

Al-Qaida warns Muslims: Time to get out of U.S.

The new al-Qaida field commander in Afghanistan is calling for Muslims to leave the U.S. – particularly Washington and New York – in anticipation of a major terror attack to rival Sept. 11, according to an interview by a Pakistani journalist.

Abu Dawood told Hamid Mir, a reporter who has covered al-Qaida and met with Osama bin Laden, the attack is being coordinated by Adnan el-Shukrijumah and suggests it may involve some form of weapon of mass destruction smuggled across the Mexican border.

“Our brothers are ready to attack inside America. We will breach their security again,” he is quoted as saying. “There is no timeframe for our attack inside America; we can do it any time.”

“We have a different plan for the next attack,” he told Mir. “You will see. Americans will hardly find out any Muslim names, after the next attack. Most of our brothers are living in Western countries, with Jewish and Christian names, with passports of Western countries. This time, someone with the name of Mohamed Atta will not attack inside America, it would be some David, Richard or Peter.”

  1. Greg Allen says:

    al Qaeda also issued a specific threat against us American living in the Gulf and we got a warning from our consulate but a lot of good that does us.

    No use in panicking. What can anyone really do?

    If you think you’re at risk, have a family rendezvous plan, flashlights, some provisions and cash. You might start filling up at half-tanks instead of waiting until it’s on fumes.

    Beyond that, what can anyone do to prepare?

  2. Bryan says:

    Time to load up on bottled watter, batteries, and MREs…

    Yummm — MREs

  3. Named says:

    Don’t forget the plastic wrap and duct tape!

  4. MSwanberg says:

    @Greg Allen…

    Very mature stance to take. I applaud you. If we allow ourselves to get scared and to change our way of life, then the terrorists have won.

    The best thing we can do is to continue to live our lives as free people.

  5. MichaelFromAtlanta says:

    I would hate to see what would happen if they nuked New York City and Washington. I have a feeling we would retaliate leaving the whole middle east a vast wasteland. I have an image of the Road Warrior movie in my head.

  6. 0113addiv says:

    You guys take this as a joke, but remember 9/11– AND its true provocateurs. Only two words you have to repeat to yourself after that event five years ago: cui bono?

    Next two words to ask yourself before a new “terrorist” attack occurs: cui bono? And after the actual incident that will kill many lives: cui bono?

    Learn about power. Power is like the ring in the Tolkien series. Who ever has it, has the power to exact his mind into the reality of the physical plane that we ALL experience. Remember what Hitler did when he had power. Without power he couldn’t mass produce killing. The power he got was GIVEN to him by the masses. It is done by appealing to your desires. It is done by deception, the devil’s craft. Who benefitted from the last terrorist attack in America? Stop fighting the mirage that you have created in your mind. See the truth that is happening before your eyes before what you see is completely blacked out.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    7: the Mideast is already a vast wastelend. Nothing grows there, there’s no rain and no significant wildlife, nothing to sustain a large population. The only natural resources are sand and oil.

  8. rctaylor says:

    First of all you don’t announce strategic plans in advance. People forget terrorism is not about absolute destruction. The key to terrorism is to break the resolve of a much greater power. It’s more about stirring up politics and forcing policy changes in your enemy. Keeping the enemy jumpy and nervous is as effective as bombs and bullets.

  9. Jtoso says:

    “It’s more about stirring up politics and forcing policy changes in your enemy. Keeping the enemy jumpy and nervous is as effective as bombs and bullets.”

    Agreed. They may just want to F with our airlines. Scare the Government into a red alert.

  10. Improbus says:

    At this point I think nuking D.C. would be a great idea. Just make sure it’s during the State of the Union speech.

  11. Named says:


    Wrong. The mideast is not a wasteland. It might be a fantasy in your head, but go check it out sometime. Irrigation is a wonderous technology. Iraq was once the larget producer and grower of dates along the Tigris and the Euphrates. After Gulf War 1, it was turned into a wasteland… for the common people.

    Learn some history, a little geography and you’ll find the world is not what you see on Fox.

  12. JD says:

    Does the fact they have announced something pretty much mean nothing is going to happen? This sounds like a weak attempt to start a panic based on the revived feelings of the 9/11 anniversary.

    I very much doubt that any serious threat would be “pre-announced” like this. Has any AlQuedia attack ever been pre-announced?

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe it’s because nowadays every meat product in the USA has pork in it 😉

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    13, I’ve been there, several locations. Nothing but sand, dust, and camels. Frankly, it’s the armpit of the planet. (btw, I only watch Faux News for its entertainment value) Maybe Bahrain had some trees, now that I think about it.

    If oil money hadn’t bought them the resources to build hugely expensive salinization plants, there’s nothing growing there at all. Except hatred.

  15. Brian says:

    Methinks somethings in the air, what could it be?
    Ah that’s it, an election.
    Fear, the great motivator.

