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Will Bush be all-time most disliked President? He’s got a good shot. — This site outlines the possibilities. Needs updating. There is plenty of time for Bush to accomplish this goal. He’s competitive, I know he can do it.
related link:
recent approval charts
found by Aric Mackey via Prof. and demographics expert Steven Ruggles
Will he? Who knows till its over…
Should he be? Of course…
When a Republican beats Hillary in ’08, what are you guys going to do?
While I find the story very interesting, what does it mean to America? From my read, nothing. The upcoming elections are about local issues, and the right’s political machine is much stronger than the left’s.
the right’s political machine is much stronger than the left’s.
Very, very true. The political right in the US is much more organized and focused. That’s not to say they are right, just that they are better at media manipulation and campaign management.
No, they just have a coherent message, Gregory.
The Democrats only message is “the Republicans suck”. While that statement may be true, that’s not enough to win an election – they should have learned that from the 2004 debacle.
Bush will beat Nixon because King George will not only be impeached, but he will be brought to justice by The Real United States of America for crimes against humanity– crimes against God.
“Bush will beat Nixon because King George will not only be impeached, but he will be brought to justice by The Real United States of America for crimes against humanity– crimes against God.”
Against humanity, sure. Where did the God part come from??
Dude, at this point I would totally prefer Nixon to Bush.
How sad is that?
0113 –
Why do you want to see Cheney become President?
It has been said that we need to support our president, and this is no exception. I personally will do my best to support him in his drive to be not only the least popular president, but, if I can, help him acheive the vaunted “actual worst president in history” honor. I don’t know how my feeble efforts can make a difference, but as a loyal American, II will commit to continuing to disapprove whenever asked. And we can see that he is personally doing all he can. This morning’s press conference is another great stride: trying to validate secret tribunals and torture in contravention of a century of treaties and our own laws – you have to admit, he is willing to go the distance. We can only assume that this kind of determination will result in success.
With songs like this hell ya Clinton Got A Blowjob by Eric Schwartz
Talk about sensationalized propoganda!
People sure throw around the terms “LOVE” and “HATE” freely. I thought the Gallup Poll asks those polled if they Approve or Disapprove of the job a president is doing?!?!
Talk about a Jump to Conclusion(TM). They need to do a different poll if that’s what this guy is trying to prove, but I guess that detail is not important to his point.
I don’t find myself loving or hating ANY president, regardless if I voted for them or not or whether I approve/disapprove of the job they are doing. That’s like saying when anyone does something that you disapprove of, you HATE them. Bunk.
It’s helpful to respect the office, but not the man. You don’t have to support a President or his policies if you believe they are wrong. Nixon believed that the end justifies the means. The age of Teddy Roosevelt is dead. It is time for a country and a people to mature and accept their place in a global political environment. That silly French Fries to Freedom Fries bit confirmed much of the worlds feeling that we are a young nation with immature population.
Ive heard the president called alot of things but prexy has never been one of them.
But as most hated president yes I think he would win in a landslide.
There is little contest here. Jimmy Carter pretty much has the worst President and worst ex-President titles sewn up. Historically, Bush will be well regarded for his reaction to terrorism, for Iraq (as the truth about WMDs and Saddam’s terrorist connections will then be known) and for the boom in the economy during his terms. He has made the tax system more progressive, with the poor paying less or even nothing and the richest paying more. He has introduced educational reform. By comparison with his predecessors, he comes off well.
I’ll admit to being disappointed.
But, geesh, this is getting ugly.
Bush will beat Nixon because King George will not only be impeached, but he will be brought to justice by The Real United States of America for crimes against humanity– crimes against God.
The phrase “you and what army?” comes to mind…
Richard Nixon –
– Created the EPA
-I nstituted Affirmative Action
– Levied Wage and Price controls
– Ended the Gold Standard
– Ended the Vietnam War
Of course, there are some in here who thing these are GOOD things. 😛
17. I don’t need an army, I walk tall and carry a large dick.
Nice attempt at the random liberal spin, but no dice: Hillary is a valid part of this issue because she will be the left’s candidate for President (if she gets the Democrats nomination is another issue).
Could have fooled… everyone.
Why do you all hate America… Bush is one of the BEST Presidents we ever had. He sticks to his guns no matter what! That’s the mark of a great leader. His face should be on Mt. Rushmore!
His face should be on Mt. Rushmore
I have a better idea.
Let’s chisel his ass into Mt. St. Helens, so it looks like he’s taking a dump if it ever blows again.
22, no way…we’re already covered with his crap.
When Nixon left office he was sending the IRS after political enemies, he covered up Watergate, and the economy was terrible. The economy’s doing pretty well right now, and Rush Limbaugh isn’t the IRS.
#2 James: what does Hillary have to do with this? What does a Republican beating Hillary have to do with this? What does any of your concerns got to do with Bush himself? Are you really so deluded that you think people who dislike Bush automatically like Hillary? Seriously. Unless it becomes the Bush party and they elect Jeb Bush, you’re just babbling.
and AB CD, exactly to which fantasies do you refer?? Are you saying there was no connection? Hmmm.. Weird.
#18 – Richard Nixon –
– Created the EPA
-I nstituted Affirmative Action
– Levied Wage and Price controls
– Ended the Gold Standard
– Ended the Vietnam War
Of course, there are some in here who thing these are GOOD things.
