Guilty plea in nuked fake penis case – Criminal Peculiarity – What is wrong with these people?

MCKEESPORT, Pa. – A woman pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in connection with a bizarre incident in February that resulted in a fake penis being microwaved at a convenience store.

Leslye Creighton, 41, of Wilkinsburg, entered the plea Wednesday, and authorities dropped the same charge against Vincent Bostic, 31, of Pittsburgh, who has agreed to help pay $425 to replace the store’s microwave, police and the couple’s defense attorney said.

How’d you like to be the lawyer?

found by Marc Perkel

  1. John Paradox says:

    Just wanted a warm weiner?


  2. prophet says:

    Hot dog
    Warm sausage
    Heat the meat

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Again! Proof that there is no God.

    Why won’t the Xians hear the trumpets on this one?

  4. If you click on the link provided, the story goes from weird to sad. It is just another example of someone who is loosing their life to drug addiction.

  5. RTaylor says:

    If Cheech and Chong ever do a reunion movie, this should be included.

  6. spsffan says:

    Are they aware of the penal code?

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    $425 for a microwave? Damn you can buy 10 of them from WalMart. Who the hell pays almost $500 for a microwave oven?? It’s not 1980 anymore.

  8. Ron Larson says:

    I don’t understand what specific criminal charges would have been brought against the defendant. The article does not say. Is there a law on the books that makes is a criminal offence to heat urine in a microwave?

    I do agree that from a public health point of view this was stupid. The public uses that microwave to heat food. So heating human waste in the same microwave was dumb. But was that criminal?

    I could see were the store could have a civil case against the woman for destroying their private property. She ruined their machine and she should buy them a new one. But criminal? No.

    Perhaps there are laws against trying to thwart urine tests? Is that a criminal offence?


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