Empty playgrounds in an aging Italy — A rather sad and creepy picture is emerging from Europe regarding declining birth rates and the apparent hedonism of the women there who seem to despise the idea of having children. A chilling article.

Most Genovese today have only one child or none and are unapologetic about the choice. The birthrate (7.7 births per 1,000 people) was about half the death rate (13.7 per 1,000) in Liguria last year, a frightening ratio even by European standards…

“Some of the kids in school with my teenager don’t even speak Italian,” said Maria Termini, who lives in the old town. “It’s really very difficult.”

In the Fiumara Mall, the rare mother pushing a stroller is generally speaking a foreign language: Spanish, Arabic or Albanian.

“In Italy they don’t have children,” said Flor Ribera, a 42-year-old house cleaner from Ecuador, who plans to enroll her two children in middle school next year. “They have dogs and cats.”

The crux of the article is that the middle-class women of Italy say they cannot afford to have children as it is too much of a burden. Yet the poorest immigrants manage it. So what’s wrong with this picture? The story worsens when you type “Europe population decline” into Google. Much creepier tales emerge especially in Sweden and Norway. Although there are these elements all over Europe.

One of the most chilling reports on the topic appears here. — This is one of the most interesting essays I have seen for a while on how the tough guys in Scandanavian countries have been essentially de-balled. While much of this side of the debate stems from right-wingers, the facts described are the facts. Some of the things in this article border on insanity. As a result of running this link I will get comments from the other side defending all this nonsense. You watch.

In the year 2000, Swedish feminist Joanna Rytel and the action group Unf**ked Pussy entered the stage during the live broadcast of the Miss Sweden contest. She also wrote an article called “I Will Never Give Birth to a White Man,” for a major Swedish daily, Aftonbladet, in 2004. Rytel explained why she hates white men — they are selfish, exploitative, vain, and sex-crazed — and just to make things clear, she added, “no white men, please… I just puke on them, thank you very much.”

Misandry, the hatred of men, isn’t necessarily less prevalent than misogyny, the hatred of women. The difference is that the former is much more socially acceptable. “All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman,” according to Catherine MacKinnon, prominent feminist scholar at the University of Michigan and Yale. “All men are rapists and that’s all they are,” said Marilyn French, author and advisor to Al Gore’s Presidential Campaign. “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them,” stated Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor.

If all oppression comes from Western men, it becomes logical to try weakening them as much as possible. If you do, a paradise of peace and equality awaits us at the other side of the rainbow. Well congratulations to Western European women. You’ve succeeded in harassing and ridiculing your own sons into suppressing many of their masculine instincts. To your surprise, you didn’t enter a feminist Nirvana, but paved the way for an unfolding Islamic hell.

America’s future

  1. Franco says:

    One thing that seems to help white people’s self-esteem and sex-appeal is cool uniforms and armbands and torchlight marches. I hope we bring these back soon, Testosterone levels and reproduction would rise immediately.

  2. Andres says:

    This is happening in the US, too. Most college educated women that I know are hostile towards the idea of having children. The more advanced the degree, the more true this is. Even women who want kids want only one, and they don’t want it until they’re 35. This is a frightening development, as it virtually guarantees our national IQ will go down over time. The ignorant will inherit the earth.

  3. Podesta says:

    It is striking to me that so far no one has asked a rather obvious question:

    Why should one care about maintaining a high WHITE (double emphasis intended) birth rate, if one is not a racist?

    The only reason I can think of for seeking a high white (or European or European derived, if you prefer) birth rate is a belief that white people are better than other people. Otherwise, one would not care.

    Other commenters have done a better job with identifying the misogyny in this entry. I will join them in pointing out that given an opportunity, women will choose education and employment over bearing multiple children the world over. Ain’t nuthin’ wrong with that. Women are just as entitled to pursue their goals as men are.

    When I read this entry last night, I had just finished reading an article about that polygamous Mormon cult whose leader was recently taken into custody. That community ‘marries’ girls as young as 12 off to grown men who already have several ‘wives.’ Its birth rate is very high. The other criterion of this entry, a high white birth rate is also met. Methinks that John Dvorak might consider joining the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He would fit right in.

  4. Kent Goldings says:

    I don’t think enough extra prople die per year per capita in a the third world to neutralize the population growth. All the data agrees with me. As long as people live long enough to have children, it doesn’t matter anyway.

    Say, in India, couples average 7 grown children before they die and, in the US, couples average less than three 3 grown children. It doesn’t matter when they die. They can live for another 100 years, their net contribution to the population is +5 and +1 respectively.

