The future of America; Good Work You Parents.

I have no idea what these girls are doing but it’s not a picture that will eventually get you a corner office, that I can assure you. Parents, give your kids some sort of warning about casual party pictures. Everything ends up on the net!

This was actually on the Comedy Central blog website. Geez.

And let’s rename those videos to “Girls Gone Stupid.” Maybe that will end it.

  1. Bryan says:

    It has everything you need in a photo; beer, women, and THAT girl [look to far left to see]

  2. Gyro Gearloose says:

    In my day it was “shooting a can of beer.” You punched a small hole in the bottom of the can with an old fashioned beer opener, tilted your head back, put the hole up against your mouth, and popped the top. Bingo, the entire can of beer goes flushing down your gullet and you had better be ready. Doesn’t seem all that much different than the bong, but then I’ve never tried the bong method and don’t plan to.

  3. James Hill says:

    If it makes you guys feel better…

    Yes, you did miss out.

  4. James says:

    #33 – imagine that, but with 3+ cans. Thats the bong. People have made 3 story beer bongs. I’ve seen people shotgun bottles. Slap the opening and away it goes.

    The time of consumption plays an important role in how drunk you get. Many see the beer bong as a test, if you spill any… you’re a pussy.

    Also my friend once downed a beer bong of mrs butterworths syrup…

  5. Teyecoon says:

    “Dad, it was Red Bull in the funnel to help us wake up to study!”

  6. So does anyone think this is Chco State? Or UT Austin? I think we should identify these girls.

    A contest idea!

  7. Ben Franske says:

    In addition to the commentary I listed in my previous post I have now written a second piece dealing with the recent perception of privacy disappearing from Facebook. I really think their are going to be a lot of people hurting down the road because of a combinations of poor decisions and the ability to quickly (and irreversibly) disseminate massive amounts of information on the Internet, much of which can be tagged and indexed at some future time making it easily searchable. This problem will only be growing.


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