Click picture to view video

  1. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I would really like it if these movies didn’t come in proprietary formats. I refuse to have REAL or Quicktime on my computer phoning home all the time, whether in use or not.

  2. stumblingblock says:

    no need for Real Player or Quicktime. Look for Real alternative and quicktime alternative, which allow play through media player classic. i have used it for a long time with great success. search for “download ral alternative” or somesuch.

  3. Pmitchell says:

    very very good, thank you for the best showing of what really happened that day. unbelievable footage especially from an amiture, a really moving piece


  4. Jim W says:

    torrent link found via the Digg


  5. Anybody have the link in Real Format? I am running Linux… no quick time and I want to see this.

  6. J says:

    Mr. H. Fusion

    REAL Player I understand What and intrusive piece of crap. I use QuickTime but block all there attempts at outgoing.

    Try this open source I use it for almost everything. Very few things won’t play in it. If I am correct it will even play with out a codec installed. I think


    This video is worth the watch.

  7. david says:

    Go to the FBI’s official Most Wanted List and note well that Osama bin Laden is NOT WANTED as a suspect for 9/11:

    The FBI knows how to cover their ass. Next question: If Osama didn’t mastermind 9/11 then who did?

  8. bob wilson says:

    another sanitized video. the impacts and seconds before the collapses in all cases are …not included. check the richter scale record and ask why there were 2 earthquakes right before each building started collapsing…..

  9. astro says:

    Listen to minute 12:15 right after the second plane hits…

    ” Oh my god, It was a MILITARY PLANE”

    Some good read for more info

  10. doug says:

    8 &9. Oh for christ’s sake – must you conspiracy theorists demean everything with your delusional paranoia? Five years ago, the United States suffered an unprecedented attack by foreign terrorists, and you people are trying to turn it into effing Area 51 and flying saucers.

  11. bob wilson says:

    read it however you like…

    The strongest jolts were all registered at the beginning of the collapses, well before the falling debris struck the earth…. a 2.1 and a 2.3 on the richter scale.

  12. bob wilson says:

    anyway, it was a very sucky day indeed. Now is your chance to go support our troops, they ARE the good guys.

  13. doug says:

    11. tighten the chinstrap on your tinfoil hat, baby, because the Omnipotent Government Conspiracy (TM) that could have pulled off 9/11 will certainly silence the people who know The Truth is Out There.

  14. astro says:


    Sorry you feel that way, but after 5 years of reading, I don’t think I am this crazy… “Area 51 and flying saucers”… Don’t get me wrong, I like star-trek too, but I don’t mix reality with fiction… I am a very sceptical, analytical person. Please take some time to read the link I have put up. If you find any flying saucers story or sci-fi stuff, please report. If you have only crazy things to report …

    I do not try to convince anyone, and I find that killing 3000 people and destroying all those infrastructure is very wrong, but we need to find what really happen before it’s too late.

    Humanity has a better future than this.

  15. Pmitchell says:

    jeeez ASTRO that link is just disgusting the man that wrote that page thinks the “zionists jews ” are responsable for every problem the world has. Get a life man, if the jewish people were so powerfull why is there country so small and why did they alow 6 million of their fellow people to be murdered in WW2. You fruit cakes look every where but at your selves for the problem and blame every one for your down fall. If your life sucks its your fault, not THE MAN,NOT THE ZIONISTS , THE SECRET SOCIETIES, IT’S YOURS. SO SUCK IT UP AND GET ON WITH LIFE, IT’S TOO SHORT TO SPEND IT POINTING YOUR FINGERS AT EVERYONE FOR YOUR PROBLEM

  16. Mark T. says:

    Thanks for the link, Uncle Dave. That really brought it home for me. It gave me chills watching it. That should be watched on every September 11th so that we don’t forget.

