Former Miss Universe Tells High Schooler she has to cancel date…

So Miss Universe Australia agrees to go to prom with the kid instead…what the!!!

Hawkins dumps high school date – People – Entertainment –

Former Miss Universe Jennifer Hawkins says she has pulled out of accompanying a Sydney student to his year 12 formal because of the “media circus” surrounding the big date. The model and television presenter accepted an offer from Bathurst student Daniel Dibley to be his partner for the event. But Hawkins yesterday rang the 17-year-old to tell him she would not go because of the media hype.

“It wasn’t really like ‘oh, actually, I just don’t wanna go’,” she told Southern Cross Broadcasting today. “All this publicity and pressure just got a hold of it. And honestly, when I said yes to it … I thought it was really sweet and I didn’t expect all of this. It’s been a media circus and I just apologise.”

Hawkins said she had instead offered to meet Daniel for lunch at his school…

The 16-year-old Year 10 student from Trinity Grammar school will instead take Miss Universe Australia 2006 Erin McNaught to the November event at the Shangri-La Hotel.


  1. Brian says:

    OK, here’s what I want to know- What does this kid have that most of us don’t?

  2. Kelvin says:

    wrong, wrong, wrong.
    there are two seperate instances here. one with the 17 year old from bathurst asking hawkins and the other 16 year old from sydney asking mcnaught.
    all they did was write to them and ask, its that easy guys

  3. Jägermeister says:

    A lot of guys from all over the world applying to Australian Universities from now on…

  4. joe says:

    now thats what I call an UPGRADE!!!

  5. Can’t these babes get dates with, um, guys with jobs? I mean really. Perhaps one point is being missed. These babes are just out of high school themselves! Ah, the Aussies.

  6. Don Marsh says:

    Here, the boys have to settle for their teachers. Bummer. 8P

  7. RTaylor says:

    I’m sure these gals want to PR, get their pics in the media for some TV producer to hopefully see.

  8. prophet says:

    Erin McNaught or Erin McNaughty

    You decide!

  9. James Hill says:

    As men, I think we’re all proud of how feminism has gone off course in this country over the past ten to fifteen years. What we should be most proud of is how Trump has turned these tallent shows slowly into a machine to fill the pages of Maxim and Stuff.

    God bless you, Donald Trump.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    I think the kid made out like a bandit. Erin McNaughty is HOT!!!

  11. Teyecoon says:

    I certainly don’t believe that all publicity is good publicity and publicity stunts like this can easily backfire. This kind of “charity” didn’t work for Anna Nicole and it isn’t going to help these girls careers either. It just gives young guys the idea that they can guilt trip a girl into doing what they want. OTOH, I can’t fault the kid for working the girls out of their pride and self-respect; although, I wonder whether he simply pulled at their heart strings or was paying for the service. Not to mention, where do the girls end up drawing the line to prevent the kid from feeling pitied and/or causing a million other similar requests all while trying to maintain this extremely caring persona?


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