Adam Gadahn

A new videotape has surfaced featuring Osama bin Laden’s second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and an American member of al Qaeda wanted by the FBI, according to a counterterrorism expert.

The tape, called “Invitation to Islam,” runs 48 minutes, expert Laura Mansfield said. Al-Zawahiri speaks for about 4 minutes on the tape, and the American narrates the rest.

Californian Adam Gadahn, wearing a white robe and turban, introduces the message by calling on Westerners to convert.

Gadahn says that even Americans working with President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair are invited to embrace Islam, but they should hurry.

“We invite all Americans and believers to Islam, whatever their role and status in Bush and Blair’s world order,” Gadahn says. “Decide today, because today could be your last day.”

Mansfield, who is a writer and corporate adviser on the Middle East, Islam and terrorism, said the time reference could indicate an attack is near. Muslims believe that non-believers should be given a chance to convert before they are attacked, Mansfield said.

“This may well be a warning,” she said.

Mansfield makes a point relevent to Islamic studies. Bin Laden was twice criticised in radical Islamist circles for violating Sharia in his attacks on the West. Until Sheik Nasir bin Hamid al Fahd issued a fatwa authorizing the death of up to 10 million infidels — and Bin Laden also began to profer the requisite offer of an opportunity to convert to Islam — he was skirting the rules.

Not that it means much to his victims.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Look upon the face of evil.

  2. Oil of Dog says:


  3. he just wants attention

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Just a thug like the rest of them.

  5. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Until Sheik Nasir bin Hamid al Fahd issued a fatwa authorizing the death of up to 10 million infidels — and Bin Laden also began to proffer the requisite offer of an opportunity to convert to Islam — he was skirting the rules.

    In some circles, this is just a “technicality”.

    I hear the same thing from our local Baptist pastor. Gee, now that I think about it, even the Lutheran Minister has come out calling for me to get my butt into church.

    And I doubt Adam will ever be walking down an American street in freedom anytime soon.

  6. Joe says:

    I think we counter offer. we’ll kill 10,000 muslims for every westerner they kill.

    seems fair to me

    if islam is the religion of peace, then I’m the pope

  7. Mike Novick says:

    What does Islam have to with it? I thought they hated us because the US supports Israel, and is stealing oil, and colonizing, and because Bush is President?

  8. gquaglia says:

    I think we counter offer. we’ll kill 10,000 Muslims for every westerner they kill.
    seems fair to me
    if Islam is the religion of peace, then I’m the pope

    Sounds good to me also.

    Why do most people insist on calling it a religion? It’s a CULT of hate, fear, and MURDER!

    No matter what or any other spin doctors try to tell us, videos like this show the world the truth.

    Because everyone is afraid of being labeled a racist, or intolerant of other religions, ie political correctness.

    What does Islam have to with it? I thought they hated us because the US supports Israel, and is stealing oil, and colonizing, and because Bush is President?

    More political correctness bullshit. Shifting the blame to this country and its policies instead of getting to the real reason (all infidels must be converted or killed)
    Americans that say it are self hating, and probably blame all the evils of the world on America too. For Europeans, its either jealousy or Euro snobbery.

  9. sirfelix says:

    I dislike al Qaeda about as much as I dislike our own fascist government. So, is there anything in the middle I can join?

  10. sdf says:

    If there’s a story about a muslim who wants peace, then it’s the liberal media stretching for a nonexistant example of that religion. If there’s a story about a muslim who wants war, then all those filthy muslims are the same ilk.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    @gquaglia #9

    Political correctness or not… there’s a background to why the Muslims in general (not just the thugs in Al Qaeda) are upset. But I get a feeling that you see the world in black/white… either you’re with us or against us… you can’t point out failures in American foreign policy without being anti-American at heart… after all, if you dislike America’s unconditional support of Israel, then you must hate American pie too. Black or white… no grayscales.

  12. Podesta says:

    [edited: read comment guidelines]

  13. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Please those that see gquaglia #9 as racist, I ask you please to consider it not as an offer to kill 10,000 muslims, but just to aid 10,000 true believers to see the face of their god.

    You want the west to lay off? Grow the f**k up and lean on the psycos.

    As far as I’m concerned, Islam can pee in their own yard all they want. Come into my yard with your tackle out then prepare to loose it.

