As if there wasn’t enough confusion.

New Medium Enterprises (NME) is in the process of introducing a third format to the high definition DVD format war. The High Definition Versatile Multilayer Disc (HD VMD — no points for coming up with the shortest acronym) makes use of a red laser (thus minimizing retooling for DVD player and duplicator manufacturers who already use red laser technology) and, as the title implies, multiple layers for greater storage capacity.

Why even bother with yet another format? Why not develop a decent media hub?

  1. ECA says:

    Im sorry to start the debate…
    But HD will fit on a Dual layer disk for 2 hours, EASY…

    the only reasons to go to the other format, is security…
    If you make it BIG enough, copiers WONT be able to copy it..
    thats 1 reason they STILL use Mpeg2, insted of going completely to Mpeg4…
    Mpeg4 is neet cause they can store Other versions(french, spanish, …) on the disk and have other shorts, and cuts…

  2. I agree and this solution of using MPEG-4 should have ALREADY been implemented.

  3. leo says:

    I think the smart money is on big ass hard drives and not stupid plastic discs.

  4. J says:

    I have one of those. JVC SRDVD-100U and I must say I don’t think I will be buying a HD DVD anytime soon.


    You can use your big ass hard drives with it if you want.

    It plays MPEG1, MPEG2 MPEG2-TS, DIVX, Xvid, and even WMV

    It will play from a stupid plastic disc or a big ass hard drive or even over you network

    Unlike a Windows Media box or playing through a computer video output the quality is that of a high end video device.

  5. Eideard says:

    No matter which aspect of media center development concerns you, the Avenging Angel of DRM gets in the way. Even though DirecTV has begun their pilot rollout of MPEG-4 Hi-Def DVR’s, you can’t yet use the networking capabilities of the box, the SATA-out port isn’t enabled, etc..

    Next-gen media center capability announced by Microsoft or Apple has to include the requisite kowtowing to the MPAA and RIAA.

    There’s a whole range of mainstream and 3rd-Party technology we could now be using — if it wasn’t for incompetent corporate management who would rather sit on means and methods out of fear of interrupting their profit stream with innovation.

  6. ECA says:

    If they would put ALL the money into developement, that is put into Security, we would probably have some REALLY LARGE Tv displays, and some GREAT movies…
    But they want to fight with DRM…
    psst, DRM mostly works on computers, its a way to STOP recording..
    It generally shouldnt work on DVD players.
    Considering that (in my opinion) HALF the price of DVD is in security encoding… That $20 DVd IS CHEAP, and would sell ALOT better if they dropped the security.

  7. raddad says:

    As “J” said, Transport Stream works great off a DVD-R or a hard drive. Why do we even need a new disk format other than fresh, improved DRM?

  8. Bruce IV says:

    I’d love to see some group of content producers abandon DRM, work for the customer, make billions, and the rest of the market follow them. While I’m dreaming though, anyone want to give me a million dollars?

  9. Mike Voice says:

    2 the only reasons to go to the other format, is security…

    Of course.

    How soon we forget that the current format was adopted – to replace VHS – because of its “unbreakable” CSS protection…

    Common… stop laughing!

    Being Mac-centric, I know I can buy a HD-camcorder and use my iMovieHD and iDVD software to edit the footage and either:
    a. down-convert it to NTSC MPEG-2 on a DVD
    b. MPEG-4 it as HD to a DVD

    Only problem with “b.” is that I can currently only play it back from a Mac. 🙁

    Where is the Duo2 Mac Mini with HDMI output?

    Common, Apple – just buy El Gato and start selling Mac Mini HD-PVRs as fast as you can crank them out!

    Just make sure to include “clear QAM” in the tuner, so I can rcord the free HD from Comcast.

  10. OmarTheAlien says:

    Indie artists are producing vibrant, brilliant and absolutely thrilling works, from animation, to music, and movies. What’s needed is a clearing house, where folks can sort through millions of offerings, to find exactly what they want, then download it to the media of their choice. The big corps (e’s?) are missing the picture, they don’t understand the meaning of the phrase “dead men walking”.
    But they will.


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