3 out of 5 isn’t bad.
#14 – There is little contest here. Jimmy Carter pretty much has the worst President and worst ex-President titles sewn up.
Worst President is debatable. His administration was waist deep in past problems from day 1. His election was a revolt against the in-crowd who screwed the works before him. He was honest to a fault. I contend that if Christ has risen from the grave in 76 and taken office he’d have lost election in 80. He was a good man doing the right thing. That just ain’t how we play this game.
But ex-president? He is a remarkable ex-president and a valuable asset. The same qualities that weighed him down in office are the same qualities that made him great as a former leader of the free world. Hell, Habitat for Humanity alone scores big in my book.
Historically, Bush will be well regarded for his reaction to terrorism, for Iraq (as the truth about WMDs and Saddam’s terrorist connections will then be known)
IMO, his massive over reaction. We know now that Iraq was not important and Afganistan was. He has destabilized the region, maybe the globe, and has done more to inspire insurgents and terrorists than Osama ever could. This was bungled the word go, not by the military, but by the Capital Hill streetgang pulling the strings.
and for the boom in the economy during his terms.
Okay. Now I just think you are drunk.
He has made the tax system more progressive, with the poor paying less or even nothing and the richest paying more. He has introduced educational reform. By comparison with his predecessors, he comes off well.
Comment by Matt — 9/15/2006 @ 10:39 am
Are they paying more? I don’t think they are. I know I’m not paying less. I know that my dollar buys less now than it did 6 years ago and my income has not kept pace with inflation. I know I pay considerably more for health care than I did 6 years ago. I know higher education costs are out of control and that elementary and secondary school budgets are strained to the max, especially in the poorest and most densely populated communities where relief is needed most.
This is like the “prosperity” of the Reagan years. The wealth increases dramatically for the wealthy, but if you are looking to prove a boom, better chop off any numbers that involve the working poor and the lower half of the middle class… Because those numbers suck. And stop looking at GDP and start looking at numbers that reflect how families and individuals are fairing in their real lives. That’s where the success or failure of the economy lives.
Prexy? What is that, a sexy president? Are you trying to get a new word into the dictionary or what? It is never good when you have a typo in your headline. Try “prezy”.
Why does every Republican bring up Hiliary??? My god!
I can pretty much call myself a democrat but moore in the middle than far left. Republican only want Hiliary to run because she will lose, and you wanna know why she will loose?? because there are people in this country that are sexist. and let me tell ya, you are not gonna find em up north (if you know what I mean)
Now think about it this way. If it were Hilary vs. Condi Rice who would win. well a Idont know about you, but I think that the confederate states are still mad about loosing the civil war. So I know the far lefties are just begging for Condi to run. but neither will, because thier party knows they will loose.
#29 – Why does every Republican bring up Hiliary??? My god!
Because their cable box is locked on FOX news. Senator Clinton, who is refered to as Hillary, isn’t going to be important.
I can pretty much call myself a democrat but moore in the middle than far left.
In other words, you are a Democrat. They are almost ALL nearer to the middle than the left. Just like many Republicans aren’t really rabid neoconservative bible thumping jack asses.
With rare exception, it’s hard to find an actual died in the wool liberal in the real world. And when you find two, you’ll quickly realize they aren’t alike. Liberals aren’t a monolithic group like Neocons or Evangelicals. They are a diverse group of independantly minded critical thinkers, much like traditional conservatives.
Republican only want Hiliary to run because she will lose…
Wrong. They aren’t even under the delusion that she’ll be the candidate. Senator Clinton is a devisive and polarizing figure, who scares the unholy bejeezus out of middle American conservative parents and fire and brimstone zealots. By saying her name over and over they stir up visions of President Clinton signing law that compels mandatory, interactive sex training in grade schools… images of Clinton rolling out a red carpet to foriegn immigrants… images of legalized gay marriage and homosexual recruitment drives… It’s all bullshit wish fulfilment fantasy of the right, but it’s what that rank and file believes… That will motivate votes like nobody’s business and it makes the base chant in unison.
At the end of the day, the GOP message is clear and monolithic… but its fear. Keep them scared, keep the power. The thing is, we are starting to see the holes in the cloth. We aren’t scared so much.
But Dems really need to start adopting similar tactics in a big way. Republicans are reaching out to their base. Dems need to do the same thing. They aren’t going to change conservative thinking and bring them into the fold, and undecideds haven’t heard a song with a good beat that they can dance to.
Dems need to preach to the choir. Because that is how you get the choir to sing.
And by the way, James and Company, we aren’t fooled by your painting Democrats as liberals. It ain’t true. It’s never been true. If you want to see what liberals look like, go visit the Green Party. (and you might learn something if you do, because those are some smart guys)
#21 Roc Rizzo –
Your a schmuck. Seems to me that nobody here hates America, quite the opposite in fact. Questioning our ‘leaders’ is what we are supposed to do you mindless twit.
“Bush is one of the BEST Presidents we ever had” – Wow, that is probably the dumbest thing I have heard this week.
#31, I shouldn’t speak for Roc, but I can pretty well guarantee that he is being sarcastic. Personally I like it when Bush is on TV. Then I can turn him off.