  14. syngensmyth says:

    “We invite all Americans … to Islam”

    Let me think ….. Nope.

  15. FAce of evil? He looks like a spoiled snot.

  16. JohnnyM says:

    If this guys represents islam then Pat Robertson must represent all chrsitians and americans apparently all americans can make special drinks that alow even their most frail and weak be able to leg press 2000 pounds with ease. This is a threat to world securitry their drinks of mass destruction must be stopped we must attack them before they get us

  17. xully says:

    To be taken seriously, you’re only real option when picking a religion to die for – is Christianity. You can’t choose to be a Jew, and you shouldn’t choose to be a Muslim. It just so happens that by choosing Christianity you are getting on you’r knees for a rabbi, and must believe that the Jews are God’s chosen people. Isn’t that convenient?

  18. andrewj says:

    I’m sure in the straight to DVD movie, he’ll be played by Jack Black.

  19. jim o says:

    al Qaeda really has their heads in the sand if they think parading out nutcases like this guy is helping their cause. The American public was eventually ready to throw in the towel in Vietnam because the belief at that time was that the war was “over there.” We thought that win, lose or draw, american life really wouldn’t change all that much. Broadcasts like Adam Gadahn demonstrate that al Qaeda has far greater goals than just getting the US out of the Middle East.

  20. Drew says:

    I could never be a ‘peaceful’ muslim. My beard is too patchy.

  21. Mohammed Ali the 2nd says:

    Alright, alright, from of today I’m a muslim, now what!?

    Hey, should I bomb the Gillette and Wilkinson plants for starters?

  22. Named says:


    Jews WERE the chosen people. They lost that priviledge when they disobey him and were cast out of Israel. Christians were the next to be granted the priviledge. Muslims came after that. Don’t forget that JC was a true hippy, one who fought against the establishment. Now the Christians have an establishment that he would kick over in a second…

    As for Jews, there are as many Israelis from the Bible now as there are Romans… ZERO! Jews are just a religious designation. I’m a Jew from Egypt, or a Jew from UK… And for the last 50 years, a Jew from Israel. But they’re not the chosen ones.

  23. Improbus says:

    Would it help to convert to Islam? I see on the news muslims killing muslims every day. *BOOM*

  24. Calin says:

    You can’t choose to be a Jew, and you shouldn’t choose to be a Muslim.

    Yes you can. There is conversion to Judaism. It’s usually at least a years worth of work, and it’s the rabbi’s job to try and talk you out of it. However, if you go all the way through the proper steps, you are considered just as much a Jew as someone born of a Jewish mother. In practice of course, your conversion may be looked upon by individuals as making you “less” of a Jew. However, by their own scriptures and the teachings of their rabbis you are the same as born Jewish.

    With the dissuasion of the rabbi’s built into the process it makes Judaism one of the only western religions that does not go out and attempt to convert others to their religion. The requisite circumcision cuts down on potential converts quite a bit as well. This is why we don’t hear a lot about Jewish conversion. They have never attempted to convert others (peacefully or forcefully) unlike Christianity and Islam…..and you have to be really serious about things to volunteer to get your pecker cut on for a religion. Even if you were circumcised as an infant (as many non-Jews have been, doctors considered it easier to take care of during the diaper phase, therefore less prone to infections) they still have to draw blood from your unit for the final ceremony.

  25. syngensmyth says:

    Yep, I also vote for the spoiled snot look.

  26. Named says:


    Yes, they never attempted conversion. If I go by the old testament, their whole process was to wipe out everyone, man woman and child. And of course, save a few hundred virgins for, uh, prosperity…

  27. Jeff says:

    Atheism, anyone?

  28. xully says:

    Calin, I know a lot of a Jews – and they all say the same thing, if your mother wasn’t a Jew, you’re not a Jew. Even if you jump through all the conversion hoops, you’re still not “really a Jew”. I talk to these guys everyday, and they consider themselves a faith *and* a race. Their religion is ethnocentric. They even consider major anti-semites like Bobby Fischer to be one of them, since his mother was a jew. He might be crazy, he might be a self-hating jew, but he is still a Jew to them.

  29. xully says:

    Named, you’re probally right, but they’re not going to listen.

  30. OmarTheAlien says:

    I think it’s really great that all the sheep that need shepards can find one, but I choose to be neither shephard nor sheep.


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