I’m always hearing the defenders of raping our environment telling me not to worry about all the chemicals we dump in our water. Can anyone tell me why it is a good thing that our administration is so anti-environment (or pro-business, call it what you like). I’m all for making a profit, but I’d be willing to pay a little more for clean water and air.

Some species of male fish in the Potomac River and its tributaries are developing female sexual traits at a frequency higher than scientists have seen before, raising concerns about pollutants in a waterway that provides drinking water for millions of people.

The so-called “intersex fish,” which produce immature eggs in their testes, were discovered in the Potomac rivershed in 2003 and have also been found in other parts of the country.

In some Potomac tributaries, nearly all of the male smallmouth bass caught in last year’s survey were the abnormal fish. In the Potomac itself, seven of 13 largemouth bass exhibited female characteristics, including three that were producing eggs.

This is not a natural phenomenon.

It’s bad enough we’re polluting ourselves to death, some idiots feel the need to speed up the process.

An emergency operation involving park rangers, fishing enthusiasts and Environment Agency staff was launched at award-winning Longton Brickcroft

Is there any real difference between industry fouling the water and a stupid vandal?

  1. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Is there any real difference between industry fouling the water and a stupid vandal?

    Yes – Republicans support industrial pollution because the science behind it is “junk”. Just like their morals.

  2. stalinvlad says:

    Its the hormones that they feed cattle, pigs etc that causes the trans-gender thing.
    In the UK it was linked to fishermen using SPAM(tm) as ground bait.

  3. Peter Rodwell says:

    >I’d be willing to pay a little more for clean water and air

    You must be the only person to think that way in the entire US!

  4. Roc Rizzo says:

    Somehow I think that there will be a lot of transgender elephants in DC come November. Maybe elephants will become near extinct there, if we are lucky.

  5. James Hill says:

    Meanwhile, the donkeys in DC lost their balls years ago.

  6. paul says:

    Let’s stop blaming the government and start educating people. I don’t trust any politician to secure my future or the future of my kids. I continue to remember the joke of the politician choosing hell over heaven. Remember, there is a difference between a campaigning official and an elected official. Go Libertarian, at least until they gain too much power.

  7. ECA says:

    1. its easy to keep a clean river clean.
    2. most corps WONT clean up what they have done, from 20+ years ago, as they DID it, and got AWAY with it, and werent caught.
    3. Population density, is the MAJOR concern, as well as Asphalt, and how its made. The East coast is going thru the same thing Europe has for centuries.
    4. when cities are built on the idea that you NEED water in a close range, you get towns, cities ALL along 1 river..
    5. Farmers, with the chemicals they use as WELL as cow dung, can kill just about anything. But they need water also. And if cattle arnt let out of enclosed area, as MOST animal dont like eating where then “SPIT”(they dont like the smell either), polutants build up, and take from 10-15 years to penitrate into the soil and destroy wells’ and water sheds, and aquaduct…

  8. jbellies says:

    This is old news, old technology. It’s called the Vacuum Hoover Syndrome (VHS) and easily verified by comparing the wardrobes of Herbert Hoover and J. Edgar Hoover.

  9. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    The so-called “intersex fish,” which produce immature eggs in their testes, were discovered in the Potomac rivershed in 2003 and have also been found in other parts of the country.

    Does anyone think it might be something in the water? Or could this be another one of God’s creation thingys.

  10. Christopher says:

    It is something in the water. It’s us! From the article: “…estrogen from birth control pills and human waste can make its way from sewage treatment plants to the waterways.”

    Estrogen, testosterone, progesterone…careful where you pee!


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