  16. The total estimated human loss of life caused by World War II, irrespective of political alignment, was roughly 62 million people. The civilian toll was around 37 million, the military toll about 25 million. The Allies lost around 51 million people, and the Axis lost 11 million

    Think about these numbers when you comapre this “war” to WWII. These jerks have got nothing and everyone is afraid of them acting like little girls and old ladies afraid of strangers. These threats are annoying and meaningless. These muslim extremists are actually resulting in thirty-fold more deaths of muslims than Westerners. I’m surprised the ummah has let this fester unless they think the life of one Westerner is worth more than 30 muslims. Seem unlikely. Do the math. And note that our 30-1 kill ratio is done without our heavy weapons! Perhaps these lunatics are just trying to incite us to be murderous butchers. I don;t think we need much incitement. I’m not sure what they hope to accomplish except to get a lot of innocent muslims killed that’s how it always ends up.

    And since when are we actually warned in advance of a well-planned attack? Shoot him.

    Finally, yes, I agree. It’s just before an election so let’s scare the little boys and little girls into voting Republican.

  17. OmarTheAlien says:

    1. Learn to live without Middle Eastern oil.
    2. Completely wean ourselves from oil.
    3. Withdraw completely from the Middle East, if they want to do business then let them come to us.
    4. Live free using only renewable resources.
    5. If they still want to play rough then round’em all up and air drop them into the Sahara, then place an impenetrable embargo around them. If they want to play desert warriors then let them do it without air conditioning, desalination plants or SUV’s.
    6. We all, them and us, will become better people.

  18. Cognito says:

    I’ve felt for a long time that one of the injustices laid on the Muslim world was the way that one (usually Israeli) prisoner was swapped for thirty or a hundred (usually Arab and therefore Muslim) prisoners. The impression it gave me at least was the the value of a non-Arab was thirty or a hundred times greater than that of an Arab.
    I’ve no idea who did the negotiation and who agreed the numbers, and less idea whether it was a deliberate plan but it looked that way.

  19. jason says:

    Watch out… these goofball terrorists are starting to realize how to terrorize the average US citizen…

    I’m waiting for a “WE WILL DESTROY CHRISTMAS! – Jihad against Santa!!!!!!” message…

    Kind of a “Grinch Queda” mojo.

    That will really get the general public’s panties in a wad.

    Can’t we find a magic bucket of water to throw on these guys and watch them melt?

    “What a world … what a world….”

  20. 0113addiv says:

    19 “1. Learn to live without Middle Eastern oil.”

    That is like telling a man to live without sex. Can you do it? To what extremes have you gone to get sex? Haven’t you lied? Haven’t you deceived? Haven’t you used your ego, money, status and contracts to get sex? You made a pact, didn’t you? Yes, of course you’ve had. You’ve reached mediocrity, which is what society is. It is the ‘average’ such as the famous bell curve depicts. What you have never used to get sex is honesty. Remember the pinnacle of a true man: two wives.

    The real first step in curtailing the madness that is going on in the world is for men and women to be honest and reach an honest, real compromise. Women seek the one. Men seek the many. The average between one and many is NOT ONE. It is MORE THAN ONE.

    A true compromise is for a marriage to be one man, two women. Until this leap into honesty occurs, men will be ravaged by the aggression that builds up due to the killing of the third being. Women have to stop being selfish and men have to start being honest– and brave– to change the world. This is the first step.

  21. James Hill says:

    The War on Terror is already longer than WW2. This is more like the cold war, only people talk too much instead of not enough.

  22. RBG says:

    Adnan el-Shukrijumah is a Republican?

    Part of the problem is that when *some* people pray five (or six or seven or two) times a day, every day, all their lives, to believe that there is a whole better and magnificent world “on the other side”: they actually come to truly believe it like the sun is going to rise. It’s like walking through a door. How final or frightening can that be? On the other hand you have the atheist piggies who believe life is a one shot deal. How careful and respectful of life are they going to be?


  23. RBG says:

    21. “I’m waiting for a “WE WILL DESTROY CHRISTMAS! – Jihad against Santa!!!!!!” message…”

    Sorry, different union. The PCers have that one covered.


  24. Higghawker says:

    The first obligation of our government is to defend this country and even the recommendations of the non partisan 9/11 commission has been ignored. It took us 10 years to get out of Vietnam and the politicians were using the same cut and run fear crap. A honorable person admits when they made a mistake and corrects it the best they can, then gets on with life learning from the experience. It’s long past the time when we need to get back to taking care of our country and concentrate on taking care of our own people here.

  25. RBG says:

    Yes, a couple of Bin Ladin backslaps and cold fusion-powered automobiles and everything will be just cool.


  26. spsffan says:

    Well, let’s see. All muslims leaving the US can’t be all bad. 🙂 Destruction of Washington DC could have beneficial results as well. 🙂 New York on the other hand does have at least some redeaming properties.

    But as some have pointed out, terrorists don’t give sneak previews. And as far as it goes, they wouldn’t bother to get their people out. As long as the supply of virgins holds out.


  27. Proud Alien says:

    Who cares? Beyond the psychological impact, the number of victims of the terror acts is relatively small. The whole idea is to make the country panic and it appears there is plenty of gullible around.

  28. Mike Voice says:

    Time to go watch the Osama bin Laden “Family Guy” clip:

  29. sdf says:

    cripes, I thought the Panic started on 9/12/2001

  30. Pfkad says:

    Since when has al-Qaida given a rat’s ass about other Muslims?


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