Conspiracy Web sites labeled Popular Mechanics a “CIA front organization” and compared us to Nazis and war criminals.

For a 104-year-old magazine about science, technology, home improvement and car maintenance, this was pretty extreme stuff. What had we done to provoke such outrage?


In every single case, we found that the very facts used by conspiracy theorists to support their fantasies are mistaken, misunderstood or deliberately falsified.

Here’s one example: Meyssan and hundreds of Web sites cite an eyewitness who said the craft that hit the Pentagon looked “like a cruise missile with wings.” Here’s what that witness, a Washington, D.C., broadcaster named Mike Walter, actually told CNN: “I looked out my window and I saw this plane, this jet, an American Airlines jet, coming. And I thought, ‘This doesn’t add up. It’s really low.’ And I saw it. I mean, it was like a cruise missile with wings. It went right there and slammed right into the Pentagon.”

  1. franco says:

    One of the first laws of logic – you can’t prove a negative.

    If you posit a Santa Claus – the burden of proof is on you to prove he exists, not on me to prove he doesn’t. I can’t.

    The same with CT – you can never prove a certain alleged conspiracy doesn’t exist. The burden of proof is on the believers to present evidence.

    As for the poster who claimed history “proves” you can’t keep a conspiracy secret, history only shows you blown conspiracies. Obviously if a conspiracy maintained its cover, history would have nothing to say about it. So history too can’t prove a negative.

  2. Logical says:

    Astro, I like the google link to “economic collapse”

    I must have missed the “US economic collapse looming for 2005” and “The Coming Economic Collapse Of 2006” seems to be behind schedule.

  3. Mark says:


    Heres the deal. You need to do your homework. The firefighters had been out of WTC 7, hours before it was demolished. Silverstein had taken out a huge insurance policy shortly before 9/11, with double indemnity payment for a “terrorist attack.” Any investigator would have to look sideways at that. No modern buiding built to these standards has ever collapsed by fire (in a controlled-like demoltion) in history. But we have 3 in just one day? In a 4 block area? What brought it down RGB? Was it a miracle? Even the National Institute of Standards and Technology NITS has posted 5 different reasons for it before they finally gave up and said “we dont know”. There are way too many loose ends that happened on this day to ignore them. If you choose to bury your head in the sand because its too scary to think that this government has betrayed our trust, than by all means, get in line with the rest of the sheep. If you dont think forces within the govt can do bad things, to get what they want, you are uniformed or live in denial. See:

    Gulf of Tonkin incident
    Attack of the USS Liberty
    Operation Northwoods
    Tuskegee incident
    MK Ultra

    Too much to list. Look at the big picture. Stop looking at this piece by piece.

  4. jim says:

    #35 step away from the bong. You have held it in too long.

    Really, why don’t you hit Silverstein with a civil suit for littering public property or some such thing. I am sure a good lawyer could dream up something.. (all those buildings resting on public property for many months.) Oh, that’s right you can’t because everyone in the government is in on the conspiracy and you would never win. I think #24 hit the nail on the head with the DMV rejoiner.

    Look, Bush is supposed to be stupid, how can he be stupid and yet so brilliant that he can plan a super secret conspiracy that looks like a mastermind terrorist attack? Clearly Clinton was in on it also since in 1993 the terrorists tried to blow up the World Trade Center with a truck bomb. Yeah, that’s it both Clinton and Bush are members of the Illuminati and are plotting to take over the world. They are so brilliant that they just look dumb. WOW! Thanks for the great info! I feel so enlightened.

  5. Matt H says:

    Why is is so hard to believe terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them and killed alot of people?

    Hmm…the USS Cole, Kobar Towers, Embassy Bombings in Africa, the first attack on the WTC.

    Things kept escalating, and look at the hundreds of deaths that were incurred by the previous attacks…to which Clintons response do nothing, just like Somalia.

    To be Democratic is to be a professional at having your tail between your legs is it not?

    Bush did nothing but inherite the previous party’s problems – the main one being the failure to do something about Bin Laden when they knew he was a threat.

    And Mark, it must be real easy to be an armchair commander and try to theorize about what happened that day in NYC. The stress on those buildings from the impact and the heat was tremendous. Add in shoddy American engineering and construction and their collapse isn’t much of a suprise.

    But what do I know, I’m no engineer, and I wasn’t in NYC – I was one of the poor bastards in our military who had to fight the war on terror with limited funds and broke ass equipment (thanks again Clinton).

    To suggest our own government would purposefully detonate explosives in the WTC is about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. It dishonors the memories of those who died.

