Man vs. Catfish: Catching flatheads by hand in Mississippi’s Yazoo River

“What makes him so good is that he can hold his breath for so long. I’ve seen him stay down for two minutes at a time, and then come up with a huge fish. Shoot, I’ve even seen him come up with two huge fish–80 pounds of catfish on one arm–his hand threaded through one’s gills and into the mouth of the other.”

“I can’t hold my breath for two minutes,” I said.

“You won’t hold it for two seconds if you’re scared.”

  1. clockwork oranjaboom says:


  2. Walter says:

    I guess that’s one way for fishing to be a cheap hobby!

  3. Paul says:

    Do you need a licensees?

    Here in PA we have to display a sticker showing that we paid the state to be permitted to fish. Carrying a fishing pole without one of these can get you fined. Will wading in a creek now be a crime?

  4. Floyd says:

    There was a story about “noodling” in Outside Magazine perhaps 20 years ago. These guys are crazy…

  5. Metrobilly says:

    Check out the documentary Oakie Noodling for a comprehensive look at this sport. It’s one of the most hilarious movies ever. Even better, the music in the film is by The Flaming Lips!

  6. joshua says:

    I love fishing for catfish. I’ve seen them as big as 100 pounds. But I don’t think I want to put my hand and arm into the mouth of ANYTHING that weighs 80 pounds.

  7. Don says:

    One of these days he’ll put his hand in a hole and find an 80 pound snappin turtle! I’ld love to see the look on his face then.

    Yo, there’s a reason man invented the fishin pole a few ages ago. Like around the STONE age.


  8. mike cannali says:

    What would peta say?

  9. Charles says:

    My Dad tried doing it one time with one of his Uncles who was into it. Said he he would never try it again. Scared the shit out of him.

  10. mark says:

    ive done something like that befor but not catfish… there was this old forend of mine and he showed me how 2 do it wit snapping turtles … lie down in da river creek right on the bank and stick ur hand under the bank and feel … ulll feel their tail and back feet… cuz they always go in head first
    well grab tail pull out of water and keep ur limbs away from their mouths ~lol~


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