Russian scientist predicts global cooling

A Russian scientist predicts a period of global cooling in coming decades, followed by a warmer interval.

Khabibullo Abdusamatov expects a repeat of the period known as the Little Ice Age. During the 16th century, the Baltic Sea froze so hard that hotels were built on the ice for people crossing the sea in coaches.

The Little Ice Age is believed to have contributed to the end of the Norse colony in Greenland, which was founded during an interval of much warmer weather.

Abdusamatov and his colleagues at the Russian Academy of Sciences astronomical observatory said the prediction is based on measurement of solar emissions, Novosti reported. They expect the cooling to begin within a few years and to reach its peak between 2055 and 2060.

“The Kyoto initiatives to save the planet from the greenhouse effect should be put off until better times,” he said. “The global temperature maximum has been reached on Earth, and Earth’s global temperature will decline to a climatic minimum even without the Kyoto protocol.”

  1. gquaglia says:

    Better not tell Al Gore that 😉

  2. James Hill says:

    This story before Fall: Smart.

    This story before Summer: Dumb.

    Science works better when it doesn’t enter a press-release-of-the-week contest.

  3. RTaylor says:

    This topic is so politicized it’s almost impossible to find good Science. After all we’re going on ice cores, peat, and tree rings here. A couple of good volcanic burps can produce several years of abnormal cooling.

  4. tkane says:

    This is not recent news, the scientist has been saying this for awhile. Nevertheless, I recall him linking cooling with environmental pollution, saying it exacerbates the normal environmental cycles. So, warming or cooling, we are faced with the same issue – cleaning up the atmosphere.

    Alternate energy sources, or anything to severely slow the flow of money to the oil producing nations will not only help clean up the environment, it will curb the current wave of terrorist activities. Oh, and how much do you want to bet that if the globe does actually start cooling that overall levels of violence, war and hostile criminal activities will start to drop as well? Would like to be around to see it.

  5. bill says:

    The magnetosphere is supposed to be blown away by the sun’s solar wind causing more clowds from cosmic radiation which gets thru the magnetosphere… causing global cooling… really… I heard that somewhere.

  6. moss says:

    There is no shortage of solid science — much more than a simple majority of peer-reviewed articles — backing the analysis of global warming.

    Abdusamatov makes it clear with his last sentence — as do those comments gleefully accepting him with open arms and closed minds — that the essential premise of his analysis is political and economic.

    It will be trundled over to dittohead websites and parroted for a week or two. Climate researchers probably won’t even click on the link.

    BTW — those who premise the Little Ice Age as being caused by solar cycles, uniformly define the cause as diminishing solar activity. We happen to be at the beginning of a period of intensified solar activity. Scratch that bit of cause-and-effect relationship.

    The majority of climatologists no longer accept the Little Ice Age as a global phenomenon. So, there’s another corner you can paint yourselves into, as well.

  7. Jim Dermitt says:

    I wonder if the problem will be too much rain or too little rain. If it gets cold it will be snowing all the time, if it gets hot I guess it will just be raining or not raining enough. We are headed for nuclear winter again or global warming is going to kill us. Nobody knows what is going to do next week on the local news. It was going to rain here all weekend. It’s been dry.

    Al Gore is like the political weatheman. Mostly cloudy for the next 300 years with a chance of showers, temperatures above average with global warming. Your great grandkids are going to burn up in a global fire because you didn’t vote for me. Al is humorous, in a Cold War 2.0 kind of way. Craigs List has Pluto is a planet shirts.

  8. DT says:

    I’ve been sating this. The planet is 4 billion years old. Man has been tracking the weather for 100 years. How can you get a pattern out of that? The pattern might be it gets hot for 10,000 years! This global warming may all be a natural occurance, not created by man.

  9. Miguel says:

    I read something similar before, but a bit different – global warming would trigger the melting of ice in Greenland (the biggest concentration in the northern hemisphere, apparently), which would decrease the degree of salinity of the ocean, therefore creating the conditions for the Gulf Stream to stop. This would create a so called new ‘Little Ice Age’ in Northern Europe, which is the area which benefits the most from the heat carried by the Gulf stream. It’s even been shown in a few documentaries, notably one from the BBC. I found the theory mostly convincing…

  10. Mike Voice says:

    8 Man has been tracking the weather for 100 years.

    We don’t know what the weather was like before 1906?

  11. gquaglia says:

    I’ve been sating this. The planet is 4 billion years old. Man has been tracking the weather for 100 years. How can you get a pattern out of that? The pattern might be it gets hot for 10,000 years! This global warming may all be a natural occurance, not created by man.

    Wow, common sense, instead of sensationism and partisan politics.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 . . . Al Gore is like the political weatheman. Mostly cloudy for the next 300 years with a chance of showers, temperatures above average with global warming. Your great grandkids are going to burn up in a global fire because you didn’t vote for me. . .
    Comment by Jim Dermitt — 8/26/2006 @ 10:06 am

    Despite some bizarre stuff that comes out of your keyboard, I’m gonna hand it to you… That’s pretty funny 🙂

  13. Jim Dermitt says:

    I’m just observing the bizarre stuff and reporting what I see. I can’t help it if it’s bizarre and I don’t care if you marry a career woman. Marry a hooker for all I care.

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    You can tell what the weather was in the past by looking at the thickness of tree rings (thicker means more rain causing more growth), at ice cores at the poles, etc. Combine that with written records from all over the world and you can see the trends, if not pretty good details. Going back before prehistoric times you can see long term trends in rock layers. I’m no expert, but I’m sure there are other ways as well.

  15. James Hill says:

    If you want to trust the meteorlogical records from a time when humans still took shits outside, be my guest.

  16. joshua says:

    #15….James….in many places they still do. Just an observation.

    I found an article by this guy back a few months ago and posted the link in this forum…. I was immediatly flamed by the usual suspects 🙂
    I was attacked for just about everything that a true global warmer can throw at you (which was funny, because I believe we have global warming, just not man made)… including this guys credentials… which happen to be some of the best in the world.

    His statement that his theory is political and economic is right on…… because the subject is political and economic. To many of us, it is more than that, especially to those of the Al Gore school of weather forecasting.
    An open mind is a good thing (I need to try it more) 🙂

  17. ECA says:

    to many dont see the link between HEAt and cold…

    As the temp raises, we get more cloud cover….
    This is like the change to spring time, with all the storms.
    Until it gets TO warm for the lower clouds, its going to get ABIT cold.
    Then the HEAT comes in, forcing the cloud cover to a higher point, also adding LOTS of humidity to the air, as it isnt cool enough to form at lower temps.
    If and when we get a GOOD cloud cover, it would rain to easy, BUT, as the heat raises, MORE water is placed into the air. HIGHER clouds get heavy enough to lower and cause some WONDEROUS storms…
    simular to the Fall season…

  18. nilidsid says:

    Don’t confuse this with Globa dimming.

    Yet they’re all tied together.

    Still, aren’t we all a bit tempted to prefix some word with the word “Global” and become famous scientists. How about “Global Dumming”. I’ll let you all decide for yoursellf what that means.

  19. Mike Drips says:

    Abdusamatov is posturing a theory that has no basis in scientific fact. We’re actually past global warming and rapidly approaching global burning.
    Politics have no bearing on it. The overheating of the atmosphere and its forthcoming global impacts are a reality.


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