This image is going around the net. Now let’s face it, every male has made this mistake once in a while. But you have to wonder that with all the handlers a President emplys you’d think one of them would have caught this public gaffe. I mean really. Here’s the result: Internet humor.

found by Marc Perkel

  1. Roc Rizzo says:

    I dunno, if I make that mistake of buttoning my shirt, I don’t go out like that. Never have, never will. If I start, shoot me!
    You would think that a chimp with as many handlers as he has, would notice.

  2. RTaylor says:

    Charlie wouldn’t have let Jed Bartlett go out dressed like this.

  3. woktiny says:

    i duno, I can hardly see it… I suppose it would be obvious in person, but looking at the pic I can’t tell

  4. JM says:

    not so humorous really..

  5. Lee says:

    It’s not that obvious, but you would think he’d notice at the bottom of the shirt when the buttons and holes didn’t quite match!

  6. Improbus says:

    He couldn’t stop to fix it … he had to “stay the course”.

  7. deanj says:

    That’s the stupidest slam I’ve seen yet. The collar is twisted, and the shadow makes it look like an extra button hole.

    Geesh, people…get a life.

  8. Brian K says:

    Wow, that’s tough to call.

    #8 might be right but the picture is pretty convincing.

    I held up an eraser and the linear distance between the two buttons is almost the same as the distance from the bottom button to where the arrow says it is supposed to go, and about the same as between where both buttons are supposed to have gone.

  9. sdf says:

    I think the shirt’s kosher. He’s still a moron though.

  10. Oil Of Dog says:

    Still rolling on the floor laughing my ass off even if I’m thinking Arby’s, I mean Photoshop

  11. Kent Goldings says:

    Have another beer…

  12. Milo says:

    The official Republican response is that Bill Clinton did 4 buttons on many occasions because he was always getting blowjobs and that people who always properly button shirts are Liberal pot smoking bisexuals who hate America.

  13. thought police says:

    “…always properly button shirts are Liberal pot smoking bisexuals who hate America.”

    I dont see any problems with that

  14. Awake says:

    “Heckuva job Brownie” must have helped him get dressed, since this was during his Katrina “we are working hard… it’s hard work” speech a week after the city flooded. Or it’s his “I’m one of the people… we are all refugees” attire.
    Personally I think we should blame it on freedom hating terroorists.

  15. Mark T. says:

    This travesty would never have happened if Kerry had been elected. He has a full-time team of personal dressers and hair stylists.

    At least Bush’s collar doesn’t have lipstick on it.

  16. JeffC says:

    Another oversight, found by Scott Brodeur, was the clock behind the president at St. Louis Cathedral.

  17. Scott says:

    C’mon the guy is gettin old give him a break.

  18. Scott says:

    C’mon the guy is gettin old give him a break, HE IS human you know…

  19. doug says:

    god knows I dislike Dumbya as much as just about anybody, but this is just stupid – as if the worst thing you could say about this mope is that he can’t button his shirt right.

  20. K B says:

    I’ve never had that problem (of buttoning the wrong button), but I’ve developed the strange habit of leaving one button unbuttoned somewhere down the line, which always strikes me as very strange, not to mention annoying, as I can’t figure out why I do this.

    I need a wife?

  21. Herbie says:

    Reminds me of 20+ years ago watching Mr. Rogers with my youngest sister who was 5 at the time. Mr. Rogers would always wear a sweater, and one day he made the same buttoning mistake. We laughed so hard back then. But, Mr. Rogers, the TV pro, proceded to turn it into an object lesson for the kids — that sometimes adults make mistakes and that it is ok to fix them.

    Of course, for all I know, the public TV producers back in the day might have had him do that on purpose just for the object lesson…

  22. Yah says:


    We get it, Bush is a dipshit.

    Get over it, he’s out, regardless, but not soon enough.

    Oh yah, and the maroon won’t get the same speaker fees as Billy Bob Clinton. Heh heh heh… blow me, Monica!

  23. jjf says:

    Take mine, She’s yours!!
    I have waited for years to use that.

    Thanks Henny

  24. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Bush has several shirts missing a button hole at the top and having an extra button on the bottom.

  25. Jim says:

    it’s always really hard to button a shirt correctly when you’re drunk…

  26. Jason_w says:

    Humorous maybe if you suffer from BDS.

  27. Wurzberger says:

    Come on guys, dont you know thats the trend these days. ALL the major stars button their shirts like that. Hes just trying to fit in.
    Im realy not joking, I have seen more then a few stars dress that way on the Tonight Show over the past year.


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