  6. Mark says:


    Nowhere did I say Bush masterminded anything. That would require a brain. This is how debunkers work. The whole of govt is not involved, factions are. So, debate me on the other points. Do you even know about the North American Union? Probably not, because you believe anything the government tells you.

  7. Matt H says:

    #38, the irony is that if you read the article, you would see that you are the classic conspiracy theorist. People present credible evidence/facts/ideas, and all you can repeat is government control/conspiracy!!!. You sound alot like Muslim extremists, it’s your way or the highway. I’m not calling you a Muslim, but I am calling you an extremist. ie Taking things to the extreme. Pushing it to the limit. Not normal.

    Guess what? In some ways the world is more boring than you think it is.

  8. RBG says:

    “It must be fun to lead a life completely unburdened by reality.” -Jay Utah

    I already did my homework and presented it to you on a platter. You didn’t even bother to go to that website, did you? You simply want to be fixated on conspiracy.

    If you did go to that page, you would see a large photo showing no WT7 fire but a huge hole in its face with support column structure missing. You would have seen obvious WT tower structure in a nice line right to that hole.

    You would have read numerous eye-witness accounts such as:

    Boyle: There was a huge gaping hole and it was scattered throughout there. It was a huge hole. I would say it was probably about a third of it, right in the middle of it.

    Hayden: “… and we were concerned about additional collapse, not only of the Marriott, because there was a good portion of the Marriott still standing, but also we were pretty sure that 7 World Trade Center would collapse. Early on, we saw a bulge in the southwest corner between floors 10 and 13, and we had put a transit on that and we were pretty sure she was going to collapse. You actually could see there was a visible bulge, it ran up about three floors. It came down about 5 o’clock in the afternoon, but by about 2 o’clock in the afternoon we realized this thing was going to collapse.

    So why would Silverstein even need demolition explosives in place when he so cleverly and precisely planned the attack to also take out his WT7?


  9. Curmudgen says:

    The Bush haters are just like Baghdad Bob. They will say anything and make up anything to justify their hatred for Bush, no matter how wacky and completely unbelievable it is.

    The —— haters are just like ———-. They will say anything and make up anything to justify their hatred for ——, no matter how wacky and completely unbelievable it is.

    Fill in the spaces with anyone or anything and it works.

    I must stop feeding the Trolls

  10. Floyd says:

    Mark #22:

    Reality check #1: Chances are you (and maybe astro) own mutual funds (or your retirement plan has mutual funds) that invest in banks, oil companies, and defense industries. They invest in those companies (and many more), because those companies make a profit, and increase the value of each share in the mutual fund over time. That’s their job. That’s why astro, if he has real proof that the banks/oil companies/defense industries are actually taking over the world, he probably ought to invest in them. I suspect his “proof” is from Mr. LaRouche, whose credibility is as low as the Christian Right.

    Aside: There are mutual funds out there that specifically don’t invest in defense industries; they don’t appreciate as quickly over time as many of the others. I’m not aware of any funds that specifically exclude banks or oil companies.

    Incidentally, if you put money in a bank, that money doesn’t just sit in a vault, but earns more money, so they can pay you interest. That’s reality check number two.

  11. Mark says:


    Hey, thanks for the econ lesson, but no, I have no mutual fund, or pension plan. I have made mine in owning my own business, and some good real estate decisions. I will not let the parasite bankers pay me their paltry interest rates. I will keep my real estate and some gold, and believe me, I live very comfortably. Since you totally missed my point, investing with the bloodsuckers goes against my conscience, It may seem totally impracticle to you, but it works for me very well.

  12. 0113addiv says:

    A discovery was made on 9/11 that could save millions of dollars and months of wiring up a building for a controlled demolition. All they have to do now is set fire to a building with jet fuel and watch it fall down on its’ own footprint. Just think of the savings! In just 2 hours anyone could bring a steel building down with fire and an explosion! Just 2 hours of work! Why isn’t anyone starting a new demolition company to take advantage of this miracle of a discovery that we witnessed three times on 9/11?!?

    If the official story is true that the towers fell by heat on the steal beams then replicate that in new demolitions. It would save a ton of money.

  13. Floyd says:

    #43: You do all your transactions in cash (otherwise you’d have to use a bank)? Aside from your real estate investments (for which you paid cash?) and gold (whose value goes down as well as up), have no investments at all in other businesses (that’s what stock and mutual funds are, you know)? Yep, that sounds impractical.

    By the way, since you invest in real estate, some people would consider you a bloodsucker, as you’re either a landlord, or you’re playing the real estate game that has messed up home and commercial building prices in many cities.

