Hilarious Gaffe by Studio During Bush Speech. Ooops! — When you watch the vid you can only imagine what might have been under other circumstances. She got lucky that she was in the can only to shoot the bull, not …never mind.
found by Aric Mackey
Hilarious Gaffe by Studio During Bush Speech. Ooops! — When you watch the vid you can only imagine what might have been under other circumstances. She got lucky that she was in the can only to shoot the bull, not …never mind.
found by Aric Mackey
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Isn’t there a Broadcasting 101?
Good thing she didn’t have to take a dump.
Actually, taking a dump would have been the exclamation mark on the conversation.
Have we not learned anything after watching The Naked Gun?
lol, that was hilarious. Anyone have a trainscript?
Excuse us, we have had audio difficulties….Plase EXCUSE the person behind the curtain…
The only thing better would have been her leading off her comments with, “I shouldn’t have had that Mexican food.”
Boy her sister-in-law is going to be happy to know she’s a control freak. 🙂
Someone doesn’t like their job very much. What a way to say goodbye.
Ryan, I scrolled down and there was a transcript link lower on the page.
No surprises here.. CNN has gone the way of Jerry Springer lately..
Trash TV..
Nancy Grace has all the appeal of a traffic accident.
WASNT a sister inlaw…
It was her BOYfriends WIFE…and 3-4 kids..
I think she knew she was busted, when she came back on mic, when she used the world “land shore” instead of “landfall” and generally stumbled.
Do you think Thankgiving with the brother and wife are going to be a little chilly this year?
I speak publically fairly often and use those FM microphones. I ALWAYS check the switch if I’m wired in the bathroom but it’s an easy mistake. The soundboard guy is supposed to have you poted down but that’s an easy mistake too.
The conversation was disappointingly inane…
“But the wife is SUCH a control freak… blahblahblah”
to be honest… this is the sound guy/girl’s fault…not the reporter’s…the problem with turning your mic off when going to the bathroom is that you invariably forget to turn it back on. Hey, it’s happened to me. (forgetting to turn it back on.)
Does this prove that people watch CNN?
#15: I disagree. As a person involved with audio/video production the last thing we want is to have talent turning their mics on and off. That is not their responsibility. Inevitably it leads to problems where you go to a talent and they cannot be heard, and you are scrambling to figure out why. By having one person in control it is easier to troubleshoot. Look at concert videos- notice there are no switches on those mics.
I see what happened though, whoever was sound mix forgot to turn it off, went and got a cup of coffee thinking the speech will take a while.
I feel sorry for Kyra. She’s kinda cute. Not like that dried up Darin Kagen. I used to think that Norah O’Donnell was a hottie until I realized she’s a neo-con tramp. My worst lost fantasy is that girl from Game Show Network, Shandi Finnessey of PlayMania. So so beautiful, so so Rupuglican.
#16: No. It means I watch http://www.crooksandliars.com
I find it interesting that no one at the control booth noticed for one and a half minutes, especially since it was during a live feed with President Bush.
I guess the guys at CNN hit the mute button whenever Bush is on the screen. I guess that was to be expected from that bunch.
That’s pretty cute. I hope no one gets into any trouble. It reminds me of the time I leaned back and keyed the mike to my radio and broadcast the conversation my patient and I were having across the city. Luckily, it was about baseball.
SOMEONE will get fired…
And someone is in hot water with family and bot friends WIFE..
Give the lady a break. The sound board opeartor should have been listening to the sound, not watch the video or talking on his or her cell phone sa in the case from time to time. Pardon the pun but crap happens. The one that really has a problem here is Kyra’s husband. He now has to keep this nice crap up the rest of his life or he will be out the door like bad fruit.
Thanks God this happen anything is better then what that JERK Bush says anyway I don’t blame CNN and I don’t blame Kyra either this is NO ONES FAULT I wish ALL!!! the networks would do this every time this MORON has either a speech or a press conference. KYRA YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
How do I download that?
Why does Kyra feel the need to “protect” her brother, a grow, married man? Sounds like she is the control freak.
I would be looking for a hole to stick my head in and on the right hand I would have the sound managers head… and the left hand waving a white flag for the inlaws… Poor lady career is gone, and home is hell… God bless her…
I don’t understand how someone at CNN couldn’t dump the audio within a couple seconds. makes CNN look incompetent
I do have a very tragic news story, which is politically related, which has been overwhelmingly massively covered up for years by the media too, including by CNN, and including by Kyra Phillips, and her nama was given me, in 2000, by her former husband, Adrew Phillips of Brunswick, Georgia. I would like to know if she was ever his wife, and if you, anyone of you would be interested in my story, which is a multi-million dollar story. Thanks for your uegent attention and assistance in this matter. P.Nagy.