With that always excited Aussie voice, Irwin was a TV icon. A man who loved what he did. Really a shame.

Steve Irwin dead

THE Crocodile Man, Steve Irwin, is dead. He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said. It appeared that he was killed by a sting-ray barb that went through his chest, Queensland Police Inspector Russell Rhodes said.

He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary and that’s when it occurred.

Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality this morning at Batt Reef off Port Douglas.

Mr Irwin was killed just after 11am, Eastern Australian time.

It is understood he was killed instantly.

A source said Mr Irwin was already dead when his body was brought onto the Isle.

A source said Mr Irwin’s body was being airlifted to Cairns Hospital in North Queensland for formal identification.

An Emergency Services Response Management spokeswoman said they received a call about the tragedy at 11.11 am, Australian Eastern Standard Time.

The response unit left in a helicopter for the Batt Reef at 11.18am and arrived shortly after.

Mr Irwin was pronounced dead at the scene immediately, the spokeswoman said.

  1. Walter says:

    What a loss.
    People may have thought he was annoying at times, but he really loved what he did.
    He helped a lot of animals, and taught a lot of the rest of us about them.

  2. 2xbob says:

    My goodness, thats down right surreal. For a younger person like myself he had just always existed. Man.

  3. Bill says:

    This is truely heartbreaking. I feel so sorry for his family.

  4. mike says:

    He might have loved what he did, but the way he perpetuated the typical aussies are morons thing really peed off most australians like myself with at least 1/2 a brain.
    I would still rather have met him than Russell Crowe though, at least I’d have not been attacked with a cell phone!

  5. Jack says:

    Thankyou Steve.

  6. JohnnyM says:

    I think this isapporitate kinda the pic is kinda offensive

  7. John Urho Kemp says:

    Say what you want about him, but the fact is he was really just a sweet guy that loved his animals and family. He showed that even the most vicious beasts out there should also be respected and protected. He may have been cartoon-like in his manner, but he was the real-deal.

  8. John Urho Kemp says:

    JohnnyM: “I think this isapporitate kinda the pic is kinda offensive

    All your base are belong to us? What you say?

  9. sdf says:

    JohnnyM what the fuck is the matter with you?

  10. Jack says:

    Talk about a freak accident – apparently he’s the first person to be killed by a stingray in Australia since 1945 and that one was the only known case!

    My kids loved his programmes.


  11. Ed says:

    Steve Irwin was loved by some, disliked by others, but most important of all is that he was a human being, who left a wife and two kids behind. A man who deserves everyones respect and decency during this tragic time of loss for his immediate family. This is a time for comfort and support for his family and all who have negative words should keep them to themselves at least until the family has had some time to heal from the loss. How insensitive can people get?

  12. Howard says:

    So many sketch comdy shows, like SNL and Mad TV, did skits satiring Irwin’s trademark style. As they inevitably popup in reruns, it will be difficult to not get a little misty.

    But, I’ll also try to remember him for his sense of adventure and his abilities as an entertainer and educator. Personally, I thought the image he portrayed of Aussies was very positive. Would you have preferred to spend a day walking through the woods with Steve Irwin, or Al Gore?

  13. John Urho Kemp says:

    “How insensitive can people get?”

    Pretty insensitive. Not sure why either. I think it stems more from their own insecurities about their lives that they wish people would say “wow, he’s really cool” or “I like his attitude and I wish I were more like him”, when in fact they should be pitied more than anything. Either that or they use the lame excuse of “this is how I deal with pain”. Which we all know is just a load of crap.

    “Oh look, he’s so cynical! That’s what I want to be!”

  14. BgScryAnml says:

    Steve Irwin embraced life and taught by example. God bless his family and God speed Steve.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    Truly sad. 🙁

  16. Drew says:

    What a bummer
    My prayers go out to his wife. kids, mom and dad.


  17. curmudgen says:

    A great loss
    A Giver
    I will miss you
    Nature will miss you
    You taught
    You touched
    Sleep the sleep of a job well done

  18. Steve was a real joy to watch. It always amazed me just how cool and calm he was even when he was face to face with some of the world’s most dangerous animals. He always had compassion for animals no matter how awful people might think they were. Once again the world has lost another great human being way too soon. Steve will me missed.

  19. David says:

    I always thought a croc would do him in.

  20. James Hill says:

    At least they got it on film…

  21. J says:

    We will all miss you Steve!

  22. JohnnyM says:

    Well sorry I couldn’t resist, Sorry Rest in peace Steve you did a great service on Earth and died way too young

  23. joshua says:

    For all his over the top Aussiness he did more good for animals and their habitat than any one I can think of. He put his money where his mouth was in not just his actions on screen, but in the real world. He bought up lands that were being ex[posed to developement to protect the wild life of those areas, got the Australian goverment to protect the crocs in Northwestern Australia from hunters and even found a new species of turtle.
    Nature and the world has lost a fierce protector. God bless him.
    My heart goes out to his wife and children.

  24. david says:

    This is a real tragedy. Not only does the world lose a very enthusiastic person who touched millions around the world, but also his young children lose a father that was considered the “best dad in the world”.

    Even though sometimes he was “over the top” he was very entertaining and has a following around the world, as well as inspired other “crock hunters” to spawn their own tv shows.

    It’s such a freak accident although most of the reading I’ve done on Stingrays tells you to stay away from the bottom of the ocean floor because that’s where many of them hide out underneath the sand. An FYI if you are going snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef.

    Steve we will miss your funny wacky energetic peronality! Rest in peace.

  25. David says:

    What a real tragedy this is. Not only do we lose a great entertainer but someone who educated millions on the “creepy” creatures of this wonderful earth. I became much more interested in nature watching his shows.

    Although sometimes he was “over the top” he was enthusiastic and sincerely loved what he did. He definitely put himself into harms way more than a handful of times….many more times than most people could imagine themselves doing.

    Plus he was a true animal activist who sought to bring to light the plight of many creatures who are endangered.

    Blessings to his family and it’s too bad the young kids will not have a dad like Steve to grow up with. Really sad.

    Rest in peace Steve….you will be missed!

  26. Anon says:

    James Hill, they got him on film, yet you are the one immortalized as a deuchebag

  27. Angel H. Wong says:

    I hope his daughter Bindi is going to be fine, she was with him on location and seeing him die is a traumatizing thing…

  28. Very sad, we loved him. 🙁

  29. sirfelix says:

    Sorry, but I cannot feel very sad for a person who put himself, his wife and his child in harms way every chance he got. When you deal daily with dangerous animals statistics is not on your side. People in life have choices and Steve Irwin made a bad one. He was often one step away from death’s door and this time he walked through.

    Steve, next time around think of your wife and kids.

  30. Awake says:

    James Hill – You are truly an asshole.


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