Looks a little like Coulter

Five people who are much more enjoyable if you imagine them as pro wrestlers — Uh, how did I get on this list anyway?

1. Ann Coulter
2. John C. Dvorak
3. Donald Trump
4. John Stossel
5. Tony Robbins

  1. Higghawker says:

    It’s the crankyness!!! You do have cage matches in your forum! Your wrestling name……………..Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……………………Sir Crank???

  2. rctaylor says:

    John don’t sign up for a bout with Ann, she’ll kill you.

  3. James Hill says:

    You only wish you were “Classy” Freddy Blassy.

  4. random_chevy says:

    I saw the linked photo and thought it was maybe Ric Flair, but I’m bad with names and couldn’t remember. I asked my wife, who happens to be a pro wresting fan, and she said it looked like Freddie Blassie.

    How did John C. Dvorak wind up on the list? Working his way up to the rank of ring announcer? WWE in the stock market has done pretty well, BTW.

  5. Ryan Vande Water says:

    Quit complaining. “More Enjoyable” implies some level of existing enjoyability…. which is more than you get from alot of other sources.

    Not that I agree with them or anything.

    I’m guessing your special wrestling move would be the “Figure Four Numlock!”

  6. gquaglia says:

    Let me add a few more:
    Rossie O’Donnell
    Jay Leno
    Al Sharpton
    Al Gore

  7. That is indeed a pic of Fred Blassie — a tough guy in the pre-steroid era. Like these two guys:

    compare to modern wrestling freaks

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    I want to see John in a Speedo!

  9. jason says:

    #8 – I think i just threw up a little – in my mouth….. oh…. her it comes again.

  10. James Hill says:

    #7 – I didn’t know you and Leo formed a tag team…

  11. Jägermeister says:


    Rosie O’Donnell… now that’s the man for the job… He already knows how to talk trash… http://tinyurl.com/zm9fc

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    #9 aww come on! Imagine John in a Hulk Hogan costume with the yellow speedo and the knee high yellow and orange wrestler boots.


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