I’m a BIG technology advocate, but I believe Monsanto is going too far with this evil shit. Yes, I said evil. To prevent a farmer’s seed from previous harvests from germinating just to maintain a strong grip on the marketplace is sick, and one strong reason GM food is looked at with distrust and hatred in the rest of the world. Terminator technology or anything that disrupts the proper development of any plant should be illegal.

The United States Government has been financing research on a genetic engineering technology which, when commercialized, will give its owners the power to control the food seed of entire nations or regions. The Government has been working quietly on this technology since 1983. Now, the little-known company that has been working in this genetic research with the Government’s US Department of Agriculture– Delta & Pine Land– is about to become part of the world’s largest supplier of patented genetically-modified seeds (GMO), Monsanto Corporation of St. Louis, Missouri.

Relations between Monsanto, Delta & Pine Land and the USDA, on closer scrutiny, show the deep and dark side of the much-heralded genetic revolution in agriculture. It proves deep-held suspicions that the Gene Revolution is not about ‘solving the world hunger problem’ as its advocates claim. It’s about handing over control of the seeds for mankind’s basic food supply—rice, corn, soybeans, wheat, even fruit, vegetables and cotton—to privately owned corporations. Once the seeds and their use are patented and controlled by one or several private agribusiness multinationals, it will be they who can decide whether or not a particular customer—let’s say for argument, China or Brazil or India or Japan—whether they will or won’t get the patented seeds from Monsanto, or from one of its licensee GMO partners like Bayer Crop Sciences, Syngenta or DuPont’s Pioneer Hi-Bred International.

Beyond protecting intellectual property, this is all about greed, plain and simple. In the case of hybrid crops, farmers have to buy new seed regularly anyway to maintain the strain purity. What Monsanto and others want to do is turn farms into agricultural factories that buy everything from seed to chemicals from them every season.

  1. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Jim, your analogy about the pig is fine. That is until your sire gets into my pig barn and impregnates my sows. Now who owns the offspring? Do I really want the side effect that all these pigs are born with a congenital disease where their bones can’t hold their weight?

    This has happened before with Monsanto and will happen again. As good as Monsanto is at genetic modification of foods, so far they have not been able to control how the pollen is blown by the wind. This year a friend of mine had her sweet corn crop ruined by a neighbor’s corn field pollinating her crop. It can and does happen.

  2. adam says:

    #33 – So can your friend not sue the neighbour under the same logic as someone paintspraying their house next door and damaging yours in the process ?

  3. Teyecoon says:

    Everything can be justified under Capitalism. As a Monsanto stock holder as of tomorrow, I now agree with all the Republicans that there shouldn’t be any government controls over businesses and their desire/goal to profit. The collarteral damage that is caused by this is not of my concern as long as I grow Riich Biiich. Now, if their invasive technology to make food undigestible unless they purchase the Monsanto food enzyme becomes viable then just think how great things will be….for me [and the rest of the stockholders & paid off gov’t officials]!

  4. willie says:

    If I worked for ECORC I would also SEE how clear it is.

    BTW If that;s not you Dr Jim My Bad!

  5. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Plant Patents are not just relegated to food. I came across this article after posting my initial comments. Companies are patenting plants growing wild.


  6. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #34, Under what theory could she claim damages? If she wanted she could still sell her corn. Only it isn’t very good to eat. The value of the corn is far less then the cost of litigation.

    The farmer maximized his yield by planting to within two or three feet of the property line as did my friend. Although usually corn will pollinate only a few feet around itself, the pollen can travel up to several hundred feet under the right conditions.

  7. rob enderle says:

    There was a case in the canadian prairies about a farmer who wasnt using Monsanto’s product but since winds can carry seeds/pollen a great distance, his farm ended up having some GMO product.
    The farmer not only was screwed because he couldnt sell to no GMO-markets but got sued by Monsanto for using their product illegally.
    The farmer won (or it was thrown out of court) but I remember someone writing that it was like getting raped and then getting sued.

    It was a fascinatin story that opened a lot of eyes in Canada. People found out that it is against the law to advertise your product as GMO-free because it might hurt the companies who arent.

  8. Smartalix says:

    Simply put, Terminator technology turns farmers into sharecroppers.

