Students told `Yale Shmale’

Consider it a weapon of mass attraction.

Lakehead University is poking fun at U.S. President George W. Bush and his Ivy League alma mater in an edgy new guerrilla marketing campaign intended to lure students to its Thunder Bay campus.

Dubbed “Yale Shmale,” the $100,000 promotion features an image of Bush — Yale University, Class of 1968 — on posters that will be plastered on construction sites and other outdoor locations across the Greater Toronto Area.

“Graduating from an Ivy League university doesn’t necessarily mean you’re smart,” reads the second of two posters set for release, “Choosing Lakehead does.”

  1. tkane says:

    Y’ever get the feeling that, whether or not Bush bashing is warranted, that the whole world is going to breathe a sigh of relief when this administration is out of power?

  2. Mike Voice says:


    You don’t see much discussion of a third term, anymore…

  3. 2xBob says:

    Ever wonder what we will talk about here post Bush? I mean, this can’t go on forever…. at least, I hope not.

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    In the picture above… Is that Hillary Clinton walking alongside the Bush posters?

  5. Jeff Aho says:

    HAHA! I grew up in Thunder Bay where Lakehead is. It’s considered one of the worse universities in Canada. There are very few reasons you’d go there, one being if you wanted to study forestry (because TBay is a forestry town in Northern Ontario). This is the same university that banned wireless on it’s campus last year and the whole world laughed at them!

  6. Mike Voice says:

    3. Ever wonder what we will talk about here post Bush? I mean, this can’t go on forever….

    And, if I remember correctly, people were wondering what would fill the void when Clinton left office… 🙂

    Remember when Bush & Co were going to restore “dignity” to the Office of President? That was so pre-9/11…

    Most of us will move on [no pun intended] to bashing the “new guy”, [and I am 99.00% sure it will be a “guy”] while some will enjoy re-visiting the past – out of habit, if nothing else.

    I expect people to still blame Bush for things – years after he’s gone, in the same way people still blame Clinton for things – years after he’s gone.

  7. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I expect people to still blame Bush for things – years after he’s gone, in the same way people still blame Clinton for things – years after he’s gone.

    Simply because it will take decades to undo the damage.

  8. Jim Dermitt says:

    He went to Yale, like he was in the National Guard. To get out of going to war in Vietnam. Now he’s all for war and sending the National Guard overseas. How many were killed today?

  9. Teyecoon says:

    I just wonder how the Republicans are going to excuse all the “stored” problems that we will have to recover from if another Republican becomes President. Obviously, if a Democrat (or other party) becomes President, the Republicans are going to spin it in a way that shows that problems always seem to arrise/surface when the Republicans aren’t in power. They’ll argue that the new President’s failure to follow their plans and stay their course as the reason for the “new” troubles. Basically, the new President’s going to get blamed for inheriting a lemon created by this administration unless the Republicans can somehow keep the White House and push out the problems even longer term at an even greater expense to the American people in general.

  10. Mike Voice says:

    9 They’ll argue that the new President’s failure to follow their plans and stay their course as the reason for the “new” troubles.

    Interesting thought.

    Would be interesting to see how they would spin it if they keep the White House but lose control of the House &/or Senate.

    But, then again, I think I know exactly which donkey they would pin the tail on… 🙂


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