The problem with God is that nobody has any real clue as to the nature of the mystery, and a lot of people are willing to kill over the interpretation. Unfortunately this finding won’t change the minds of anyone out there who is not willing to open their minds (pun intended).

The human brain does not contain a single “God spot” responsible for mystical and religious experiences, a new study finds.

Instead, the sense of union with God or something greater than the self often described by those who have undergone such experiences involves the recruitment and activation of a variety brain regions normally implicated in different functions such as self-consciousness, emotion and body representation.

The finding, detailed in the current issue of Neuroscience Letters, contradicts previous suggestions by other researchers that the there might be a specific region in the brain designed for communication with God.

If more people cared about respecting and cherishing life here on Earth they wouldn’t need to search for God.

  1. Amber says:

    I wasn’t able to embed this into my post, sorry. Take the time to watch this video:

  2. Hal Jordan says:


    I made no mention of hell, stop living in the 1800’s. The purpose of life is to learn. You can learn about life from the textbook or through experience. That is my point. We are not talking of fire and brimstone here, and as long as you are alive – your opinion is not fully formed.

  3. Hal Jordan says:

    Like all of you, I have been turned off by the way the message of God is presented – Paul was perhaps referring to this when he said that God has chosen to use the foolishness of preaching to tell the good news. The good news is that your God is not anything like the forces of nature or the characters of Greek mythology: Your God is a God of love and justice. The reason why we are all here is to find that out.

  4. Amber says:

    “Your God is a God of love and justice. The reason why we are all here is to find that out.”

    God created the universe and the earth (Within six days), had the Satan plant bogus fossils that will mislead humans into thinking the planet/universe is older than it really is, doesn’t intervene so humans (his favorite creations) aren’t killed by natural disasters even though he can be anywhere at any time, only shows himself back in the day when we did not have camcorders, just so we can find out that he is a god of love and justice?

    That’s why he created us, so we can find out that he loves and he’s a fair guy?

    Why would an all-powerful all-knowing being need that kind of human desire to be fulfilled? You know, the desire of wanting to be understood and to connect.

    Here’s a website that talks about another society’s gods who were instilled with human characteristics:

  5. Amber says:

    #36 “This won’t really make a lot of sense to anyone stuck on hating GOD, that they grabe at anything to justify their own hate.”

    If I made the claim that my friend could bring back the dead, but I couldn’t prove it to you because my supposed friend moved, there is a good chance you wouldn’t believe me. Using your logic I could say, “Maybe if you stopped hating my friend, that you’ve never meet, you’d be able to see that my friend can bring back the dead.”

    I can’t hate something that I don’t have a belief in, that’s almost as illogical as believing in something without proof (Faith).

    If you ask that I need to prove your baseless claim is wrong, that’s just like me saying, “You need to prove that my friend can’t bring back the dead.” The burden of proof is on the one claiming that some invisible force is behind the universe. Anyone can make up baseless claims.

    Here’s another example:
    If you doctor said he/she had faith (believing without proof) that a dangerous treatment could cure you allergies, would you go through with the treatment?

    At the end of any theist argument, the theist will admit that to believe in a higher power, it will require faith.


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