  14. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Geeze, so many idiotodic arguments and so little time to answer them.

    Astro, you are a complete, unrepentant, racist, idiot

    Mark, You resemble astro, but excepting maybe the racist end of it.

    Mark, while you might be smart enough to understand the only conspiracy involved some terrorists flying airplanes, you are still an idiot because you can’t get away from blaming Clinton.

    Ivor, malren, and Frank IBC, are all just the idiots they have always been.


    For all those banging your heads with the idiots, please remember, it really isn’t any fun having a battle of wits with an unarmed enemy.


    And 0113addiv, If the official story is true that the towers fell by heat on the steal beams then replicate that in new demolitions.

    They tried that, but someone stole the beams.

  15. RBG says:

    Just to make more clear what I wrote:

    WT 1 & 2 debris field reached beyond their own footprints to other *WT-area* buildings, including damage to WT7. graphs this damage area and provides numerous example photos of this damage to buildings as far away as WT7.

    Boyle: “…on the north and east side of 7 it didn’t look like there was any damage at all, but then you looked on the south side of 7 there had to be a hole 20 stories tall in the building, with fire on several floors.”

    Hayden: “It was a heavy body of fire in there and then we didn’t make any attempt to fight it. That was just one of those wars we were just going to lose. We were concerned about the collapse of a 47-story building there.”

    WT7 was a completely unfought 6 or 7 hour fire with no water working in the building and abandoned as it was understood the building would collapse in any case. Add to this the diesel storage sources, the weight of 40 or so floors above some of the fires, the building’s particular construction technique similar to WT1&2 and you get a building failure similar to WT1 & 2. Is this like any of the other building fires in history?


  16. Frank IBC says:

    Why, thanks for the compiment, Mr. Effusion.

  17. RBG says:

    Sounds like mud wrestling with a pig. You get dirty and the pig likes it.


    Disclaimer: No one is calling anybody a pig here.

  18. Matt H says:

    Mr H,

    lol, I think you meant “Matt” not “Mark,” for one of those, and I’m not an idiot for blaming Clinton Mr. H Fusion, a party in power for 7 1/2 months would have no control over the situation, and would, as they showed, be caught off guard and flat-footed.

    I totally agree with the people who blame Bush for Iraq, but to blame him for 9/11 is pretty idiotic.

    However, I’m not suprised that so many people DO blame him, because this country has been producing a steady stream of knuckleheads lately, be they the Christian Right who praise the deaths of soldiers because “God Hates Gays,” or the Conspiracy Left who need to get on meds.

  19. 0113addiv says:


    Matt, I don’t believe Bush had knowledge or was involved in the planning of 9/11 based on the dumbfound look on his face when he was told a second plane flew into the Towers. It was an inside job, that is the only thing that is 100% certain. Who to blame I don’t know. That the Twin Towers and WTC7 were brought down by a controlled demolition, I believe that 100%. But how to get the building wired? I’ve thought about this. This is how I think they did it. After the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, some high government authority invited demolition companies into a top secret meeting “authorized” by the president to the United States of America. They were told that a future attack that was very possible could actually succeed in toppling the tower to fall 1000 feet on its side causing untold devastation in lower Manhattan. They were told to wire up both buildings and have it set to collapse in a second’s notice in case of another “terrorist” attack. The command station would be in WTC7. Of course, the demolition company would see to it that everything was kept hush-hush because no one would understand the patriotic duty they would commence. They would be “saving” lives in the horrific decision to bring the towers down on its’ own footprint. They had seven years to wire up the buildings until they came down on 9/11. They could have had a small crew working on weekends and could have accomplished wiring up the towers in seven years what would have taken just a couple of months with a full crew. This is how I believed it happened. It should be relatively easy to investigate. Only a handful of demolition companies are adept in such a precision undertaking. A journalist could check employee records, interrogate company officials and interview past workers. They should also check obituaries for “coincidences” of former employees dying before retirement.

  20. Frank IBC says:

    The towers did NOT “come down on their own footprint”, moron. Large chunks of debris were scattered blocks away from the sites of the towers.

    Why are you so desparate to believe such an utterly complex and totally unreasonable scenario, rather than what actually happened that day – that the towers were brought down by the damage caused by the impact of the planes, combined with the further weakening of the structure caused by the massive fires triggered by thousands of gallons of airplane fuel?

  21. 0113addiv says:


    The Towers were not spheres like a basketball dribbled on a smooth shelacked floor. They don’t come down and bounce right back up because there is nothing to hold them when they do, so they scatter. That is why debris was found blocks away.

