With that always excited Aussie voice, Irwin was a TV icon. A man who loved what he did. Really a shame.

Steve Irwin dead

THE Crocodile Man, Steve Irwin, is dead. He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said. It appeared that he was killed by a sting-ray barb that went through his chest, Queensland Police Inspector Russell Rhodes said.

He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary and that’s when it occurred.

Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality this morning at Batt Reef off Port Douglas.

Mr Irwin was killed just after 11am, Eastern Australian time.

It is understood he was killed instantly.

A source said Mr Irwin was already dead when his body was brought onto the Isle.

A source said Mr Irwin’s body was being airlifted to Cairns Hospital in North Queensland for formal identification.

An Emergency Services Response Management spokeswoman said they received a call about the tragedy at 11.11 am, Australian Eastern Standard Time.

The response unit left in a helicopter for the Batt Reef at 11.18am and arrived shortly after.

Mr Irwin was pronounced dead at the scene immediately, the spokeswoman said.

  1. Matt says:

    “Sorry, but I cannot feel very sad for a person who put himself, his wife and his child in harms way every chance he got. When you deal daily with dangerous animals statistics is not on your side. People in life have choices and Steve Irwin made a bad one. He was often one step away from death’s door and this time he walked through.

    Steve, next time around think of your wife and kids. ”

    Good One ArseHole

    Remember when you walk with your kids across the road with cars you are putting them in danger .and if you have dangerous creatures in your backyard (Steve’s family live at Australia Zoo) you make sure they are not frightened but wary .I’m Aussie that lives in Vermont and my kids know to yell and get inside if there are bears around in spring and fall .And they keep away from skunks and other critters but they do’nt worry about the non-venomous garden snakes .

  2. Podesta says:

    Someone said:

    “Steve Irwin was loved by some, disliked by others, but most important of all is that he was a human being, who left a wife and two kids behind. . . .”

    Could have easily been one kid considering that this shameless self promoter once dangled his month old son in front of alligators he was feeding. Just one of the many dangerous and stupid stunts Steve Irwin perpetrated. I would not be surprised to learn he was doing equally reckless when he was killed.

    I really wish more people were intelligent enough to know the difference between entertainment and education. Irwin was an entertainer, not an educator. But, what the heck? Shallowness sells.

  3. joshua says:

    once again Podesta your mouth works before your brain.
    As your so fond of asking others, please prove your charges. Otherwise, shut up!!!

    This man did more for animal conservation and habitat conservation with one kid under his arm in 2 hours than you will ever do in your entire negative life. It’s not just this post about a man who may have been flamboyant in trying to get his message out in a world full of a-holes like you, but all your posts….not once in all the months I’ve come to this site have you ever had one single good word to say about anyone or anything.
    Crawl back into your hole.

  4. steven says:

    i just hate seeing good people die

  5. Podesta says:

    Joshua, you are the sort of person who doesn’t know when to stop digging. You continually make baseless claims you can’t back up because there is no truth in them. I still chuckle when I think of your claim that states license blind people to drive. It is not at all surprising that someone as vacuous as you are would not know the difference between a knowledgeable biologist or zoologist and a self promoting entertainer with no background in science. In fact, such ignorance is to be expected.

    I like the WaPo’s headline on the Irwin story: Crocodile Hunter Stalked Danger.

    That’s the truth. Steve Irwin went looking for danger and he found it.

  6. Zuke says:

    This saddened me greatly to hear of Irwin’s death. He did so much for animal conservation and brought awareness to a whole generation of young people through his TV shows as well as the animal refuge he established in Australia. I read a bit of his life, his parents, and his upbringing… and it is a pretty amazing story of a man who devoted most of his life to help preserving and protecting animals through education and helping people actually relate to animals as living things.

    My prayers go out to his family.

  7. joshua says:

    Sorry Podesta…but several people found the requirements for eye exams and showed I was right….you were wrong.

    Irwin wasn’t university trained, but to be an effective conservationist you don’t have to be…..since I tire of your arrogance….YOU can do the research…start with Google and work your way up to sites with big words.

  8. Marilyn Schmid says:

    I wish to say i am sadden by the sudden death of this beautifull person. I wish his wife and children strenth in there time of need. I know he brought our home happyness and laughter and i know he is makeing them all laught up in heaven. He died loveing what he did what other way can leave this earth god please him always .

  9. Milli Vanilli says:

    Why does everybody have to point at the “feeding the croc while holding his baby” story and make it sound like he was using his kid for bait? We should go on the web and actually look at the footage. His kid was in his OTHER arm, turned away from the croc. If the croc had of gotten Steve, he probably would have fell and the baby would be out of harm’s way. Also, the guy was an expert with wildlife, and I would have every confidence he knew what he was doing.

    As for the digs at being killed by a stingray … I’m guessing that a man like Steve Irwin would have died that way if given a choice. As an extreme nut myself I can only say I would rather die while skydiving, rather than laying in a hospital bed with cancer or something …. and I’m guessing Steve would have wanted it the same way.

    For the work he did, and the education he provided to people all over the world, he was a good man. He was a “real” person, with real enthusiasm, and not some actor trying to play a part. I think the world could stand to have a few more Steve Irwin’s around, and less critics !!

  10. James Hill says:

    Wow, you make a comment about it being on video and the “We Care” crowd gets all angry.

