Some Paris Hilton fans may have got more — or less — than they bargained for when they bought her debut album,.

Record chain HMV said Sunday it had pulled from shelves several copies of Hilton’s “Paris” album that appeared to have been doctored by British graffiti artist and prankster Banksy.

The doctored version includes a topless image of the celebrity heiress, as well as a picture in which she sports the head of a dog…Instead of Hilton’s perky pop, the CD inside features 40 minutes of remixed music by a musician identified only as “DM.”

Banksy’s spokeswoman, Jo Brooks, said the artist had hidden 500 copies of the altered album in record stores across Britain.

I wouldn’t buy the altered version either.

  1. RTaylor says:

    If I was a heir to the Hilton fortune I would gladly live my life quietly, away from the masses. I only state this in case some great power of high wants to switch things around.

  2. Paris Hilton says:

    that’s hot. Oops, I’m mean…that’s hot.

  3. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Paris who?

  4. meetsy says:

    hail banksy….
    …my hero.


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