  17. kosmo says:

    The debate about the mismatching pieces on the horrible attacks of the 9/11 is very interesting. On the one side I credit the so-called “conspiracy theorists” for investigating many things that should be clearer, and I think much more info should be released to the public by the authorities in case they have nothing to hide.
    Also, do you think Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11” is also a conspiracy theory?
    I saw the loose change 9/11 documentary and its merit, at the very least, lies in denouncing there are many extrange and poorly explained things in the official version. I also read with much interest an article in popular mechanics clarifying some of the issues. So here you have both versions (both conspiracy and anti-conspiracy) and judge by yourselves:

    Loose Change 2nd ed. documentary

    Article on Popular Mechanics

    I don´t know what to think but one thing is for sure: Americans, you should kick president Bush out of office. You deserve a better leader. The world deserves a better way of doing things on the part of the USA. everything has become a much worse and our world is now a much more insecure place for everyone of us since Bush and his team is in charge.
    Sorry for all innocent and good people who died on the Twin Towers on 9/11 and in the rest of the world in the aftercoming wars.

  18. jml1911a1 says:


    Effing sanitized. Someone took out the most significant portions of the video–the seconds before the collaspes, and the plane flying into the second tower.

    Someone’s either a useful idiot or a willful stooge.

  19. astro says:


    I mostly agree with what you said, we are responsible for most of it, but there are forces out there that want to destroy America and I am including Canada also. If you want to know more,
    see and hear

    I know you can deny the info by calling name and treating everyone of conspirationist but if you start listening and reading, there is a lot of questions unanswered

    Well said Kosmo, give people choice…

  20. Carlos Moll says:

    Anyone else notice the file is 91.1 MB?

  21. Named says:


    Can someone explain what 9/11 and Iraq have to do with each other? I listened to your President, uh, speak last night and I’m still trying to figure it all out.

  22. MSwanberg says:


    Whoa! Goosebumps!

  23. xrayspex says:

    Five years ago, the United States suffered an unprecedented attack by foreign terrorists,

    The only people who know for sure were the attackers and their handlers themselves. Attackers: dead. I guess that makes you one of the handlers.

    I’m callin’ the FBI.

  24. Max says:

    Never forget.

  25. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Astro, you are a sick person. The links you posted are garbage. You have promoted this “Jewish Conspiracy” crap before. Take off your white robe, throw out the white power posters and see a Doctor about getting rid of the swastikas tattooed all over you.

    You are a disservice to everyone that laid down their life for freedom.

  26. eddietours says:

    hey has anybody seen the explosion right at the bottom when the building collapse there flash of light coming from it.

  27. RBG says:

    9. ” Oh my god, It was a MILITARY PLANE”

    Had a chance to view the video and, of course, it is as numbing as expected. That lady must have pretty good eyesight to pick out the military markings on a jet when I could barely make out entire fire trucks. But then maybe she was a former air traffic controller and can recognize aircraft silhouettes…. Something she pinned down as a “big airplane.”

    But did you notice what was winding up the pillar inside her apartment? Christmas lights! I’m not making this up. I think it pretty obvious what that suggests. Maybe, just maybe, 9-11 didn’t actually happen on “9-11”. I’m not saying that’s what happened. Hey, I just raise the questions. You can’t fault me for that.


  28. joshua says:

    #28……..either it wasn’t on 9/11 or they are like my Uncle John who never takes his damn lights down.
    It took a very, very long time for this video to download. I don’t have a slow putor. I had given up on it and was doing something else when all of a sudden about 40 mins later it popped up.
    I don’t know what to make of the fact that they seemed to cut the video just as things happened. They were doing a long shot when the second plane hit, which we don’t see on the video because it was obviously cut there and also at the beginning of the collapse of the tower.
    I have to go along with this being a sanitized version.

  29. RBG says:

    Sanitized? That’s funny. And just what truth was it that this seasoned and gritty documentary filmmaker did not want you to see? Clearly they must be hiding something. Maybe there were in fact two planes that went into the second tower? Maybe you could see the covert demolition team rappelling out the tower windows at the time of the jet strike?

    Let me offer a couple more mundane alternatives. By my rough calculation – maybe you can back me on this – the video run-time did not equal the duration of the real event. Either the lady was trying to save on the cost of video tape or maybe she thought she pretty much covered the scene enough to put down her camera instead of hand-hold shooting the same thing for hours on end.

    Of course, if she was really on the ball, she would have anticipated a second jet strike and both towers collapsing – even though no one else did. So she had to settle for grabbing the camera, powering it up and focusing in on those events shortly after they happened.

    But maybe you’re right, “they” got to her. See, I’m open-minded.



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