    There’s a tech angle to this story: When the video of the accident is leaked on to the ‘net, it will become the ultimate viral story/video/product of all time.

  11. Daanish says:

    Steve irwing, one of the finest animal handlers did not only teach us what nature is all about but also how to interact with it….
    a conservationist by nature and a daredevil at heart, he ventured where most of us would only dream to,, maybe less so…
    His unique style to approach animals embezzled his audiences and colleagues equally. There was so much to learn from that mans passion for animals…. so much so that he wept for them…felt for them…..just as a person would for his loved ones.
    His untimely death is not only a tremendous loss for the human race but also for the animal kingdom who had never interacted with humans this closely.
    His love for animals was evident in what he did and his dedication was beyond question.
    For all those who thought he took things a bit too far I would like to bring to your notice the saying that ”there are always 2 ways to look at things, one is theirs and one is yours!! and both are correct in their own views”
    Not everyone gets to choose the way they die and certainly not while doing their favourite thing…. I guess he would’ve wanted to go the way he did , closer to nature in all its might!!!!
    A national loss!!!

    My prayers go out to his family!!!

  12. Mike Cannali says:

    Several of his peers lauded him as a conservationist and naturalist who gave much of his income to the wellfare of animals. Yes, they agreed he was a showman – one who managed to persuade the masses of the vanishing diversity of wildlife.
    An ebullient educator for us all – he will be missed.

  13. Terri says:

    MY condolences to his family and loved ones. He was one of a kind. Very sad.

  14. sirfelix says:

    #41, do you actually think before you type?… “I’m guessing that a man like Steve Irwin would have died that way if given a choice.”

    Lets see, get stabbed in the heart by an animal in my 40s or die in a bed with my family next to me in my 80s. Yeah, I’m sure he wanted the stingray death instead. I’m sure Steve Irwin did not have cancer or any other terminal illness.

    Suicide by stunt is just plain moronic. And that includes all skydivers, base jumpers and yes, stingray diving buddies. Before you extreme sportsmen get angry at me think about what you are saying.

    “He died doing what he loved.” Maybe thats true he he loved being careless.

  15. Brianna says:

    i loved watching his shows and his movie was funny just cause of the way he acted, i will miss seeing him on tv except for re-runs but i will miss him a lot

  16. Elizabeth says:

    Steve Irwin died doing what he loved. I’ll miss his shows being on TV except for repeats. I’m sure he knew the risk he was taking when he was dealing with the crocs and also with this. I’M sure if he were alive after all this he would still be doing it because its what he loved doing. He cared about the animals so much.

  17. Milli Vanilli says:

    #46 – does your ass groove disappear when you haul you fat dumb ass off the couch?

    Dying in bed when you’re 80 is great … but how about dying when you’re 50 in a hospital bed, full of tumors, with tubes shoved up your ass and out your mouth – yeh that’s the way I want to go. I would personally choose to die in my mid 40’s doing what I like doing rather than any other way – a “live life secure”, comfort sitting lard ass like you just wouldn’t get it.

    We could sit here and play your stupid game all day and night, but I’m guessing you’re the type of idiot who looks to jump on any post. Go back to wanking off on blog sites – the internet doesn’t need people like you.

  18. Stu says:

    Steve Irwin, you will be missed.. you did everything in your life for the love of the animals and you were repayed in the cruellest of ways. You treated the animals with the utmost respect especially your crocs, and I,m sure you swam with stingray’s before and respected them too… so for this to have happened in the most freakish way with a hidden stingray in the sand…it could have happened to anyone. Rest in peace brother.

  19. ryan says:

    steve irwin will be sadly missed,and the ones that dont have anything good to say about him can keep your comments to yourself.just adding comments for your benifit to get people mad and pissed off.
    my families heart goes out to terri and the kids.

  20. ryan says:

    this is from the comment from Angel H. Wong about bundy being with steve,she was with terry when it happened.

  21. ryan says:

    this is from the comment from Angel H. Wong about bindy being with steve,she was with terry when it happened.

  22. John says:

    I feel so sorry for him but i am very very proud of him

  23. suzie says:

    Steve you really stole our hearts
    You will be greatly missed by all

  24. Tommy says:

    It,s very sad to hear about the lost of a great man. I’m very sorry that this happen to his family my God bless you all.

  25. Laura Dineen says:

    What a loss….. May good watch over and bless his wife and children. I really feel for them. May he rest in peace.

  26. lisa lumsden says:

    you were a great man and wil be sadley missed .rest in pease

  27. Katherine Carnegie says:

    What a shame and loss to us all. I really enjoyed and looked forward to watching Steve Irwins shows as they were always so informative. Being an animal lover myself I really enjoyed listening to what Steve had to share with us.

    My condolances to his wife Teri and their children. I will very much miss watching Steve’s shows. I think that Steve would want all of us to continue his wonderful work.

  28. willy style says:

    long live the legacy of “the croc hunter”

  29. MSK says:

    Its a great loss all the animals lover how can see and been like him. The world loss a great animal lover. I am also one of the person who like to watch Discovery and Animal planet after seeing his series i am great fan of him i want to see him in my life time. But its not happen. In our land there is one proverb that who loves the God creation, God will love very much and take him with his very quick.

    I dont know how to say my feeling any how.

    MY condolences to his family and loved ones.

  30. Jim Glendening says:

    We will miss Steve and our hearts go out to his wife and children.


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