  5. JoaoPT says:

    Wooohow…People calm down. First of all, You can’t apply the same values on the first and the third world. People said that, among other reasons, third world people have nothing else to do than f**k all day long and procriate brainlessly. Au contraire. There to have more children opens more possibilities of survival and sucess. I’m talking rural areas. The more arms you have to help you harvest and take care of you (there’s no social security,you know…) on the (early) old age, the better your chances. There’s no sexual issues, since the order and relative roles are determined at birth. Women take care of he offspring and home and the closer to home agriculture, and men move to more distant farmfields, fish and hunt too. Not very different from our ancestors.
    On 1st world societies, industrialization and services take care of labor. So to survive is to give your offspring a good education. That takes time and resources (money) couples have better chances having less children. There’s also social mechanisms to replace the role of the family. Career and achievement, the democratization of learning and information balance the relative sexual roles. Women are not just there to give birth and take care of the kids. They skip their most fertile years and end up having just one child or none.
    This, of course is oversimplyfied, there’s much more to it.
    But, like I said earlier, the blog is not the place to discuss this matters.

  6. AB CD says:

    A high white birth rate only matters, in that white is associated with civilization, or at least liberal civilization instead of totalitarianism. The alternatives right now are Islam, China, India, and Latin America. Latin America tends left, but sometimes sticks to its European roots. India has British roots, so not all is lost. China also has British roots, but unfortunately that’s Communism.

  7. JoaoPT says:

    #38 – these brittish root of yours….

  8. JoaoPT says:

    Nice blog title…

    hatred driven demographics…the new science clearly…
    And then two disparate articles, barking at different trees. They’re not related in any way. Only in the laying out of this thread.
    Well I suppose they did the trick, since it has fathered (nice word) a chasm of long winded and, commited responses.
    At least the words “food for thought” remain in my head after reading the posts and the proposed articles. Not that I agree with them (and also one is reporting a fact, the other is an opinion…so agreeing is not the word). They raise more questions than responses (in fact the fjordmam’s one, has no responses whatsoever…and also click on his personnal bio and blogs he posts…enlightning…).

  9. Teyecoon says:

    This poor vs. rich country birth rate is going to be the reason Mexico takes over this country if we don’t control our borders. I’ve never seen a non-propagating Mexican or Cuban for that matter. I suppose I’d better brush up on my Spanish if these Republicans prove to lack the balls to pass some kind of illegal immigration reform.

    I guess this shows that it isn’t the meek who will inherit the earth but the poor although the meek are likely a subset of the poor which would prove this statement.

    BTW: I too am content in having only “furry” children. : )

  10. syngensmyth says:

    We bemoan extinction of all kinds, unless it is white extinction. What is wrong with white anyway. Yet the white whale’s demise receives a great deal of attention, eh Ahab? So maybe it’s just white humans we don’t mind losing.

    Why is it that the lighter colored people have historically been the dominant cultures. Sure, there was that telescope thing, and a few math tricks but I mean DOMINANT. Generally it seems so. That would be an interesting discussion. We can never talk about it, but interesting anyhow. Is it because whiter people lived in areas with more and better raw materials? Perhaps whites posses a greed gene. Is there an unbiased study somewhere. Besides the one Hitler commissioned of course.

    Anyway, time seems to be unwinding white’s clock. Will the human race eventually be some homogenized shade of tan? No more Paris Hiltons. I hate to see it. Yet life without Katie Couric may be acceptable. So I’m probably on both sides of this issue.

  11. John Schumann says:

    Yup, there’s a problem. Misandry is a word I’ve never even seen before, so I don’t think this has gotten a lot of attention from the mainstream media.

  12. Andrew says:

    Why don’t we just round up all the undesirables in Africa, and then destroy the entire continent with nuclear weapons. Afterwords we can use the entire continent as a giant waste dump.

  13. Podesta says:

    Well, the question I asked earlier, whether all this teeth gnashing is about white supremacy, has been answered by several commenters. The answer is yes.

  14. I think we’re talking about cultures not race. But whatever. Have it your way. The last time I looked both Europeans and Arabs were of the Caucasian race, As for African Muslims nobody has bitched about African Christians so I cannot see the race issue there either. I think some people are just using racism as an excuse for everything rather than make a clean argument.

  15. sunrisewise says:

    Please tell me what moron wrote this article and what planet are you on???
    Do all these crazies who keep going around telling people they’need’ to have children not get it????????
    Do they even understand that there are children all over the world who are starving? neglected? abused? Are they not aware of the huge overpopulation problem on planet earth?
    Very many of these children are in Europe and America, from Western Men!!!
    Who can in good consience go around having more children when there are so many in dire straits?
    Why don’t you people stop having kids and go out and help some of the ones that are already here???

  16. Sergio says:

    Man what’s with all the hatred towars white people. I love all people and think its kind of racist to spread hatred at anyone including white people. I will never understand the self hatred people hang onto, I know many beautiful white couples why do you think your superior to them, you sure make a lot of negative comments toward them. I live in Spain and economics and a future that looks bleak causes many to not want kids, what kind of future would await them?


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