Why did our government relax media consolidation laws in the first place? This is a perfect example of why we need monopoly regulation. Our government, in this case Powell and the FCC, seem to be in the pockets of big business.

The Federal Communications Commission ordered its staff to destroy all copies of a draft study that suggested greater concentration of media ownership would hurt local TV news coverage, a former lawyer at the agency says.

The report, written in 2004, came to light during the Senate confirmation hearing for FCC Chairman Kevin Martin.

The analysis showed local ownership of television stations adds almost five and one-half minutes of total news to broadcasts and more than three minutes of “on-location” news. The conclusion is at odds with FCC arguments made when it voted in 2003 to increase the number of television stations a company could own in a single market. It was part of a broader decision liberalizing ownership rules.

Not to mention it’s common sense that information diversity increases with the number of viewpoints. This is so typical of how our society is being bought and sold right under our noses, and both parties are guilty of it.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Why does this surprise you.

    the megacorps have been running things for years. – William Edgers “The Exercise of Vital Powers”

  2. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Sure sounds like a Republican agenda here.

    But isn’t destroying “all” copies of the report the same as destroying government property? Wouldn’t that make this a criminal offense?

    And since this went before a Judge already, by not providing this to the other side, wouldn’t that be obstruction of justice?

    Damn those Republicans know how to shoot themselves in the foot.

  3. lou says:

    Please… I would like to think/hope./imagine that most of the people who matter or care in this world have access to the internet. And if the internet has shown one thing is that there is lots of diversity of ideas out there, and people will pick and choose as they please.

    The FCC regulated media is shrinking in influence day by day, and it is crazy and stupid not to aknowledge it. Especially on this site.

    As I’ve said many times on this site, some people here hate to actually take a stance, a line in the sand. My bottom line is that the percentage of people who gets there ‘news’ from FCC controlled media continues to drop, year after year.

    At what point (please pick one) will you say that the majority of people don’t care what one corporate voice says?

    All this libertarian asks, is that you pick a percentage when you will no longer complain. Remember, at some point in time, 80% of the american viewing public got their new from the the big 3 networks. I think it is below 10% now.

    Give it up.

  4. moss says:

    lou — instead of relying on your feelings of whose side you’re supposed to be on — try analyzing the sources of all this “independent” news freeing our internet society.

    Less than a fraction of 1% is primary source reporting. The other 99% is derived from wire services, newspapers, TV networks — just drawn from a larger framework. The diversity comes from the larger pool. But, that pool diminishes in the same manner as the smaller puddle of national media.

    The internet is only getting as free as we make it — and there are damned few people working at that.

  5. NONAME says:

    I hope this is treated as a criminal matter. Where is the ACLU when you need them.

    The issue attacks our ability as people to govern ourselves. This grievous government act attacks a major pillar of our democracy, government for the people by the people. This is not a trite statement. It means that the public has the “right” to be informed. We can’t govern if we are not informed. Do people really know what they are voting for.

    I used to be a proud Republican, really. No more, now that all they are doing is attracting the very things that made American Strong vibrant and a light to the world

  6. ChrisMac says:

    quick answer..
    educate the masses.

    knowledge is king
    go outside.. explain it to your neighbours

    if you wanna fix the USA… get off your duff and fix it!

  7. joshua says:

    This idea of relaxing the rules of ownership began under the last Democrat President. Bush has just continued it and is bringing it to reality. It’s not a Republican or Democratic issue Mr. Fusion….both sides are backing this.
    Very few Senators of either party are working against this idea.

  8. Max says:

    I thought Powell resigned last year? What’s he talkin’ ’bout, Willis?

  9. moss says:

    Uh, Max — the report was destroyed in 2004.

  10. Smartalix says:


    You forget that there is still a significant percentage of the population that still rely on radio, TV, and newspapers to get their news. The web may provide an alternative content route, but unless the web sites involved are part of the small pool of sites that are generating their own original news (and not just a rant about something, I mean real investigation and fact-collecting) they are pulling from the same pool of information sources that the mainstream media does.

    Not to mention that most of the web sites creating original news are owned by traditional media. Corrupt the mainstream media and the web becomes a plae of half-truths and rumors (which it already is to some extent).

    This strikes at the very foundation of our freedoms. A free and independent press is vital to America’s existence as a free society.


    Powell did it before he left the FCC.

  11. xrayspex says:

    Remember, at some point in time, 80% of the american viewing public got their new from the the big 3 networks. I think it is below 10% now.

    I think the moon is made of green cheese.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – Actually, recent evidence reveals that the moon actually is made of green cheese. 🙂

    That 10% is likely true since big three means ABC, NBC, and CBS. That doesn’t include MSNBC, CNN, or The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Plus, consider that somepeople get news from comedy channels, like FOX.

    Everyone (except me) has cable or satelite and almost everyone has Internet access and that the definition of “news source” is pretty flimsy.
    I still am convinced that many Americans get their version of the facts from pundits like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh who don’t deal in information even loosely based on the facts.

    How many people openly scorn the “liberal media” and accuss reporters and anchors of being purposely deceptive, inventing facts, and outright lying? The greatest trick the right wing ever pulled was making liberal a synonym for “crazy whacko baby eating America hating traitor” and then managing to convince people that the press was liberal. A smart tactic for a group whose activities can’t stand the light of truth, but I’m still amazed that the public fell for it.

    Not helping the situation is the fact that MSNBC and CNN are really do little more than run through shorter news loops of stories estimated to draw the most eyes, and ignoring hundreds or more relevant stories. They also hold political argument shows in place of honest forums for debate.

    I guess my points aren’t really about consolidation per se, but rather just what some of the problems are…

  13. Ethel says:

    This should be reported to the FCC, Office of Inspector General for investigation.

  14. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #8, joshua,

    Quite wrong wrong wrong. This is a polarized political issue. The media conglomerates have been lobbying the Republican Congress to relax the media ownership rules. A Republican President appointed a Republican, Michael Powell, as Chairman of the FCC. The Republicans also have a majority of seats on the commission.

    We have one former Congressman, Tom Delay on record of sleazy tactics. We have at least two Congressmen pleading guilty to accepting bribes to award contracts. We have a Republican lobbyists who has pleaded guilty to all kinds of sleazy behavior. We have a former Congressional aid to Tom Delay pleading guilty to bribes. We have Haliburton being run by Dick Cheney selling nuclear technology to Iran.

    Add to the political garbage here, there are the arm twisting maneuvers at the FDA. The EPA is not being allowed to investigate, let alone prosecute. The Administration keeps trying to sell off Federal timber land to its friends. As demand grows daily, the VA hospitals are being shut down to save money. And for all the bull crap about terrorism, another 25,000 illegal immigrants just crossed the border because Bush wants cheap labor for his friends.

    Like I said. The Republicans keep shooting themselves in the foot.


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