1. Mark says:

    Unfortunately, by posting this you just gave them more publicity, which will lead to them making more money off of Revver and ultimately making more videos like this!


  2. Shadowbird says:

    The Mythbusters did this one to death, so it’s time for this to go the way of the Macarena.

    *waits for it to be covered on VH1’s I Love the 2000’s in four years*

  3. Matthew says:

    I enjoyed it.

  4. John Paradox says:

    I watched it with audio off, and suspect it was as entertaining as with audio….

    not very, in either case.


  5. AJAX SUX says:

    Javascript is the number 1 culprit of popup ads, browser hijackers, virus infectors, pop unders, browser crashes, hangs, gaudy annoying banner advertisements, flashing blinking ad-rotators, dumb rollover buttons, forms that don’t work, ONLOAD crap, window resizers, dorky little mouse pointer trails that look like little bouncing balls following your little mousie all around like a junior high school myspace page caliber web programmer, stupid little purple scrollbars, incompatible browsers, exploit hooks, automatic download links that don’t work, etc etc.

    In fact, there is now a world wide movement to get RID OF JAVASCRIPT. Javascript is on its way out. People are already annoyed with it and are boycotting sites and advertisers that use Javascript and they are preferring sites that use normal standard HTML.

    any websites that continute to use Javascript are dumped and nobody visits them and those companies using gratuitous and unnecessary Javascript on their sites are blacklisted. Form buttons, form validators, anything. Any programmer using Javascript = Loser.

  6. GregA says:

    This version is way better and much more entertaining…

  7. MIlos says:

    I think I liked him better as Renetto, but that’s not saying much.

  8. Clément says:

    Pas un peu vieux pour jouer à ça ?


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