Up to 11 stingrays have been found dead and mutilated on Australia’s eastern coast since the Crocodile Hunter’s death, prompting fears that Irwin’s fans are exacting their revenge on the normally docile fish.

Officials from the department of primary industries and fisheries say two of the dead stingrays were not the victims of revenge attacks, but they have been unable to determine the cause of death of at least another nine.

The fact that the tails and barbs of several of the animals were lopped off has environmentalists worried.

Michael Hornby, the executive director of Irwin’s conservation group, Wildlife Warriors, said he feared the rays were being hunted and killed in retaliation for the TV star’s death.

Mal Gulbrandson, 59, from Queensland, told the Sydney Morning Herald he had seen nine stingrays lying on Dundowran beach last Friday with their tails cut off.

Mr Gulbrandson said he believed someone had removed the tails and barbs from the fish to sell as mementos after Irwin’s death. “They are taking advantage of Steve and using the spurs as jewellery,” he said. “Steve, as we all know, was all for preserving the future.”

What sort of ignorant git does crap like this?

  1. gquaglia says:

    Steve Irwin lived his life on the edge and paid the price. These creatures are just minding their own business and have to put up with some crazy Ausie poking at them for the camera.

  2. MikeT says:

    Just when you thought humans couldn’t get any dumber.

    Mike T

  3. scott says:

    What in the freak is wrong with people? Is NO ONE capable of rational thought anymore?

  4. John Paradox says:

    Does anyone remember the ‘hunting of sharks’ that occurred after the release of the movie JAWS?

    Stupidity across the generations.


  5. pete says:

    FYI, before the Brits started dumping their convincts in Australia. They were dumping them in the American colonies.

  6. mandarin says:

    I can see it now. A stingray is held in a prison with a spotlight held to its head. ‘Tell us who did it!’

  7. Aquaman says:

    That’ll learn ’em!

    Stupid fish, don’t mess with us land lubbers!

    Maybe word will get out, and the other fish will behave themselves.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – FYI, before the Brits started dumping their convincts in Australia. They were dumping them in the American colonies.

    Comment by pete — 9/12/2006 @ 11:16 am

    Where did you dump your cooks and dentists?

  9. Ken Lay says:


    Oh wait I’m supposed to be dead. Later.

  10. Steve S says:

    #6 – “FYI, before the Brits started dumping their convincts in Australia. They were dumping them in the American colonies.”

    No wonder our crime rate is so high!


  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    Jesus, at least they should have sold the meat. What a waste, Steve Irwin would have hate that to happen to these animals.

  12. 0113addiv says:

    A compromise could have been just cutting off their sting tails and mutilating that piece only. They would have gotten their revenge and the animal could live to sea another day.

  13. Lindsay says:

    This one has obviously been examined in the news her in Au, turns out its bollocks. Its normal for fishmerman when they catch a ray (accidentally) to cut the barb off as they are dangerous to handle overwise.

  14. Podesta says:

    Not true, Lindsay. In fact, environmentalists are calling on the Australian government to intervene to stop the ‘revenge’ mutilations of stingrays.

    I noticed the vapidity of some Irwin fans at various sites, so I’m not surprised by this. A lot of them did not even realize he was a wealthy entertainer, not a scientist.

  15. Sean says:

    I guess some people watched Steve for years, but never actually learned a damn thing. Steve would spit on these people, if he was that kind of guy.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    Anyone who had seen even one episode of Steve Irwin’s show would know that Irwin would be totally against blaming, let alone, killing the rays.

    Well anyone with even a minimal I.Q.

  17. pipni says:

    court verdict # 102c dated sep 18 2006-
    case – Sting ray vs. Irwin
    my lord ! dis sting ray is one from da same gang who killed mr. irwin. i request u to give it strict punishment of life imprisonment out of water and chop of its tail weapon at the earliest ! it is deadly for whole human generation !
    thnx my lord


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