The blog tries to keep people positioned around the country to report on natural disasters. Chet Heath in Florida sent in this exclusive photo of damage in Ft. Lauderdale.

  1. MikA says:

    Oh, ha bloody ha!

  2. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    Oooooooooh, the humanity!

  3. Joao says:

    How many injuried in this freak accident?

  4. Peter Rodwell says:

    So where was FEMA? Ha!

  5. Kurt Nelson says:

    I can beat that! A twig laying on the street! PS We had no school because of that storm.

  6. Miguel says:

    You need a photo of the shuttle being hauled back to the VAB only to be stopped in mid course and turned back to the launch tower.

  7. Eideard says:

    There isn’t a nation on Earth that doesn’t have those frigging plastic chairs. At least they’re not white.

  8. Joao says:

    Don´t you just love when on a tiled floor they spread and you end up banging your head…

  9. Mike Borginis says:

    I came home early from Myrtle Beach because of that scary storm. Shoulda stayed, because the next day was beautiful down there. The rain followed us to New Jersey.

  10. James Hill says:

    What you call a chair knocked over I call two hours of content on CNN or Fox News.

  11. Uncle Jim says:

    I hope they had it insured.

  12. Good One.
    The photo was fudged! LOL
    The chair was never knocked over by tropical storm ernesto.
    In fact the photo was taken hours latter when everything was nice and dry!
    People that live in florida move everything inside before a storm or strap it down.
    Ernesto was downgraded to a tropical storm in florida but created lots of flooding.

  13. Miguel says:

    Mr Brill, now that you mention it, I notice several clear signs that the photo was Photoshopped…


  14. Somebody give Katie the boot. CBS would be better off with John in the hotseat. I like this news.

  15. joshua says:

    this is just being cynical. You act as though the media over hyped the storm or something.

  16. Miguel says:

    Nah, everyone’s relieved it wasn’t serious, that’s all.

  17. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Storm??? I thought it was just Dickhead Cheney giving another speech where he blames the Democrats for his hemorrhoids.

  18. OmarTheAlien says:

    Forty-five miles inland from the beach @ Edisto and the trees didn’t even move, but the talking heads on TV were yelping and biting the heels of Ernesto all the way from the South Atlantic. I’m surprised some exasperated hard blowing circle of wind hasn’t turned on the media and wiped out NYC and/or Atlanta, GA.

  19. Gills says:

    But Fox News said it was gonna be a big and dangerous storm. They wouldn’t exaggerate.

  20. Mike Cannali says:

    Fox news was right. In the damage zone pictured, an unfortunate Floridian threw all his lawn furniture in the pool. When the water rose above this second story balcony, the table was set upright by the numerous tornados spawned by the 35 mph winds of Ernesto. The chair was not so lucky.

    Where are Michael Brown and Ray Nagin
    – now when we need them most?

  21. Mike Cannali says:

    #7 – Florida is not a seperate nation – dispite the fact they speak a foreign language there.


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