Can’t you just see guys siphoning gas from their cars so they can fill ‘er up again?

Brothels take the sting out of pump prices

Hot and bothered by rising pump prices? Australian brothels are offering clients discounts based on their gas bills.

Brothel owners claim the system works much the same way as supermarkets which offer shoppers discounted gas prices by presenting their grocery bills when they fill up their tanks.

“If you come in and spend time with one of our lovely ladies, we’ll give you a discount of 20 cents a liter,” Kerry, manager of Sydney brothel The Site, told Reuters Wednesday.

There is no link between brothels, petrol providers or supermarkets but brothels like The Site and Madame Kerry’s say the system is simple.

Once you’ve filled up your car, bring your receipt to the brothel and they’ll discount the price of your visit.

The bill for a full 50-liter tank at 126.9 cents per liter comes to A$63.45 ($48.22). With the offered 20c a liter discount, the petrol bill would have instead come to A$53.45.

That A$10 difference is taken off the A$150 cost of a 30-minute session with one of the brothel’s “service providers.”

The Site has taken out cut-out newspaper ads offering the service.

“We’re getting more media exposure, if you want to put it that way, than basically bums on beds,” Kerry said.

Brothels are legal across most of Australia, but states have strict laws against soliciting and running brothels in residential areas, and near churches or schools.

  1. RTaylor says:

    Discount hookers, just imagine what COSTCO could do with this.

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    They’ll rotate your tires.

  3. Hawkeye666 says:

    What a great idea. Screwed squared. Once at the pump and once while pumping.

  4. Ballenger says:

    #1- I imagine if Costco did do this, each one would weigh three hundred pounds and be available only in a six-pack. And who has room to store six, three hundred pound hookers?

  5. Get screwed to get screwed at a discount rate. It is nice to see a country doing something to help its citizens cope with high fuel prices.

  6. James Hill says:

    Fill ‘er up has a whole new meaning.

  7. RTaylor says:

    #5 order a 6 pack and we’ll all chip in at the party. You might have well get the beer and food if you’re driving to costco anyway. 300 lb. hookers will make you thirty and hungry. 😉

  8. Jägermeister says:

    COSTCO? Think Walmart!! Pay for one, get four for free. The hookers are direct imports from Guangdong, China. You might get disappointed when you realize that the BJs are not really BJs, but pretend BJs… and they only do three different positions. I guess it’s like everything at Walmart… you get what you paid for.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    Think Walmart… Pay for one, get four for free. Direct import from Guangdong, China. Functionality includes pretend BJs, and three positions. Requires plenty of maintenance and doesn’t come with an instruction manual on how to improve the functionality. And no 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee either.

  10. Bryce says:

    Talk about pumping! [double entendre]


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