Click here for the list of tools. No link to the pants with pockets big enough to carry it.

  1. darkmane says:

    Of course there is a hammer, fold everything in and whack what ever you need with the back. of the knife.

    See, they do have everything.

  2. Peter Rodwell says:

    I guess one shouldn’t even think of trying to get on an aircraft with that in your hand luggage…

  3. Carl Trimble says:

    I guess one shouldn’t even think of trying to get on an aircraft with that in your hand luggage…

    Comment by Peter Rodwell — 8/26/2006 @ 10:17 am

    I have one and they let me take it on the plane! They said there is no way I could use the tools effectively let alone hurt someone with it.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    3 They said there is no way I could use the tools effectively let alone hurt someone with it.

    No liquid – check
    No electronics – check
    No explosive residue – check

    Here’s your boarding pass, have a nice flight! 🙂

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Another toy for the inadequately “equipped” man.

  6. RichardN says:

    What no chain saw?

  7. prophet says:

    Those pliers look like they could give a mean titty twister though!

  8. jjf says:

    Angela H Wong, surely you have a response for #5 or was he responding to your post??

  9. jjf says:

    I meant #7. my bad.


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