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I was amused by some of the ads I ran into in an old Radio-Electronics Magazine. I’ll reproduce a few on the blog over the next few days. These are circa 1956 as early color TV was emerging onto the scene.

  1. sdf says:

    this might be “too modern” for you
    100 toy soldiers

  2. Awake says:

    I remember working with a couple of guys that were sooooo proud of having gradeated from “Deep Fry” that they wore their school jackets to work. (Smile / shake head in amazement as I type this).
    One of them was fired for carrying a hidden gun in his toolbox, and the other believed that sex in marriage should only take place when seriously attempting to reproduce. Geee… I miss working with those guys.. not!
    You too can get your degree in engineering in three years instead of four!

  3. John Urho Kemp says:

    You know somethings wrong when they have more people staffed in their admissions and student-loan offices than they have teachers and other faculty in the school.

  4. Curmudgen says:

    Thanks to DeVry, “It lives!! It lives” Igor.

  5. space monkeys says:

    there was this guy that would come to my highschool every year and advertise for devry – Bud Weiser – he was a funny old guy, I bet he got his degree in Television…

  6. Dave Sanders says:

    I actually went to devry… for a semester and a half. I quit when one of my instructors told me that “COBOL is where its all at and C++ is not going to last! If you want to play with programming in C++, then you are in the wrong place.”

    Mind you, this was in 1994… the guy was completely delusional. So I left.


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