Why are these men smiling?

Iran and Japanese firm Inpex say they are close to finalising a joint project to develop a big new Iranian oil field.

Both sides say they are less than two weeks away from final agreement over the Azadegan field, which is one of the world’s largest untapped oil reserves.

Any deal will no doubt raise eyebrows in the US which wants sanctions against Iran due to Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.

While Japan is totally reliant upon oil imports, Iran is the world’s fourth largest crude producer.

Located in the south west of Iran, Azadegan is estimated to have reserves of 26 billion barrels of crude, and production could start in 2008.

The Japanese government is a major shareholder in Inpex.

I doubt if Japan’s Oil Barons are any more concerned with family values, democracy or ethics than our own Oil Patch Boys. They’re just smart enough to achieve their ends by “doing business”.

  1. astro says:

    Two things… If I understand this well…
    1. The US does not do business like you said, they invent a reason to invade and take control of the oil instead…
    2. Iran does not recognize Israel, for many reason I will not go into… So the Israel Lobby in Washington want to “use” the US to invade and go to war with Iran. All this under the pretense that Iran will “maybe” from their point of vu develop the nuclear weapon.

    – What about the hundreds of Nuclear WMD israel has
    – What about the 10000+ Nuclear WMD USA has
    – What about all the other countries with WMD…

    More hypocrisy from the “real” axis of evil that Israel and Bush gang has become.

    PLEASE Wake people before it`s too late.

  2. Tim Harris says:

    Whenever people … entrust the defense of their country to a regular, standing army, composed of mercenaries, the power of that country will remain under the direction of the most wealthy citizens…

    -A framer

  3. rctaylor says:

    The Japanese did try to take oil and real estate by force in the 1930’s. Didn’t work out too well the the short run. Iran will have the bomb. It’s too late for the Bush Administration to do anything about. It will be too late period for the next administration. Besides their neighbors our friends the Russians want them to have limited nuclear ability to check future US invasions in the area and to keep Israel nervous.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    I was watching Glenn Beck yesterday. He claimed that Hugo Chávez in Venezuela was the new center for all the evil regimes in the world due to the way he’s treating the United States and whom he strikes deals with. Venezuela is an independent country, and as such, they should be able to trade with whatever nation they want as long as they’re not threatening the safety of your own nation. Same goes with Iran… if there are real proof of them getting nuclear weapons, then a pre-emptive strike is in order, but until then… try to behave as a world citizen instead of a world bully.

  5. Doug Cullens says:

    I have two things to say:
    1. Ask mister Japan “What would Elvis think?”
    2. Though I am against Bush and his war, the above posters seem to be a bunch of anti-American asshats. We (the USA) have all those weapons so that all the evil countrys don’t mad ass crazy with theirs and Isreal has theirs because so many nut bag religious regimes want to do them in.

  6. bac says:

    The top six countries that imports oil to the USA. (Highest volume to lowest) List is from Energy Information Administration
    1) Canada
    2) Mexico
    3) Saudi Arabia
    4) Venezuela
    5) Nigeria
    6) Iraq

    The US doesn’t do business with bad people so Chávez is on the good side right?

  7. AB CD says:

    Except it’s Iran that is talking about making money for the oil patch boys, suggesting they’ll send oil prices to $100 a barrel. I don’t see how invading Iraq is making money for US oilmen, except Halliburton which has so many other capabilities beyond oil, and the prospect of more wars sending oil prices higher.

  8. Niti says:

    As long as we keep demanding it, baron boys will keep supplying it. I have to go now because I left my Hummer on.

  9. NONAME says:

    When are we going to get smart as a peoples/government and ratchet up/raise CAFE standards? A freaking good and obvious first step to ween us off oil Are the American people just too dumb to get it, or just don’t care as long it’s not their loved ones dying and they can look down on those of us for not driving over-sized SUVs and Hummers?

    “We have seen the enemy and he is us!” What happened America? We used to be such a self sufficient nation. We now offshore everything, even our common sense.

  10. astro says:

    NONAME #9… I agree, every nation should work toward the goal to use less oil in transportation system… One great thing I saw is this http://www.pmlflightlink.com/archive/news_mini.html

    This technology exist since a long time, but we don’t use it.

    Another great thing we could do a stop spending hundred of billions on war and provide aid to developing countries… You will make friends and allies instead of enemies and terrorist…

    Oh by the way, when someone is critical about the USA policies regarding the world, we mostly disagree with a bunch of warmongers and not 99.9% of the people living and this great nation…

  11. George of the city says:

    You people do realize that most of our oil is produced in the states. for some reason when the saudis raise the world price out local producers get that price. that is why evan with the drought this year our farmers here in the illinios oil basin are smiling.

  12. Miguel Correia says:

    #1, Astro,

    The problem is that Iran says Israel should not exist. They want their extermination. WMD become vary scary when you have a leader saying that. A few days ago, there was this Al-Qaeda member “inviting” the world to join Islam or face the consequences. Israel never threatened to use the WMD against any other country, nor they want the extermination of any country. What matters is the existing pressures and desires, not if they are justified or not. What I am saying is that what matters is that Iran wants Israel destroyed and it doesn’t matter if it right in wanting such a thing, but the consequences of such.

    At the same time, the huge problem here is the lie that was behind Iraq’s invasion. All this WMD story could all be crap and the west lost much credibility after Iraq. But, what if it is true? So, what we have here is really a big dilemna. Choose wisely your next President.

  13. James Hill says:

    Two thoughts:

    1. Japan has been dependant on Alaska for some time regarding oil. It makes sense that they’d look for another partner, and from their point of view Iran is as much of a question mark as Russia or other Asian nations. And after all, Iran’s government being overthrown really won’t impact their new deal… someone will show up to collect their money.

    2. Someone used Glen Beck as a source. Ha!

  14. Jägermeister says:


    The reason I mentioned him is that he was the guy at the media megaphone at that moment. Between him, you and me… who do you think mainstream America listens to most?

  15. bac says:

    According to the EIA, 58 percent of the crude oil and petroleum products used in the USA come from other countries. Domestic crude oil production has been decreasing each year.

    The consumption rates have been increasing each year too.

    The USA has past being self reliant when it comes to oil and products made from petroleum.

  16. James Hill says:

    Between him, you and me… who do you think mainstream America listens to most?

    Judging by Headline News’ ratings, I’d say you and me.

  17. Jägermeister says:

    Yeah, right James… ;o)


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