Associated Press – August 31, 2006:

After the Sept. 11 suicide hijackings, distraught U.S. Muslim leaders feared the next casualty would be their religion.

Islam teaches peace, they told anyone who would listen in news conferences, at interfaith services and, most famously, standing in a mosque with President Bush.

But five years later, the target audience for their pleas has shifted. Now the faith’s American leaders are starting to warn fellow Muslims about a threat from within.

Muslim leaders point to two stark examples of the new mind-set:

* A Canadian-born Muslim man worked with police for months investigating a group of Islamic men and youths accused in June of plotting terrorist attacks in Ontario. Mubin Shaikh said he feared any violence would ultimately hurt Islam and Canadian Muslims.

* In England, it’s been widely reported that a tip from a British Muslim helped lead investigators to uncover what they said was a plan by homegrown extremists to use liquid explosives to destroy U.S.-bound planes.

  1. BdgBill says:

    Mr. Fusion

    I have seen VIDEO of rockets being fired from apartment buildings in Lebanon. I have seen VIDEO of rockets being transported in civilian passenger cars. These rockets are not being manufactered in Lebanon, hence the destruction of bridges airports and ports that are all points of entry for these weapons.

    The terrorists KNOW that the buildings they are firing from will be targeted by Isreali war planes and yet they do it anyway. Dead children are just more “martyrs” to these idiots.

    When was the last time you saw terrorists distributing warning leaflets to civilians telling them to leave an area before blowing up a market or cafe?

  2. Moral Volcano says:


    If the Nazis had distributed leafelets, would you forgive them.

  3. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    PS. Anyone else think Mr. H. Fusion may be a muslim?
    Comment by syngensmyth — 9/2/2006 @ 12:15 am

    You say that like it’s a bad thing. By calling someone names instead of actually debating points is the best fall back of the bigoted, fascist crowd. Do you sometimes spend your weekends shouting White Power in unison with all three of your friends?

    I have seen VIDEO of rockets being fired from apartment buildings in Lebanon. I have seen VIDEO of rockets being transported in civilian passenger cars.

    And where might these VIDEOs be? This is the very first I have heard mention of them. BTW, seeing them in your dreams doesn’t count.

  4. BdgBill says:

    Mr. Fusion – I saw them on a little network we call CNN. I’m sure you get all your news from that bastion of journalistic excellence Al Jazeera.

  5. Gyggs says:

    Fuck all those who say that the mussulms are terorists .
    Join the terorist force .blow up those who stand agains it boom boom caboom _!_


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