    I have no desperation to believe. Belief is based on not knowing. Do you believe your mother exists (or existed)? NO, of course not, you do not have to believe because you know. Belief and faith are two sides of the same coin: in either case you don’t know, though you think you have knowledge. When you know something you have knowledge of it. If you have knowledge of something it doesn’t necessarily mean you know it. I have knowledge that a woman gave birth to you. I have to take that by faith. I do not know your mom. What separates me from knowing her is you. You are the knower. Depending on your honesty and motives, you can either tell me the truth of who your mother really is or you can tell me a lie. By your very nature, Frank, you seem to be an honest, trusting person like most people are. That is why those seeking power can so easily manipulate the goodness of the majority.

  22. Frank IBC says:

    You’re an even bigger idiot if you think the reason that I believe the towers fell as a result from damage from planes crashing into them, and the fires that resulted from that, is because I am a “trusting” person.

  23. 0113addiv says:


    You trust what you received from the media as the official explanation of what happened on 9/11. OR, you do not have the capacity to understand what truly occured before your eyes that day. That is okay, man. Most people do not understand how magic is done, but they are awed by David Copperfield’s tricks. You cannot explain how he makes a tiger dissappear in a cage but do you really believe it dissappears defying Natural Physical Law? It is a TRICK. Magicians use flaws of our senses, our emotionaly maturity (very low in America) and our willingness to believe what you see with your eyes. You have to understand the psychology of our minds. You have to understand magic. You have to understand mind manipulation. These are not things taught in school. You have to venture on your own to discover these secrets. But, first you have to have an open mind and an interest to learn. What you think is reality is a very low level of reality. I say this not ridicule you, but as an incentive to study reality. I’ve been where you are now. I used to believe in magic. I use to trust in authority. I gave away all my power by believing others were more powerful. What you know has been carefully filtered so that you are not empowered in society. Just a few words can set you off. Just words. Words are just fluctuations of air molecules. Study reality. Study NLP, psychology, Eastern Spirituality…

    Actually, you don’t have to know it. You just need someone in authority that has his main interest in you, not himself.

  24. Frank IBC says:

    The Towers were not spheres like a basketball dribbled on a smooth shelacked floor. They don’t come down and bounce right back up because there is nothing to hold them when they do, so they scatter. That is why debris was found blocks away.

    If you don’t understand what the phrase “fall within their own footprint” means, then don’t use it, fool.

  25. 0113addiv says:


    They fell within their own footprint as the floors pancaked straight down; they landed within their own footprint AND within a radius of scatterment.

  26. Frank IBC says:

    Sorry, you’ve just proven that you’re parroting phrases which you don’t understand.

    “Fell within its own footprint” is a term used in the demolition industry which means that there was minimal debris scattered outside the actual site of the building being demolished.

    Many high-rise demolitions involve buildings which are very close to or even adjacent to other buildings – buildings can be made to fall within a very tight area, with minimal debris outside that area, and no damage to nearby structures.

    This is in obvlous contrast to the collapse of WTC towers, which scattered huge amounts of debris for many blocks, and severely damaged several nearby buildings, including WTC 7.

    And I also suspect that you don’t know what the term “pancaked” means, either.

  27. 0113addiv says:


    You are very well trained to occupy yourself with conflict. When there is conflict there is no growth. You want to keep arguing semantics but that is precisely what is keeping you from understanding higher truths. Its the same that is going on in the Middle East. America didn’t give Israel to the Jews as a nicety. They gave them a state in the middle of OIL country so that they could fight with the Arabs and keep both of them riddled with conflict while America could be less occupied about them and steal (or steel? Mr. H Fusion) their oil. It’s the oldest trick in the book. You’ve taken line, bait and sinker.

  28. RBG says:

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Otherwise you may as well just say the towers were hit by flying saucers disguised as jets. When no proof can be offered to back any of your your claim, this is the same as saying you haven’t the slightest clue what went on that day.

    “It must be fun to lead a life completely unburdened by reality.” -JayUtah


  29. J says:

    Hitler! lol 🙂

  30. Frank IBC says:

    Oh my…

    You are very well trained to occupy yourself with conflict. When there is conflict there is no growth.

    I’m not disagreeing with you because I like conflict. I’m disagreeing with you because your positions are utterly ridiculous.

    You want to keep arguing semantics but that is precisely what is keeping you from understanding higher truths.

    What a load of pretentious rubbish.

    There is no “higher truth”, there is no “lower truth”. There is only one truth, which you prefer to ignore in your nonsensical theories.


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