Wannabe funtwo (left) and the real funtwo (right)

A month ago, I posted a link to an incredible video of a guy playing Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major on his guitar wearing a baseball cap so you couldn’t see his face. As one of the top 10 viewed vids on YouTube, it generated a lot of questions as to who the guy was. Well, the New York Times figured it out.

Web Guitar Wizard Revealed at Last
EIGHT months ago a mysterious image showed up on YouTube, the video-sharing site that now shows more than 100 million videos a day. A sinewy figure in a swimming-pool-blue T-shirt, his eyes obscured by a beige baseball cap, was playing electric guitar. Sun poured through the window behind him; he played in a yellow haze. The video was called simply “guitar.” A black-and-white title card gave the performer’s name as funtwo.

By following a series of clues on JerryC’s message board and various “Canon Rock” videos, I was able to trace funtwo’s video to Jeong-Hyun Lim, a 23-year-old Korean who taught himself guitar over the course of the last six years. Now living in Seoul, he listens avidly to Bach and Vivaldi, and in 2000 he took a month of guitar lessons. He plays an ESP, an Alfee Custon SEC-28OTC with gold-colored detailing.

  1. JMoney says:

    The real question is, can he play anything else well or is he a one hit wonder (of sorts)?

  2. Pete says:

    on youtube they have at least one more video of him

  3. Aric says:

    What he does is impressive, however he’s a JerryC cover. http://www.JerryC.tw

  4. To the Monday morning critics says:

    Who cares if he’s a one hitter, it worked for Pachelbel.

    Besides, you who criticize…YOU play it.

  5. Sniperblackout says:

    Everyone seems to think that this is a fake or not very impressive. If you can do this and do this better, post it on youtube.com and lets see if it can get 8 million views. Otherwise, let the real guitarists go about their business.

  6. louwen says:

    no that is not him

  7. gansat says:

    JMoney, you must be american….. your stupidity shows

  8. William says:

    I love Jerry C, pure magic. Funtwo? What a great clean version of cannon rock. Many people sang Bob Dylan’s songs way better than he did, but Bob was still the man that gave us the songs. Funtwo? I’m sure Jerry c loves him. 🙂

    BTW Who’s the dude that says fun two is fake? Clearly never strummed more than an Em in his life. Long live anything that rocks!

    Willie C

  9. Rebs76 says:

    Great (but yet perfect) playing. Great talent without a doubt. Anybody who says this guy is a fake must really be envious or just plain ignorant. The video shows all the licks in the right place for everyone to drool over. lol

  10. #24 says:

    this kid is really good if u thnk ur better han him post it on utube im not sayin im no good but i sure aas crap aint that good



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