  9. Jerry Jarvis says:

    Listen up people, your comments serve to show your correct but limited understanding and concern for whats going on here. Terminator seed is just another tool. The real question is what kind of tool is it, and who is to wield this tool and under what oversite. You already know that terminator seed cross contaminates nearby crops during the pollination process rendering them sterile as well. Due to this planned and deliberatly engineered trait, farmers have had their property confiscated, crops removed or forcibally confiscated, suffered ground water contamination from such compounds as tetracyclene a low grade antibiotic used in the seed sterilization process,and I suspect actually engineered into the seed to be reproduced by the plants themselves. Amino acids showing up where they dont belong and govt reprisals, such as foreclosures, audits, and estate confiscations. The Idiots playing with this tech are ignorant of its possible ramifications from mutating plant proteins, of which food and plant fiber allergys will be the least of our worrys if they are not stopped now. If they should create even more rouge prions, which are another form of currntly indestructable proteins which have currently infected 1/3 of the planets animals, 50% of zoo animals, and who knows how many humans, since the incubation period for the current human forms are 10-20 years. Ever heard of mad cow disease? What kind of husbandry idiocy is it that allows interspeceis hormonal additives, animal byproducts, and failed or discontinued plant gene modification crops to be disposed of as, or to be included in, animal feed for livestock, that often is both intentionally and accidently used as feed for wildlife, or that accidently blows, flows, or creeps into the food chain. The bigger picture however is this, WHO are these people? Who are the people who want this stuff, who without regard ignore its risks, in pursuit of the insane profits that they expect to reap from such a technology? They are in the news everyday. They and the politicians who sold us out are both to the forefront and behind the scenes. These are the advisors, lawyers, lobbyists, bootlicking sociofascist parasitcal control freaks that have always plagued the human race, the profiteers, and dare I use such an old term as wreckers( a form of coastal pirate), whose trade was to lure you to your doom by your own hand, the powermongers and powerbrokers, and the patsies and pawns of an emerging global elite who are neglecting, closing, stealing and mismanaging our national treasures, our public lands, and our entrepenurial small businesses as collateral for our countrys 90% runaway indebtedness and its high profit producing inflation rates. Dare I say that we, and our country have been the recent target , plunder, and testing grounds for these plans and programs of our future masters due in part to our richness as a country and society. These traits have made us a ready made proving ground for their now and future needs. However be warned it will next be the entire world that they plunder with these new technologys that they have been developing on us here during our cold war, our war on creeping communism, our war on poverty, our war on drugs, and now our war on terror and islamofascism. They continue to steal our water, our property, and mineral rights to our land for their corrupt purposes. They control the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink, the fuel in our car, what we see,what we hear,what we read, and the means by which we do so. More and more they control the use of the land we live on, whats in our garden and our backyards and how we make use of it. they control how much pollution is to be allowed in our homes or in our outdoors environment, both with and without our knowledge by using alphabet soup agencys such as the E.P.A. and F.D.A. and other govt. entities and courts that were co-opted years ago for yet again their gain and entitlement. Still another example is the spraying of chemical and biological compounds from airplanes with who knows what in it. You must admit it gives them the most coverage and yield for their investment. Additionally since most people never even look up in the course of a day or night, and would neither care or understand what they are seeing, or could tell you accuratly five minutes later what it was that they saw, gives these people little cause for concern. They readily use us for clinical experiments on a massive scale, they tamper with our weather and our atmosheric components. Our friends at H.A.A.R.P. have made a new discovery! They can now turn the inside of our ionosphere into an electronic sponge that absorbs radio waves that we have long bounced from the underside of our atmosphere for radio communication. this is to be used to protect our low orbit satelites and VLF communications from attack. I would ask who is attacking who? But I digress from my rave and the facts and your education. They pollute our world with filth and waste, rape the land of all its gifts and resources leaving only small controlled areas for their exclusive use. These people make you and your children into mindless zombies, they strip you of your rights, they spy on everyone, everywhere, they subject you to what was once a violation of your civil rights, and indignitys before god, after all you are now a criminal if you carry or drive with large sums of cash, and we have long known you are not a real person without a credit card and the mark of the beast. So as and keep their plans moving smoothly forward and to train you to be compliant and not interfere with their activitys, they next plan to tag and register every person, animal, and thing using a 96 bit computer code and a new internet of things that can track everyone and everything for the next 1000 years. Dont worry you can keep the origional internet, it has proven to be a very valuable training and monitoring device, and it would be foolish on their part to give up one of their pathways into your house, home, and office. Yet with their next breath they go on to tell us how the only way to save the world (for their use) is to reduce the worlds population to a most manageable pre 1800 level. Their university professors, hollyweird mouthpieces, environmental terrorists, and any other recruits of current use and convenience, then go on to publically tell us of the futureweapons tech, the biological weapons and chemical agents, the new medical procedures that they can use to accomplish these most imperative reductions. Remember also that as long as we keep paying our taxes and be good little sheeple they might include us in the new and improved genetically engineered gene pool of people, plants and animals needed to sustain their vision of an elitist, micromanaged world future. To summarize, according to these people,the people who are making terminator seed and so much more, the world currently has a population of 61/2 billion people and is expected to surpass 15 billion by 2020. That means to these peoples way of thinkink that we have a resource and population problem of 6 billion people and its only going to get worse. Therefore for their QUALITY of LIFESTYLE forcasts time is running short, and the only way to extend our 500 year window of technology oppurtunity that they plan to use to propogate their empires into space and ever greater profits,wealth, and power, they will continue to use all the tools and schemes that I mentioned, and more to get the situation under their immediate control before it negatively affects their plans for their soon utopian spaceship earth. There is to be no ESCAPE except for the chosen few in their secret bunkers stocked with antidotes and the preplanned solutions to the problems they created firmly in their possesion. If you dared read this posting this far you are by now commenting what a paranoid whacko kook nut. Then ask yourself this? What do you need to control people? What do people need to survive and live? Start with a good dose of fear to make them dependent on your wisdom and protective might. Then what did the people need? On average you can go 4 minutes without AIR! You can go 4 days without WATER! You can go 4 weeks without FOOD! You can go about 4 months wearing the same CLOTHES! before they wear out. and you could probably survive exposure during the four months of june, july, august, september in most places without adequate SHELTER! Depending on the individual, you can go some period of time in ISOLATION !and without some human/animal companionship. MEDICAL! needs, how well can you address those needs on your own, and what resources are you planning on utilizing? Were you planning on COMMUNICATING! your distress or needs by some means? Privacy? Anonymity? forget it. Did I forget anything??????

