I consider this video as obvious evidence of the “end times!” Ack.

  1. Richard says:

    “The sky is falling!” was Chicken Little, I think, not Fatboy Slim.
    This is just so gosh darn cute. Why is it here?

  2. Sean says:

    I might be diabetic now from all the sweetness in that video. Anyway, nice version of the song. The original was on constant rotation when I was in high school, and it would be cool to see a new generation digging it.

  3. Monger says:

    What you don’t see is that this video is the result of the Fatboy Slim Make a Video Contest. If you watch it here you will see the intro, which includes the winner and creator of the above video, and a very unenthusiastic Fatboy Slim: http://www.devilducky.com/media/23810/

    But hey… who doesn’t like kittens?

  4. Jim says:

    Dang, that’s definite cuteoverload.com material (if cuteoverload was still working, anyway). The song was pretty poor when I was younger and doesn’t seem to have improved with age.

  5. Mark T. says:

    Damn, could you tell a chick made this video?

    Totally dripping of syrupy sweetness. That will probably air on the Disney channel 24/7.

    Gag. Where is my insulin?


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