Don Marco, The Master Crayon Artist

Before retirement, Don started developing a technique to create fine art using Crayola Crayons. Shortly after retiring he published his first print. Living in Southern California, his work was in demand including commissions from Burt Reynolds and a one-man show at his Dinner Theater in Florida.

  1. Noam Sane says:

    Finally, some competition for Thomas Kincaide.

  2. nilidsid says:

    Not to deride the quality of the work, but…

    French pastels for professional artists are often labled “crayons”. Crayola simply uses a formula that is primarily wax. The techniques for this kind of work is the same for both. Crayolas are simply cheaper then fancy French pastels.

    Oddly enough. Crayola makes an oil pastel.

  3. Ballenger says:

    This is another variation of a wax and pigment technique. This one probably isn’t as old as oily or waxy colored chalk “pastels”, given that is what was used for cave painting. But it produces a similar work with strong color without the flat cartoony affect you get from acrylics.

  4. joshua says:

    amazingly beautiful work…..I had no idea this could be done with crayon.

  5. ChrisMac says:

    If Burt Reynolds likes it…….

  6. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Does he get all his crayons from restaurants too?


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