  10. Liz says:

    I believe that anyone who sends e-mails to comment on a subject should do his reseach beforehand and know what he is talking about. The ‘teminator seed’ is just what it says it is. ‘Terminator seed’ does not produce viable seed from its current crop. These seeds will be sterile. If a farmer plants seed to grow a crop that he will be saving for next years crop and a field of ‘terminator seed’ has been planted in a field near his and the pollen from the ‘teminato seed’ blows in and crosses with the farmer’s good seed it will then also produce sterile seed. Thus, when the farmer plants his next years crop from what he saved he will find a lot of the saved seed turned out to be sterile and will not germinate. So, what does he have? ‘Terminato seed’! Then he will be forced to buy more seed, possibly from a company such as Monsanto. If a company such as Monsanto, et.al. can sell enough of their ‘teminator seed’ they eventually will be in complete contol, along with our government, over our food and us. It’s like with our pets and farm animals, we control their food. No one, and I do mean no one should take this manipulation by the government and big business as not serious. It is more serious than you may think. This site has given us some important infomation that I am thankful for along with a lot of other internet sites. If anyone thinks that the government even cares about America and it’s citizens, they had better start searching the internet about what the present President is doing in regards to the NAU the NAFTAsuperhighway. We are about to lose our sovereignity as a country, our Constitution and Bill of Rights. This also has to do with Govenment Corruption and Big Business. Go ahead, do a search on the North American Union [NAU}, The NAFTAsuperhighway [look at the maps of what they are planning for us}, and check out the Security and Prosperity Partneship [SPP]. When the people of this county become so docile and don’t want to be informed through questioning and researching what beaurocrats and business is doing to them, shame on them. People cannot be so gullible and disinterrested in this country as to let it be sold out by ‘Geoge W. Bush’ and his cronies. We could soon be living is another USSR. Maybe you care and maybe you don’t. so get off you duffs and get infomed and contact your politicians. The only reason I wrote this e-mail is to let all of you negative e-mailers know that you must be correctly informed about the true facts and then get involved. Also check out internment camps for Ameican citizens surrounded by barbed wired. [One is going to be built in a county in my state]. It’s called the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Bush also eliminated the Posse Comitatus Act of 1884 giving him dictatorial power over Ameican citizens and unpesidented power over the U.S. military to control the enemy, the people of the United States. Also read about our clergy being recruited to help the government control the masses, you and me. Oh, and then there is the REAL-I.D. for us all, you and me. Guess I don’t have to give you all of the details as you can find it all out for youselves very easily. I hope eveyone will take this information seriously.


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