Four prisoners in an El Salvador jail hid cellphones, a phone charger and spare chips in their bowels so they could coordinate crimes from their cells, prison officials said on Wednesday.
The four men, all gang members, wrapped their phones and accessories in plastic and inserted them into their rectums “far enough to reach their intestines,” Ramon Arevalo, director of the maximum security Zacatecoluca prison, said.
Arevalo said the ruse was discovered during X-ray examinations following six weeks of investigations.
I wonder if they were camera phones?
Appropriate photo (chuckle).
Thank goodness they haven’t developed “smell” phone technology yet. 🙂
Sounds like a “Family Guy” episode I saw last week, where Peter swallowed his cell phone.
It has to be said….
Talk about a crappy phone…
HOw was the reception?? Crappy??
Can you see placeing that near your ear?? Crappy sound also..
LOVe to see someone with an incomeing CALL….RING, RING…Opps let me answer that…
Can you hear me now?
Not with THIs echo…
Gives new meaning to the Circle of Friends plan…
Go help me…what was the antenna and what was the send button?!?!
i just wonder if they set them to ‘vibrate’….
A forward thinking warden would counter this problem with surprise mandatory “Nokia Night” fart lighting events. Lithium cells, surrounded by methane and other gases and, BAM, problem solved. For technical specifics see Facts on Farts:
Add a little energy feed back to the batteries…Its not hard.. A good static charge would make them HOT.
Also place a Anti Cellphone device up…and watch them ALL curse.
Or sit INSIDE,and track trace the calls, and listen into the conversations..