The future of America; Good Work You Parents.

I have no idea what these girls are doing but it’s not a picture that will eventually get you a corner office, that I can assure you. Parents, give your kids some sort of warning about casual party pictures. Everything ends up on the net!

This was actually on the Comedy Central blog website. Geez.

And let’s rename those videos to “Girls Gone Stupid.” Maybe that will end it.

  1. James Hill says:

    They’re drinking out of a beer bong. I don’t need to watch the video to know that.

    As I’ve mentioned previously in other threads, I love how feminism has turned out.

  2. FSFunky says:

    PARTY NOW!!!!!! WOOO!!! > making something of yourself.

  3. Ivor Biggun says:

    Looks like my future corner office secretarial staff…

  4. James Hill says:

    Ivor hit it on the head. Natural selection in its finest form.

  5. Mark G says:

    For those of you born in the PreCambrian, the girls are drinking out of a beer bong.

  6. mandarin says:

    The one on the right looks nearly wasted.

  7. Oh, and for the edification of us PreCambrianites — EXACTLY what is the point of this beer bong that cannot be satisfied by a glass or bottle? It looks stupid although it may perfect some other skills from what I can tell.

  8. James Hill says:

    The point is that you can drink more beer in a continuous flow than with a bottle, can, or mug. See “binge drinking” for more information.

  9. The key to the beer bong is the funnel that is not shown in your picture plus the long tube.

    Using the wonders of gravity, the beer bong can cram incredible amounts of beer into your gullet at a much quicker clip than a regular old bottle or can of beer. You can, however, poke a hole in the bottom of a can and then open the top and get a near bear bong effect. We liked to call that shotgunning a beer.

    The end result is a healthy head rush style drunkeness and probably a one-night stand. See the girl on the right for an example of the after effect.

  10. xully says:

    Suction Girl is a babe.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    Looks like the type of girl an executive will want.

  12. John Urho Kemp says:

    I like how John is acting all innocent about not knowing what a beer bong is when in fact he and his fellow chem students probably invented the damn thing.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    And people are still wondering why jobs aren’t staying here in North America…

  14. Mike Cannali says:

    It’s a Lewinsky Training Video
    Definite Oral Office Material

  15. David says:

    Why the bong? Liquor is quicker.

  16. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Oh, and for the edification of us PreCambrianites — EXACTLY what is the point of this beer bong that cannot be satisfied by a glass or bottle? It looks stupid although it may perfect some other skills from what I can tell.
    Comment by John C Dvorak — 9/5/2006 @ 1:28 pm

    This allows the students to share backwash together. It also enhances the community spirit. Or community spit. Anyone want to know where these girls learned to suck beer like that?

    When I did my college stuff, I too did some stupid things. Drinking to excess for the sake of drinking to excess wasn’t one of them. Though I did personally add to a certain brewery’s bottom line.

  17. Smartalix says:

    Plus de change, plus de meme chose.

  18. Joe Dirt says:

    Yeehaw, that’s what I’m talkin’ about! Come on John, we all know you are living your life vicarously through these girls!

    ps. can you upgrade the blog to spell check?

  19. chewy says:

    I’am confused. What are these girls doing wrong?They’re gettin drunk and having a good time.

    Am I missing something here, I see this practically every weekend.

    Looks like a funtime to me.


  20. Mark says:

    I don’t think you should be warning these girls not to post the pictures. Why not encourage them to post pictures of everything and make weeding out the bad job applicants an easy job?

  21. Paul says:

    I’ve been thinking about this for some time. I think the days of carefree photos like this is coming to an end. Photo and video anonymity will put to death buy the likes of Riya and Google.

    Check out the big G’s newest acquisition, Neven Vision, and tell me they won’t change the face of the web.

    Imagine searching by name or email address to find all the pics on the web that match that person. Very very incriminating. It will be like a Google images search for celebrities. People will search for girl friends boy friends and co workers and nothing will be hidden. Everyones slip ups will be visible.


  22. Mike Voice says:

    Keep telling yourself it’s beer…

    Then imagine what gets pored into the funnel during initiation into the Sorority. 🙂

  23. Ben Franske says:

    I think it would be worth reading this short commentary I wrote a few months ago about how the information age will be a drastic shock to people like this when they get older.

  24. Don says:

    Pink shirt chick in the background looks hot too.

    I sure wish I went to college.

    My daughter is a sophmore in highschool, YIKES!


  25. Don says:

    Wait, I finally figured out what they are doing!

    They are big fans of M@THBUSTERS, and they are testing something about GOLF BALLS and WATER HOSES!

    I bet her BF would prefer another line of research.


  26. Smartalix says:

    No shit, Don. I wish I went too. Army night school is a little short on hot drunk co-eds. (Hot drunk soldiers are another matter, but the situation is entirely different.)

  27. Mike says:

    keg stands are a whole lot more fun…

  28. siouxmoux says:

    Yet another example of what you can typically find on any random youtube video moment.


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