Oh no! Say it’s not so!

TheStar.com – Curb on air travel could hinder flu — I find the irony with this Unintended Consequences entry to be over-the-top. Because the radical Islamists want to kill us all, they might actually prevent us from being killed by a pandemic. Ha! Good work!

The sharp dip in air travel after the 9/11 terrorist attacks delayed the flu season in the United States the following winter, which bolsters the argument for restricting flights when a flu pandemic begins.

“When a pandemic hits it’ll spread very fast — in six months it’ll be around the world,” said John Brownstein, lead author of a study published today in the online journal PLoS Medicine. “It is worth considering limiting travel to the infected areas.”

Restricting air travel could buy some time in the event of a pandemic, but it wouldn’t be enough time to manufacture a vaccine — an endeavour that will take nearly 90 days.

  1. xrayspex says:

    Off topic, but the pic is obviously a fake.

    His tongue says “I’m ululating”, but his armpits say otherwise.

    Can’t ululate without sweaty armpits.

  2. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #1, xray,

    I dunno, I thought he was singing “Onwards Christian Soldiers

  3. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I call bull on this one. While there might be a slight slow down in transmission, I doubt if it would actually be noticeable. There would have been too many people already traveling before any ban is put into effect to stop the spread.

    Reactive measure don’t stop something happening. That requires proactive measures. Only a total ban on all travel could possibly stop the spread of a contagious air borne disease.

  4. mike cannali says:

    I think I can identify the exact moment when I last caught the flu – when someone in the TSA line took off their rancid shoes.

  5. Don says:

    ****Woop wooop******* Conspiracy alert!!

    So that means when the gubermant feels that there is a likely probability that there is about to be a flu pandemic, they will then stage an airborne terrorist event as a pretext to shut down the commercial aviation industry.

    You read it here first folks!



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